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Joey Lomangino - of Garbandal Fame - has passed away

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posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 08:32 AM
Who is Joey Lomangino you might say?
So what, you might say? Read on ....

Joey Lomangino Passed Away
Springers 2005 Mega Garbandal Thread with Info on Garbandal

Most folks who frequent religious discussion forums have heard of Garbandal. It's a place over in Spain that a Marian apparition hoax was pulled off. Starting on June 18, 1961 and running for a few months, four girls in that town claimed to have heavenly visions. They claimed visions of the Arch Angel Michael and of Mary the Mother of Jesus. They engaged in very strange behaviors like running backwards and being too heavy to move and striking grotesque poses. All very satanic. Eventually the girls admitted it was a hoax and the Catholic church itself has EIGHT TIMES declared nothing supernatural happened in Garbandal. (I disagree, I think it was satanic).

Before the girls admitted that this was a hoax, they claimed all sorts of prophecies. Prophecies about priests being found to be incorrupt in the tomb (proven false). End times type prophecies. Prophecies of a 'great warning'. Prophecies of a great miracle. All these things have been discussed in depth here at ATS. One prophecy in particular was that this fella Joey Lomangino, who had no eyes, would be given new eyes before the end times prophecies came to pass. That he'd get his eyesight back and new eyes. Joey Lomangino, poor fella, got suckered in and believed the promise of these four girls. He dedicated his life to spreading the 'Garabandal message' (whatever that is ... mostly fear of end times events and 'prophecies' proven false). Well ... now he's dead. And he didn't get his new eyes. And he spent his last years suffering from dementia as well as his blindness.

I hope this will close the door on Garabandal for the few hangers-on who refuse to admit they got duped. Especially those who have been posting nasty things about others here who were able to see through the falsehood of Garabandal. Yet another Garabandal 'prophecy' has not come to be true. So Garabandal fans ... please keep this latest prophecy failure in mind when you all start pushing the Garabandal hoax. And if you say Joey has 'new eyes in heaven so the prophecy is true' ... I'll seriously barf on the keyboard. Don't go there ....

Side note - The date of Joey Lomangino's passing isn't known to me yet. It was announced at the site on June 18 which is the date the 'seers' lied about the visit from ST. Michael the Arch Angel. It sounds like he died before the date of the announcement.


edit on 6/19/2014 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Thanks for the heads up. This is the first I've heard of this. I"ll have to check out Springer's thread!

Prophecies about priests being found to be incorrupt in the tomb (proven false).

What does "in the tomb" mean? Certainly corruption has been found out!

And if you say Joey has 'new eyes in heaven so the prophecy is true' ... I'll seriously barf on the keyboard. Don't go there ....

LOL! But, but.....

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: windword
What does "in the tomb" mean? Certainly corruption has been found out!

There are people who are 'incorruptables'. They are very holy people who have died, but their bodies do not decompose in the grave. It's considered a huge miracle by the Catholic Church. Part of the process for canonization is that, many times, the church digs up the person being considered for sainthood and changes the grave. The body is observed to see if it's incorrupt .. that's a sign of sanctity ...

So in Garbandal, the girls who pulled the hoax said that a certain priest who died would be found to be incorrupt (in the grave). However, upon checking, he was found to be decomposing like everyone else.

There ARE incorruptables around the world. Saints like St. Bernadette of Lourdes. But the Garabandal priest was not, even though the girls prophecied he would be.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 10:02 AM
Okay ... got the official date of death .... June 18th.
Funeral will be June 21st in New York State

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan


I'm sorry, but the weirdness of the Catholic Church never ceases to amaze me!

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 10:53 AM
WOW ... talk about poor people with cult issues. I'm reading the responses at the official website for Garabandal and Joey Lomangino ... HERE - Mother of God Forum . Instead of them finally realizing that they've all been duped by a hoax, they are making excuses and saying its' a test of faith and they are hanging on even tighter.

I feel bad for these people. There are other things out there that are actually spiritually healthy, but they are locked in on this Garbandal hoax to the point of mindless devotion.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

That's because he already has his new eyes in heaven........I expect pics of your keyboard please

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 11:29 AM

I enjoy very much your posts and threads and know that you are a devout catholic, albeit a critical one, which in my opinion makes the best combination.

What's your take on Medjugorje?

I'm still sitting on the fence on that one.


posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: RadioKnecht
What's your take on Medjugorje?

I went with my husband in the summer of 1991. It was a prayerful experience. I saw many supernatural things and had an infilling of the Holy Spirit (came out of nowhere ... wasn't expecting it). Medjugorje was a fantastic jump off point for a deeper spiritual life. As long as people don't get scrupulous ... thinking they'll go to hell if they don't fast on Wednesday and Friday, that kind of thing. If you are interested in Medjugorje, then great .... but don't stop at Medjugorje, use it as a stepping stone to go deeper (Third Orders, that kind of thing). That way, if the church decides Medjugorje isn't from Heaven, you won't have your faith in God tested. (at this point I do believe Medjugorje is probably from Heaven but we have to wait on the church's decision. I do know it's supernatural. Saw that for myself. So did my husband.)

Garabandal, on the other hand, obviously has very severe credibility issues. And the antics of the children are bizarre and troubling ... mirroring satanic involvement IMHO.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Do you put any real credibility in whether or not the church says it's from heaven or not? You don't or haven't really come across as the type that would really put that much weight in their say. Just curious.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: drivers1492
If the church condemns something, I'll be cautious. They usually state exactly why they say it. It's better to dismiss things then just wildly accept them.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 06:09 PM
Look what I found .... a church condemned apparition not too far from Garbandal. It was a few decades before the Garabandal hoax was pulled off. The false apparitions of EZKIOGA had many of the same 'prophecies' that the hoaxers in Garabandal claimed.

Most striking were the prophecies: the apparitions at Ezkioga predicted chastising calamities for mankind, including a world war and three days in which the earth would be plunged into a horrendous darkness. There would also be a "great miracle" that would be seen at Ezkioga but noted in the entire world.

Some said the "great miracle" would be the Virgin appearing with three angels with a half moon at her feet and an extraordinary light that would cover the local mountain. Walls would materialize and from all four sides the Virgin would be seen. Saint Michael would appear on a white horse. "The miracle will begin at a quarter to five in the afternoon and will end at eleven at night," said one account. "The walls will remain as a sign for what has to be done in this place."

One seer said she knew the date of a chastisement and would be allowed to tell people eight days in advance. "Between the chastisement and the miracle there will be little time," she said. "The Virgin has told me which day the chastisement will be and which day the miracle, and I have declared it in writing to my confessor in sealed letters that he keeps, and on the envelope is indicated the day he may open them." There were also messages about the anti-christ and end of the world.

So that explains a lot of where the Garabandal hoaxers got their information. Either they copied the fake apparition ... or evil spirits that were pulling off the EZKIOGA hoax just moved down the road to Garabandal and continued with the same nonsense.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Gotcha, thanks for satisfying my curiosity.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 05:03 AM
There goes the absolute proof for the believers in that sham that Garabandal was / is a fraud.

I feel sorry for Joey, living his life in hope a lie would come to pass.

Rest in peace old chap, May God have mercy on your soul.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Hmmm, is it just me, or does that fake ezkioga share similarities with Medjugorje too?

- warnings of a punishment
- a great supernatural sign

It's a bit of a worry really.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: markosity1973
Hmmm, is it just me, or does that fake ezkioga share similarities with Medjugorje too?

I see it a bit. I know Medjugorje is supernatural. It's just a matter of the church deciding if it's from Heaven or Hell.

This is why I respect the church when it says 'not supernatural' or it says 'condemned'. It knows what it's doing with these things. And that's why its' dangerous for people ... like certain posters I've seen on ATS ... to go around the Church when it declares something 'not of supernatural origin' (I've seen posters ignore the negative remarks from the Garabandal Bishops). We don't have the whole story. The Church does. And it has 2000 years of practice in this area. IMHO.

edit on 6/20/2014 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 11:01 AM
I have to take back what I said earlier .... the Medjugorje townspeople DID know about Garbandal which happened decades before Medjugorje.

Similarities between Medjugorje and Garabandal

Oh ... and there is this ....

On 19 March 1964, Conchita herself wrote him a letter containing these words:

Dear Joey, today at the pines, in a locution, the Virgin Mary told me to tell you [...] that you will receive your new eyes on the day of the great Miracle.” [Ramón Pérez, Garabandal. Le Village parle, Résiac, Montsûrs, 1977, p. 45]

One interesting thing at the link .... the girls in Garabandal claimed that Mary took off her crown of stars and let the children touch it. One got 'stuck' with a point in one of the stars. The same thing happened in Medjugorje. One of the visionaries claims that a person was hugged by Mary and got 'stuck' with a star .. saying 'ouch'.

And here are the confessions that the Garbandal girls were telling lies and faking ...

...Conchita, who carelessly wrote in her diary in 1963: Sometimes [...] we acted as if we were seeing the Virgin and looked [above] until she arrived, in order to stay together. Then our fathers and people followed us. At the end the Virgin appeared. We never feigned entire ecstasies. [Diario de Conchita, Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Garabandal, New York, 1972, p. 61]

Also in 1961, on July 31, Conchita herself confessed that she had never seen the Madonna and signed a statement in Santander, before a physician, Dr. Pinal, who was appointed by Bishop Doroteo Fernández to question her [cf. R. Pérez, Garabandal. Le village parle, Résiac, 1977, p. 19 and Diario de Conchita, Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Garabandal, 1972, p. 47].

13 September 1962 Mari Cruz also said she had lied [cf. R. Pérez, Garabandal. Le village parle, Résiac, 1977, p. 24

On June 17, 1984 Mari Cruz released an interview with the main Spanish newspaper, El País (Mari Cruz, la testigo que nada vidio, signed by Victor Gijón). We read: "I've never seen the Virgin at the Pines or any celestial being." [...]

Mari Cruz, interviewed a few years later by Gabriel Carrión López, answered: I remember perfectly how Conchita, who always used to organize jokes, invented everything. She did it without bad intentions, but the situation became so complicated that we had to go on. [...] Do you believe that the Virgin Mary would do such stupid things? [...] [Gabriel Carrión López, El lado oscuro de María, Aguaclara, Alicante, 1992, pp. 106-107]

edit on 6/20/2014 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 01:50 AM

originally posted by: drivers1492
a reply to: FlyersFan

That's because he already has his new eyes in heaven........I expect pics of your keyboard please

Exactly!! Way to go drivers1492.

I had a feeling a certain "sister" would be putting up a new Garabandal thread and I was correct. Please, instead...

Have Faith dear people.

* * *

You can read a wonderful piece on Joey, Garabandal, and the many questions regarding the apparitions on

Most notable, at the end of his article is a feedback from one of his readers [Mark C. Lawrence, Hamilton, NJ] stating in short:

"In a book on Garabandal 'She Went in Haste to the Mountain,' towards the end of the book one of the visionaries said that just before the 'the Warning' someone very close to the Garabandal story will die, and many followers faith will be shaken in the apparition of Garabanda; Joey fits this prophecy. I know no one outside of the visionaries closer to the story of Garabandal than Joey! We are now at the doorstep of destiny! Keep the Faith!"

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 02:01 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: RadioKnecht
What's your take on Medjugorje?

I went with my husband in the summer of 1991. It was a prayerful experience. I saw many supernatural things and had an infilling of the Holy Spirit (came out of nowhere ... wasn't expecting it). Medjugorje was a fantastic jump off point for a deeper spiritual life. As long as people don't get scrupulous ... thinking they'll go to hell if they don't fast on Wednesday and Friday, that kind of thing. If you are interested in Medjugorje, then great .... but don't stop at Medjugorje, use it as a stepping stone to go deeper (Third Orders, that kind of thing). That way, if the church decides Medjugorje isn't from Heaven, you won't have your faith in God tested. (at this point I do believe Medjugorje is probably from Heaven but we have to wait on the church's decision. I do know it's supernatural. Saw that for myself. So did my husband.)

Garabandal, on the other hand, obviously has very severe credibility issues. And the antics of the children are bizarre and troubling ... mirroring satanic involvement IMHO.

Garabandal has not been decided yet and neither has Medjugorje. The supernatural events prophesied have not
happened yet at either apparitions. There are many miracles though to prove they are both true.

Don't try to sell Church approved at the same time declare personally Medjugore is true.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 02:12 AM
Here is one of the miracles of Garabandal. The summit of the faith is Our Lord's presence in the Holy Eucharist.

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