posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 08:48 AM
Dont sweat it people.
The war is now past its apex,and will soon be over.
Real-time Global communication for the masses has done its job.
There have always been good people making up 95% of the population,in the past the 5% of sick human minds have been manipulating everyone,but those
days are over and the Piper is looking to be paid.
For the 1st time in recent human history ALL of the good people are LOOKING FOR AND AT the very very small group who has been holding them in
figurative chains.
First the giant feels the pain of the bite,then it looks for the source and then when it has identified it it CRUSHES it.
Anyone who is a part of the problems in todays world would be wise to clean up their act and pick the good side,because the Gig is up and there is
nowhere to hide,there is no safety on the bad side anymore.
All of the graft and deciet was based on the ability of the money mongers to stay hidden and provide support for their minions,they cannot provide
this cover anymore , THEY AND ALL OF THEIR MINIONS are now identified immediatly,not always by their personages either,more often than not simply by
the influense they exert peripherally,people are SMART NOW and have the data they need to defend themselves.
One by one the CIA,NSA,FBI,all of the letter Agencys will see an internal revolution where the good men and women take back their world from the very
very few bad ones,now that the good can identify the bad this is not only possible but very very easy for them to do.
There have always been a few bad apples in every barrel,we just couldnt see them,now that we all have the internet those barrells are TRANSPARENT and
we can easily see and remove the bad apples without losing any of the good ones,in the past we always had to lose so many good ones to get the bads
ones out that we didnt do it.