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Big epiphany here. So, this is how they see us. Good Job MSM!

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posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 12:49 AM
Last week I was browsing this random forum, and there was this thread where some guy posted a pic warning about the dangers of fluoride water is the US.
So... I havent got much into it, never really researched the topic in order to have founded opinion, but I've known about this issue for quite a while from ATS posts, so i dont see it as a crazy nutjob conspiracy theory.

The thing is, it wasnt a serious post, a whole lot of people(including the OP) were making fun of it, as if it was breaking news, and most importantly as a crazy nutjob conspiracy theory... so that's when I realized, I'm the kind of guy who people happen to call a nutjob, I'm part of the "nutjob community"!

Then i realized, what a great place ATS really is, a place where one can openly speak of things, one would normally get mocked about just for bringing them up in a conversation. Browse any thread, and you'll find a plethora of members with an open mind, who do lots of research, visit alternative news sites, and mostly, think out of the box when in comes to politics or any other topic in general.
Now i know, some things posted in this forum may be a little extreme for those who dont confront ignorance, so i can expect some reaction if i talk about chemtrails or creationism, thats why i dont normally jump to that kind of topic whenever I met someone new. But still, I dont think all those things are crazy, you just need to dig in a little deeper than usual to see how feasible these kind of things actually are.
So, have you had such an experience yet, that moment when you realize you are kind of guy people would imagine wearing a tinfoil hat?

PS. Sorry for my grammar,not an english native speaker.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 01:59 AM
Hi! Well I'm not a guy, but yes, I used to work with people who dealt with politicians and manipulated people and events on a regular basis, because to me that's what a conspiracy generally is. Believing in conspiracies was normal for me therefore. The ones who called me a conspiracy theorist were my children, bless their trusting, innocent little souls.
Thanks to Snowden though, our unease with the way things were was somewhat clarified. So to be called a name like that thinking it will somehow make us appear crazy no longer is valid. Don't sweat the small stuff, as they say. Cheers!

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 02:23 AM

originally posted by: payta
Then i realized, what a great place ATS really is, a place where one can openly speak of things, one would normally get mocked about just for bringing them up in a conversation.

People still get mocked here for holding specific opinions and beliefs... :/

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 03:32 AM
I have many tales of personal experiences that I am refraining from communicating. I have a sense that there are many others here who are in the same boat. I have little patience for being called a liar.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 05:22 AM
There are layers to depth of understanding of the world, that is something I've recently realized. ATS is only the first layer beneath the surface. stick around long enough and ask the right questions and you'll see what I mean.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 09:59 AM
don't worry about it. i would rather be a nutjob than a brain dead meat puppet that the MSM molds. plus being a nutjob isn't nearly half as bad as what i would consider them. they get the shorter end of the rope in my opinion. not wanting to think for yourself, or have considerations on subjects just seems extremely ignorant and short minded. in fact i would consider that they suffer from extreme mental retardation, but that would just give everyone that has a handicap a bad name. yes i said it. people who have extreme MR are more intelligent than people who believe the MSM (or the MSM themselves) in my mind.
a reply to: payta

edit on 18-6-2014 by Rekrul because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-6-2014 by Rekrul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: payta

well...yes and no

I know this will be hypocritical and bring about the typical "why are you here" response...I like ATS a lot. There are minds and thinkers here but at the same time there are a good amount of people who will mock you for exposing their falsities. Not to mention this forum is rife with racists, bigots, and homophobic, anti-women members. Sorry but it's true

The forums I DO go to here are wonderful and no it isn't because I post there. Frankly I am clueless. I came here to look at a few conspiracies I prescribe to and found a good amount of friends here

Now with that, yes I think ATS is "better" in some ways than other forums but you can still get crushed here for your opinion

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: Rekrul


The satanic globalist oligarchy has been squashing independent thought, Christian thought, independent sources, freedom, hope, peace, the family, the truth, . . . for many decades.

The globalist oligarchy through their stooges in the MSM have been bought out since about 1915-1917--as they have testified in their own words.

19."We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent." Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, l950


20."The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." Benjamin Disraeli, first Prime Minister of England, in a novel he published in 1844 called Coningsby, the New Generation


22. "In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press....They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. "An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers." U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway, 1917

The above in their own words are from the first link below:


posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: payta

when tackling any conspiracy.. always ask, "who benefits?"
behind any major conspiracy is an elaborate smokescreen..
(911, JFK.. two classic examples)
"official inquiries", senate hearings, etc, these are all sure signs of a cover-up
(one of) the root meanings of the word (conspiracy) is simply to "breathe together"
conspiracies are everywhere, (try researching lightbulbs & eggs)

People still get mocked here for holding specific opinions and beliefs

this happens in all scenes

all knowledge is encoded & guarded by various layers (gate-keepers)
..the harper valley PTA comes to mind
think of parables in mythology..
a dragon is known for being cantankerous & uncooperative, they are known for guarding treasure, they're also known to sleep on their hoard.. (it's all a parable for guarding knowledge)
when taking these perilous quests, lots of various equipment is required.. of the most vital pieces of equipment is your mind
..did you see that movie recently, where the little insignificant guy gets the dope on smaug?

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: payta
So, have you had such an experience yet, that moment when you realize you are kind of guy people would imagine wearing a tinfoil hat?

Yeah ,their behavior and closed mine let me know don't need to waste my time with them.

I have no problem with someone who wear a tinfoil hat.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: candlestick

I agree but I think we should also understand that there is a lot of nasty behavior and close-mindedness in the CT community too

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