+11 more
posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 08:18 PM
It seems to me that some folk around here are under the impression, that in order to have a valid opinion or point on a given topic, it is necessary
to be a resident of the nation in which that topic originates. This is in no greater evidence, than in the political fora available to us here on ATS.
I love this site, and I love this planet, and I try, wherever possible, to love my fellow human beings. In order to do that, I like to learn as much
as possible about people from other places, and other ways of life than my own. It is a weakness of the human race, that we find it difficult to trust
and love those that we do not understand, and therefore, it makes sense that to combat that weakness, we should all strive to understand one another
better. I often find that the things that really matter to people, are the same all over the world, largely speaking. But nuance is important, and I
like to try where possible to gain a nuanced understanding of this ball of rock we cavort around on, and the things that happen on it.
Therefore, I read, and discuss as broadly as possible, and when ever possible, because it feeds my capacity for understanding, which in turn gives me
perspective I would other wise lack, and makes the world just a little bit less of a pain in the arse to live on, and not just for me, but for those I
speak to also.
It is a win win, in my book at least! Therefore, I do get frustrated, when I am lambasted for having an opinion on something that happens in someone
else's nation. If you look at the number of topics we have running here, and ruled all of a sudden, that only people from the nation in which a story
originates may comment upon it, then this place would be pretty much ninety percent Americans yelling at one another through their keyboards, and
everyone else just watching the red white and blue fur fly.
Am I to assume that people would prefer that? Should I just forget trying to exercise my understanding of global political interaction, and my
examination of the startling similarities between the governments of the world, in terms of what they do, and why they do it?
The only reason I ask this, is because I am getting pig sick of people telling me, that my being British, means I cannot comment on things which
happen in the US. When the Japanese government are lying through their teeth to their people about the level of radiation that they are encountering
at Fukushima, should we all shut up about that too, aside from those of us who live there? Should I refrain from commenting on matters pertaining to
Russia and the Ukraine situation also? Should we all just give up on denying ignorance and communicating with one another?
This site has been a haven for me, as it has allowed me to expand my knowledge base on a plethora of interesting subjects, politics included. I value
the interactions I have with my fellow members, when those interactions are open, unguarded, and open minded. But when I run up against a person who
fails to understand that geography is no barrier to understanding and having an opinion, it kills my momentum totally. It is like running into a ton
stack of bricks head first.
Please, can we stop the idiotic assumption that people from outside the US, might not have something to contribute to a discussion on topics
originating there? Can we SHUT THE HELL UP on that nonsense before I burst a blood vessel? Can understanding that some of us are capable of
conceptualising things which are beyond our physical experience, actually become the norm here on this website, or are we all to assume the worst, the
lowest, and the least intellectual capacity of our fellow members?