posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to:
Yeah, we call it a doggie-door.
I was asking because I'm curious what the thinking is behind letting them roam, when you got them as a pet, unless it was to give it a working job
ie. a barn-cat.
For instance I have a dog, but I don't just let it come and go as it pleases to "mark," defacate, urinate and dig up peoples yards and trash
whenever it wants. I have to take responsibility for my animals actions, and health. Parvo for instance comes to mind, natural predators like coyotes,
bobcats or dogs, not to mention people that might leave something poison around like maybe a bottle of anti-freeze -or their cat defacates in someones
yard and their dog eats it, getting worms etc.(gross I know, but let's be real)
I'm asking to inquire from someone who might be able to shed some light on why they think it is a humane thing to let them roam, as I've been
trapping them and giving them over to the humane society whenever I see one roaming in my yard, while my neighbors are trapping them for roaming the
neighborhood because they tend to mark homes, mailboxes, cars, trees EVERYTHING and it smells horrible, while the owner thnks little Fluffy is just
out swinging from the trees having fun.
I seek to understand, because I think it is a very common misconception that they need to roam. Once they are fixed the urge to roam should be
diminished, and people like myself wouldn't have to resort to extremes because of roaming cats.