posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to:
To be sure, the Pope and his church is scared. Caught up in the remains of the mysticism, pomp and ceremony of the entire faith, they have few places
to hide in the growing, modern understanding of the Universe.
The coming religion--no, it is here--will leave the Catholics in the same sad position as the Muslims with their barbaric views and ways. What is to
come, no, it is here already, is a war of ideologies and later the real war between those that refuse to accept the real order of the Universe and the
provincial earthly view of old sacred texts. However, it will be seen in a simpler way: one the one side, to great the arrival of the ETs and work
with them as they work with us, or on the other side, to deny that they are here to help and make every attempt to repel them in a senseless war.
The Church will bend, no, is bending, in the direction that it needs to go. Even at that, it will not survive except in the more primitive regions
when it will still reign. It is not a problem except in the minds of the parishioners and in the minds of the Vatican bankers.
The chief problem in the world today is the nuclear weapons that are and perhaps can be at some future time controlled by the radical Muslins. To put
a point on my argument: Any religion, Christian, Muslin or otherwise that cannot fold the acceptance of the existence and presence of ETs into its
system will be a problem for a stable world, no different than the struggle between political ideologies such as capitalism and communism, etc.