To properly understand the Sumerian History one needs to be able to pin it down in terms of Humanitys overall History as a Species on Earth.This is
where the fun begins.
The Flood referred to in the Sumerian history is NOT a one time occurance on the planet ,it is just one of many Earth Cycles which Humanity has
managed to survive through,this evolution of humanity on Earth which is so precarious leaves behind it a chronological history that must be visualised
like a SLINKY because it is structured as complete circles or Earth Cycles 3600 years long "stacked" on on top of the other,each circle connected to
the one above and the one below by the continuity of the survival of the Human Species.
Conventional wisdom tries to visualise Humanitys history in the format of one long straight linear line,but this is not how it is in reality.
Oil is people an entire Cycle of Humanity AND everything on the surface of the planet mixed together and deposited in specific areas and layers
according to mass or weight.
You may find lots of posts here about the 3600 year long Cycle the Earth goes through which culminates in a Global Displacement of the Earths oceans
over all the landmasses,and the One True Hisory of Humanity hidden within ALL religons doctrines,it is the dislodging and movement of the continents
which drives the landmasses under the water,the water comes over and washes out again back into the basins it came from,the water contained within the
earth in massive resevoirs is brought to the surface during this process and the volume on the surface doubles , there are volcanic eruptions of
massive size and scope all over the planet.
As the Great Wave comes in and goes out,it SCOURS the surface of the Earth, nothing remains that isnt massive and made of stone.
As the water receeds it drops everything it has been carrying in specific areas and patterns all governed by the mass of the objects.
If you dig deep you will find that there are ways to define what specific types of oil found in different areas are made of,some are more plant and
some are more animal and human.
This Cycle is 3694 years old already.
Humanitys current history is really a patchwork of pieces of many many remnants of different individual Humanitarian Histories catalysing from
different Earth Cycles.
Each new Cycle of Humanity or the remnants of the old Humanity begin a new journey of evolution and DISCOVERY, the planet is completely restructured
and there are pockets of technology randomly scattered to be found and figured out,each Cycle figures these things out at a different speed and via a
different route than the others,but Humanitys guiding principals always rise to the top and keep these cycles similar in structure,the only real
defining factor is how well we all work together between Cycles to preserve Humanity as a whole,we have 3600 years to figure out as much as we can
from those before us and each time we get wiped we preserve a bit more advanced knowledge,so in essence we do not get to have a continuation of any
Cycles complete knowledge and structures,but we do get to access their data after the fact and try to figure it out,so really each cycle if we treat
it with respect should be a Global Scavenger Hunt for the Technologies left behind for us by MANY Cycles of Humanity who came before us.
In a well managed Cycle Humanity would not have developed Secret Societys which spawned religons which Spawned Governments which worked together to
SUPPRESS this One True History of Humanity from the masses.We would have worked together seamlessly for the last 3594 years and would likely
re-discovered and mass produced enough technology to have built shelters here and Habitations all over the Solar System trying to preserve as many
Billions of us as we could manage.
The Sumerian History is important but is is not all encompassing and really in any tangible way it carries no more weight than any other Cycles
History,for this is what it is a part of this current Cycles early history,it is one of the earliest renditions of immediate post Wave Humanitys stage
of development and evolution.
The Sumerian History is ONLY a part of this CURRENT EARTH CYCLE. It is not reflective of anything greater except for the data which they passed
forward from earlier Cycles and these things are illustrated as tales by them,because that is how we transport data through these devestating Earth
Cycles,in tidbits and pieces and in stories or histories.
We will soon be writing the equivilant of the Sumerian History ourselves,and we will be trying to accurately reflect the world we all now live in frm
a post-event perspective using methods and resources available to us,this means we use basic raw materials to execute high technology impacts.This is
how we bring forth our greatest knowledge.
It is no coincidence that a Native Indian Sweat Lodge brings the body temp high enough to kill internal causes of illness while the inside environment
provides enough water via steam to allow human survival at those high temps.Someone used a HIGH technology idea and realised its impacts using basic
materials and in doing so presereved the concept and total knowledge.
Just imagine yourself in a post-apocolypse environment trying to preserve everything you could from the vast Humanitarian knowledge base we have
today,you would need to find ways to get complicated technologcal concepts to work using basic raw materials instead of manfactured ones and the
benefits that come with that tailored manufacture.
If you want to understand where the Sumerians are coming from you now know,they are the beginning of a Post Wave Cycle of Humanity,Noahs peers were
the very beginning,they are US,and their timeline is within the 3600 year Earth Cycles parameters tangibly,the knowledge and tales they bring forward
come from the Cycles before them AND their current perspective,but they are us in terms of this current Earth Cycle.
Each Earth Cycle of Humanity will have its individual Global Flood Historys THEY MUST, this is due to our Cyclical Humanitarian Histories which we
carry forward.
All the storys no matter which Cycle they are from be it this one or one twenty thousand years ago will carry the SAME STORY,this is why when
conventional historians try to make sense of Humanitys entire History they cannot do it in a natural sensible way which fits the geological facts.
Remember the structure of our long term Species history looks lke a Slinky,that is how Humanitys MANY Cycles on Earth are cumulatively
represented.The Sumerian History is but a part of one circle on that long stacked Slinky.
If anyone can put up a visual of a stacked slinky being stretched that would help tremendously.
The only thing holding those individual circles comprising Humanitys Slinky together are the bits and pieces of technology and knowledge each Cycle
salvages and figures out during their tenure.
That is how precarious Humanitys continuity is,and this is why at the end of the day it is the PEOPLE who survive that are the single most important
thing,the IDEAS in the minds of the survivors which they can preserves using basic techniques and raw non-manufactured materials.
This is why we must always review and analyse with a 100% serious investigation ALL historical cultures and storys.
Every single History contians valuabe and TANGIBLE technological data represented using basic techniques and using raw minimally manufactured
materials,the IMPACTS we produce using highly manufactured and what we think are highly technological means and methods can ALL be reproduced using
inventive and resourcefull means and methods from a much more primitive beginning,IF you have and understand the KNOWLEDGE AND CONCEPTS.
The Sumerian History is oe of my favorites,especially when you can keep it in its proper context on Humanitys current Earth Cycle
Timeline,understanding where they started from is important to the process.
edit on 14-6-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)