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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Scandal of Medical Ignorance

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posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: earthblaze

Thank you for that. I try to pace myself. If I have a job that takes precedent, I watch it, but honestly, I get bored and irritable if I stay down too long.
To be honest, there's a part of my brain that tells me that I brought on the condition by living as I do. I'm not a drunkard, nor a druggie, but I do like to live.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 10:56 PM
Anyone still on this thread?

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 11:12 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Try taking a multimineral pill. make sure it contains at least a hundred percent of the RDA of molybdenem, and Selenium. It should contain about fifty percent of the RDA of copper, zinc, and iodine also. Don't like pills, just eat some real oatmeal once a week and cream of wheat once a week.

Eat a little more sulfur foods too, the amount can be higher if the molybdenum is higher. enzymes reliant on molybdenum help to process the sulfur foods. Eggs and onions are a good source.

Make sure you are getting adequate that I mean sea salt, which has a higher percentage of Chloride compared to table salt. Try making homemade chicken soup about once every two weeks, it needs onions, cabbage, and a few drops of tabasco, this will help to supply NAC which helps to protect the cells and the body can break down NAC to produce taurine. Taurine and NAC can also be acquired from rare meats and supplements if you can't make a homemade soup. But supplements aren't as good as food and you have to eat anyway so there is no real added cost. A big pot of chicken soup costs about ten bucks and will feed four or five people.

Now the molybdenum can help with depression if copper levels are too high. Copper is necessary in our bodies but excessive levels are no good. If copper gets too low, you start to notice that bread bothers you a little.

If you take a multivitamin/multimineral pill make sure it contains molybdenum, it it doesn't it can cause a problem with oxygen utilization in the body because the other things being boosted can cause a shortage of molybdenum.

These are just suggestions, don't overdo any minerals or vitamins because they can cause imbalances to form. Boosting niacin can cause a depletion of some minerals and B12. You can take a megapill of niacin or B12 to jumpstart your system if you are locked out but then return back to normal.

Mega niacin can cause some problem if foods containing lucine, isolucine, and valine are not consumed at the same time, so eat some pork and beans or corn with it. BBQ chicken goes good with corn on the cob. Use corn chips if eating hot Salsa. Hot salsa is just like mega niacine pills, it makes your forehead hot and sometimes it sweats.

Now I got off topic again, the first paragraphs are what I would suggest to try. The multimineral pill I take gets me up and moving.

Sulfur is destroyed by heat as are amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids and other things

Borax is very good for CFD
and if this is related to mycoplasma try sprouting some opium seeds ( ) my friend cured himself of mycoplasma using a different form of opium.

well worth investigating schuessler cell salts your body has 12 different salts in there cells these are a cheap and effective remedy to getting the basis of your body working.

also research sulphur coarse crystal flakes no additives or anti caking agents (watercress is the highest sulphur containing food) Borax 30-60mg a day (this is completely safe as long as you are over 9 months old) combine with magnesium 400-600 mg a day (nuts are very high in magnesium and other goodies), Iodine 7% solution this is normally only obtained with a doctors cert or you can look on youtube and make yourself as your doctor probably won't give you it as the fda have banned it sort of by reducing the percentage in formulas like lugols.

potassium is also essential so apple cider vinegar or to go one stage further look into potassium hydrochloride this is essential to absorbing nutrients.

I would imagine fluoride is associated to this so distilled water with some hydrogen peroxide 35% 7 drops in one gallon

once you have got the basis of your body working correctly do some fasting a 10 day fast will remove a huge amount of the toxins in your system start with an enema of pure water even combine with some coffee as this helps the liver

I would do a lot of research on the fasting as when you get it right it helps the body cure itself.
edit on 22-10-2014 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: earthblaze

originally posted by: undo
for the nerve damage, i take methyl B-12 and alpha lipoic acid. note that it has to be METHYL B-12. not normal B-12.

Another member who seems to be an expert on nutrition recommended Sublingual methycobalamin. I have ordered some to try.

you have to take B6 and B9 in order for B12 to function correctly this talks about B6 and B12 good foods are Bananas and there skins (wash thoroughly) Brown rice is a good source of B vitamins

sulphur is also important as is hydrogen peroxide for the brain chemicals.

and it looks like fluoride is the cause of anxiety and panic attacks well at least according to these studies that I posted on another anxiety thread yesterday.
I think I got the first research from here although not sure
Fluoride also inhibits the production of melatonin and serotonin, both vital to our health. Similarly, fluoride has health consequences for diabetics by inhibiting the production of insulin. Of grave concern is the finding reported in the British journal, The Lancet, that fluoride inhibits or destroys acetylcholinesterase.
And then there's this from here that links it all together
Acetylcholine (ACh) is a neurotransmitter of the central nervous system. [...] Over the years studies have shown that when the body feels stress (for example when a child jumps in front of your car) the level of ACh in the synapses rises. In order for the body to return to normal levels of ACh a special enzyme called Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) which breaks down the ACh, springs into action.

edit on 22-10-2014 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 12:02 AM
A Dutch doctor called Michael Van Elzakker thinks that ME is caused by an infection of the Vagus nerve. I came across this article because i am also a sufferer and my Vagus nerve has been causing me no end of hassle lately. But hey, keep smiling and be positive.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: jinni73

Sulfur isn't destroyed by heat, but the special bonds that form the necessary chemicals and amino acids are destroyed by heat. Special ways of preparing food can retain the fragile disulfide bonds and retain the nutrient values of the foods. I've been studying how to do this. A little onion and hot pepper in a soup keeps some of the special nutrients in the soup.

Many people cannot eat a lot of sulfur foods. Their body doesn't excrete them well and some wind up with sulfite problems because of a reduction in the MOCO enzymes. It is a reduction, if you didn't make these enzymes, you would have died as a baby. Sulfur is a potent medicine, helping us fight infections every day. But if you can not properly metabolize some of the compounds with enzymes, then you get problems. Moderation of sulfur foods is important, with every person having their special needed amounts. The type of sulfur compound is important to for the type of action that is needed in the body, every food has different properties. Too much chonderite and overconsumption of certain sulfur foods can cause COPD if a person doesn't have an enzyme that breaks down the chonderite. Taking glucosamine/chonderite by some people is not good. These people should not eat soup made with cartilaginous soup bones too much either as these contain the two chemicals. They are good for building joints and bones but not so good if overconsumed as they react to the elastin binding protein. When that happens, the elastins in the lungs and heart are destroyed if there isn't enough enzyme. The molybdopterins help to detox excess sulfites and sulfides and actually assist the body with many things. Sulfa drugs can destroy the molybdopterins, it is not their intended target but they can be effected as it destroys pterins of all kind, not just the ones that cause overreaction to a disease. By destroying the molybdopterins, they raise sulfite levels which can destroy the bacteria and fungus in the body. Sulfides and sulfites help protect us but if too much is present, we have other problems. Hence, the sulfa allergy is related to a sulfite allergy. The doctors say it isn't so, but they are connected indirectly. I don't think most doctors even know this, they just parrot what they are told by Pharma.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: rickymouse
I am led to believe that sulphur is a food not a medicine
OK yeah I did know about the bonds being destroyed this is why I tell people to get the organic sulphur coarse crystal flakes and let your body make the necessary chemicals themselves rather than putting denatured chemicals into there bodies.
marinating meat is essential in protecting the chemicals in it, there is one group of people that live to around the 120 year mark that only marinate there meat it protects it and makes the meat last longer

I know NAC is linked to COPD, NAC can form a red blood cell-derived molecule called nitrosothiol that fools your body into thinking there’s an oxygen shortage, which can lead to pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).
Some people cannot process the Sulphur when the bonds break due to a PST problem, so if we go back to the root of the problem which is a lack of Sulphur (and Boron) due to the chemical fertilisers they use (there is now a 95% reduction in sulphur and boron/boric acid in our food due to chemical fertiliser use) people will notice a difference in there health

Once you have got the right building blocks then surely health will be so much easier to maintain and it looks like they have targeted sulphur and boron as well as iodine as we can see this due to the increase in disease when they have eliminated these substances from our regular food.
This study is about sulphur and autism but it talks about phenols which are a major problem in our society and the cause of a lot of allergies and who knows what else just because its about autism doesn't mean its not connected to other disease.

edit on 23-10-2014 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: jinni73

In the last link you supplied, a few paragraphs down, it talks about molybdenum to properly utilize sulfur compounds in the body. It is one of about four steps. The molybdenum is shared by about four enzymes in the body and if any of these hog the molybdenum, there isn't enough.

I have temperal lobe epilepsy, I am very intolerant of all the meds they tried. I use sulfur foods to treat my epilepsy, but I have to take a molybdenum supplement or I get problems. If I were to lower sulfur foods, I wouldn't need to do this. The combination of the extra sulfur and the added molebdenum helped to clear my thinking. I'm pretty sure it is because it helps me detox the chemicals in food. I've learned this from trial and error, and I have made my share of errors.

Because of a few problems with gene mutations, I am not supposed to eat stuff like broccoli and califlower. The list of foods not to eat includes most sulfur foods. Most sulfur meds are not tolerated. But I needed to treat my epilepsy so learned many ways to dope the mind a tad bit or more. Not surprisedly, the governments health people tote these doping foods as healthy and call the ones that make us think better and faster bad for us. Oh well, I guess all governments do that. So I found the best way to utilize this to bring up my thinking, but I can't work much if I do this, it still is a problem when I bring up my energy level of the body. My seizures are not grand mal and I never fall. I haven't had a seizure in five years, I learned how to control it with certain foods and avoidance of certain situations.

I eat more sulfur foods than anyone I know now, but without the molybdenum supplement I would be in bad shape. The sulfites and sulfides would tear my body apart. Now, these problems with sulfur only effect, for a variety of different genetic and metabolic reasons, about half the population of the country. There are about three different ways to address the sulfur food intolerance based on what the causes of the problem are. I should actually do a thread on this, but I hate starting threads. If I wanted to write threads I would write in my account at "organized wisdom". But those aren't really my kind of people.

edit on 23-10-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: jinni73

In the last link you supplied, a few paragraphs down, it talks about molybdenum to properly utilize sulfur compounds in the body. It is one of about four steps. The molybdenum is shared by about four enzymes in the body and if any of these hog the molybdenum, there isn't enough.

I have temperal lobe epilepsy, I am very intolerant of all the meds they tried. I use sulfur foods to treat my epilepsy, but I have to take a molybdenum supplement or I get problems. If I were to lower sulfur foods, I wouldn't need to do this. The combination of the extra sulfur and the added molebdenum helped to clear my thinking. I'm pretty sure it is because it helps me detox the chemicals in food. I've learned this from trial and error, and I have made my share of errors.

Because of a few problems with gene mutations, I am not supposed to eat stuff like broccoli and califlower. The list of foods not to eat includes most sulfur foods. Most sulfur meds are not tolerated. But I needed to treat my epilepsy so learned many ways to dope the mind a tad bit or more. Not surprisedly, the governments health people tote these doping foods as healthy and call the ones that make us think better and faster bad for us. Oh well, I guess all governments do that. So I found the best way to utilize this to bring up my thinking, but I can't work much if I do this, it still is a problem when I bring up my energy level of the body. My seizures are not grand mal and I never fall. I haven't had a seizure in five years, I learned how to control it with certain foods and avoidance of certain situations.

I eat more sulfur foods than anyone I know now, but without the molybdenum supplement I would be in bad shape. The sulfites and sulfides would tear my body apart. Now, these problems with sulfur only effect, for a variety of different genetic and metabolic reasons, about half the population of the country. There are about three different ways to address the sulfur food intolerance based on what the causes of the problem are. I should actually do a thread on this, but I hate starting threads. If I wanted to write threads I would write in my account at "organized wisdom". But those aren't really my kind of people.

just a thought, have you looked into fasting? this is one study although I know you have other issues
edit on 23-10-2014 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: jinni73

When you have a few of the porphyrias it is not advised to fast. I have gone three days without eating before when I was young though with no problem other than altered perception that went away once I ate.

My father fasted for three days once a year and he didn't have problems, but my mother couldn't go without eating, she got very crabby. My wife has the same problem. I can metabolize fats well though, better than sugars.

When I did that gene app to check my DNA, I didn't learn much more than I already knew. It just verified a lot of things. The thing is, the genes mutation causes other partially mutations to make up for things. There are about five in a row I traced and it balances out about three quarters of the problem. I'm trying to figure a way of returning my body back to the way it was twenty five years ago without creating a rash of other effects. This means I really have to study genetics. I have got some of the chemistry of food pretty well figured out, I still need to learn a lot more though. I need to find a good site to learn advanced genetics for dummies.
It sure would make it a lot easier than researching exactly what every gene does. It seems there should be a master chart I can use to track alternate paths.

What they call genetic diseases are not really diseases, they are mutations that once were needed by our ancestors to survive in their environment. Now we do not necessarily need the gene, but we are stuck with it. The problem with most of these rare mutations is that food chemistry interferes with proper metabolism, especially the food additives that the body can't properly clear. Just because a person cannot take a medicine or eat foods laced with unnatural food chemistry or food that he/she has not evolved properly yet to be able to properly metabolize, doesn't mean they are diseased or defective. If anyone is defective it is the corporations making these unnatural chemicals and pushing them off as safe for everyone just because you show no symptoms within twenty four hours.

I hate when a bunch of people profiting off of us say we are defective if we cannot tolerate the poison they are calling safe.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 12:37 PM
Haven't been through the whole thread so maybe MSG has been mentioned, but I also went for years with occasional fybromyalgia-like symptoms, and other effects such as blurry eye sight, high BP, wheezy asthma, to name a few, but after a real bad, extremely painfull episode I finally figured out it was MSG. Since quitting it totally, tough to do unless you prepare all your own food, all my ailments have cleared up, no more random extreme pain episodes, BP normal, astham gone, lots of other improvements, feeling 10 years younger overall. Just a suggestion that MSG be considered as a ROOT cause of many, many ailments that are tough to find the cause of. MSG messes up the whole of the bodies neural communications system, and the body can not function correctly with excess MSG randomly firing off nerve impulses.

Excitotoxins & Food in Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: jinni73

When you have a few of the porphyrias it is not advised to fast. I have gone three days without eating before when I was young though with no problem other than altered perception that went away once I ate.

My father fasted for three days once a year and he didn't have problems, but my mother couldn't go without eating, she got very crabby. My wife has the same problem. I can metabolize fats well though, better than sugars.

I hate when a bunch of people profiting off of us say we are defective if we cannot tolerate the poison they are calling safe.

LOL I'm such a cynical bastard if they are telling you it doesn't help (fasting well anything if you think about) then I bet it does.
Our bodies according to several sources that I have come across say the human body is designed to fast, how many stories do you read about not doing this and not doing that and then some university kid comes along and proves the complete opposite.

I'd definitely aim for a 10 day fast I think getting the absorption right so the potassium hydrochloride is a first
I'd build up my 12 cell salts, drink the right water distilled with an electrolyte get the sulphur borax and iodine as these are so good at detoxing the metals and other halogens out of us
I've not really looked into DHEA but its our master hormone and it starts decreasing between the age of 20-27.

Before I fasted id do my grounding/earthing which balances the electricity of the planet with your body and takes up electrons out of the ground, and a sun bath between 6-7 in the morning and get my breathing right 4 seconds in through nose one second pause and 4 seconds out mouth
this last stuff might sound crazy but it all plays a part and I think it would help everyone who has lost touch by living in the city
I noticed you liked your pharma products Ricky trust me they do not have your interests at heart LOL try and get rid of as many as possible and replace with food I know its hard but all your doing is putting more stress on your liver (assuming your taking them orally).

cut out soy products

A couple of guides on genetics the first one is pretty good

come across this the other day might be helpful its about synergy

and haven't had a chance to look through this yet

edit on 24-10-2014 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: jinni73

When you are dealing with a genetic problem where you have a fifty percent reduced rate of making blood cells, then things don't follow the same order as with people who can make the blood. I have been investigating the information I have found on the sites dealing with AIP and have done a lot of testing on myself to see if it is correct. I have learned ways to alter things so I can correct problems, but the information they are saying is pretty correct from my testing. Also, Wilsons disease can reduce the blood making process a little.

I have always had hypovolemia, but it only is a problem if I donate blood, give too many samples for tests, or loose a pint from an injury. All that happens is I sleep for a day and a half or two. I haven't a clue why, but when I wake up I feel fine again. It does get the wife a little concerned, she almost called the ambulance the second time, she didn't even realize I never got up when she was at work both days. but got concerned because she could not wake me up the second day after work. She was calling the hospital when I walked down the steps. I lost two days the last time I donated blood. I had some explaining to do to the people who's house I was working on.

My conditions are just an inconvenience, I have a resting heartrate of between one ten and one twenty usually. That is normal for me. It is also normal for my heart rate to go up to two hundred when I am briskly walking. Not a problem at all for me. The attacks once in a while suck though, they are set off by stress. So I learned not to let anything bother me, I learned to depersonalize my self.

Doctors keep thinking I have a problem. The only problem I have is the doctors trying to fix things I have learned to live with. I need them to patch me up when I get hurt, not to stress me out.

edit on 24-10-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: earthblaze
Here is my advice to you. First I would start with acupressure, using the points for both chronic fatigue syndrome and other conditions such as colds. If you receive good results I would immediately make an appointment with acupuncturist. Also, if you don't get good results, still consider an acupuncturist. Also, ask the acupuncturist or your general physician to check your liver, by palpitation. An acupuncturist can return it to good health.
Good books on acupressure can be found at both public library, book stores and websites.

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: jinni73

originally posted by: rickymouse
Try taking a multimineral pill. make sure it contains at least a hundred percent of the RDA of molybdenem, and Selenium. It should contain about fifty percent of the RDA of copper, zinc, and iodine also. Don't like pills, just eat some real oatmeal once a week and cream of wheat once a week.

Eat a little more sulfur foods too, the amount can be higher if the molybdenum is higher. enzymes reliant on molybdenum help to process the sulfur foods. Eggs and onions are a good source.

Make sure you are getting adequate that I mean sea salt, which has a higher percentage of Chloride compared to table salt. Try making homemade chicken soup about once every two weeks, it needs onions, cabbage, and a few drops of tabasco, this will help to supply NAC which helps to protect the cells and the body can break down NAC to produce taurine. Taurine and NAC can also be acquired from rare meats and supplements if you can't make a homemade soup. But supplements aren't as good as food and you have to eat anyway so there is no real added cost. A big pot of chicken soup costs about ten bucks and will feed four or five people.

Now the molybdenum can help with depression if copper levels are too high. Copper is necessary in our bodies but excessive levels are no good. If copper gets too low, you start to notice that bread bothers you a little.

If you take a multivitamin/multimineral pill make sure it contains molybdenum, it it doesn't it can cause a problem with oxygen utilization in the body because the other things being boosted can cause a shortage of molybdenum.

These are just suggestions, don't overdo any minerals or vitamins because they can cause imbalances to form. Boosting niacin can cause a depletion of some minerals and B12. You can take a megapill of niacin or B12 to jumpstart your system if you are locked out but then return back to normal.

Mega niacin can cause some problem if foods containing lucine, isolucine, and valine are not consumed at the same time, so eat some pork and beans or corn with it. BBQ chicken goes good with corn on the cob. Use corn chips if eating hot Salsa. Hot salsa is just like mega niacine pills, it makes your forehead hot and sometimes it sweats.

Now I got off topic again, the first paragraphs are what I would suggest to try. The multimineral pill I take gets me up and moving.

Sulfur is destroyed by heat as are amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids and other things

Borax is very good for CFD
and if this is related to mycoplasma try sprouting some opium seeds ( ) my friend cured himself of mycoplasma using a different form of opium.

well worth investigating schuessler cell salts your body has 12 different salts in there cells these are a cheap and effective remedy to getting the basis of your body working.

also research sulphur coarse crystal flakes no additives or anti caking agents (watercress is the highest sulphur containing food) Borax 30-60mg a day (this is completely safe as long as you are over 9 months old) combine with magnesium 400-600 mg a day (nuts are very high in magnesium and other goodies), Iodine 7% solution this is normally only obtained with a doctors cert or you can look on youtube and make yourself as your doctor probably won't give you it as the fda have banned it sort of by reducing the percentage in formulas like lugols.

potassium is also essential so apple cider vinegar or to go one stage further look into potassium hydrochloride this is essential to absorbing nutrients.

I would imagine fluoride is associated to this so distilled water with some hydrogen peroxide 35% 7 drops in one gallon

once you have got the basis of your body working correctly do some fasting a 10 day fast will remove a huge amount of the toxins in your system start with an enema of pure water even combine with some coffee as this helps the liver

I would do a lot of research on the fasting as when you get it right it helps the body cure itself.

Hi jinni

Could tell us a bit more about why borax is good for cfs and how poppy seeds are good for mycoplasma. Thank you

posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: knackers323
A friend of mine had mycoplasma for 10 years and after he got the doctors to accept that there was this disease called mycoplasma and they had failed to help him he went back on the H, this cleared it up, so as I'm not going to suggest something as drastic as that my thinking would be to try some opium seeds which should be sprouted as they are very powerful at this stage of there life and see how this helps.

I've read a few testimonials reporting borax has cured people of CFS, borax neutralises almost all poisons in the body including uranium,
we are all deficient in borax/boron, sulphur and iodine and for your body to work correctly these things must be brought up to there correct levels borax balances your hormones as well as protecting your cell membranes the cell membrane has to be working right for your cells to be able to eliminate waste.

Boron enhances Vitamin D which helps the uptake of intestinal absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate and zinc and they are now trying to tell us CFS is related to food malabsorption although fluoride looks to be more of a culprit
For more than fifty years the words "chronic fatigue" have been synonymous with the first stage of a condition known as systemic fluorosis, or chronic fluoride poisoning. In fact, so well known is that particular association that motion picture director Stanley Kubrick would use it in his dark satire, Dr. Strangelove, to describe the moment his character, Gen. Jack Ripper, came to develop his fruity theories on the dangers of fluoridation.
By contrast, only a handful of the world's leading experts on fluoride toxicity have long been aware that the symptoms of the emerging condition known as "fibromyalgia" exactly match those of the most severe form of fluoride poisoning. This little known fact was quietly highlighted by the intense focus on potential Sarin gas exposure for the nearly 200,000 veterans of the first Gulf War who have quietly become the largest single group to ever develop fibromyalgia. Despite the lack of evidence of mass exposure, it remained telling that the top authorities on a nerve gas known to derive all of its toxicity from fluoride

Also osteoporosis is one of the symptoms of CFS which exactly replicates fluoride poisoning and boron is well known to help with the curing of all types of arthritis as fluoride attacks the bones due to its affinity with calcium. where as boron has an affinity with fluoride
Borax also has a high PH 9.3 so this is great for alkalising your body which can only help fight disease.
edit on 26-10-2014 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

If it's mitochondria, try taking highly bioavailable Coq10

I personally believe herpesviruses and the family are prevalent and underdiagnosed as a problem in a number of conditions.

Lysine and antivirals.

edit on 30-10-2014 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-10-2014 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: jinni73

Hi jinni

Are you sure it was the opium that got rid of the mycoplasma? By what mechanism would this work?

I have also read on the earthclinic site that someone recommends borax, hydrogen peroxide and a few other things and claim that it cures mycoplasma. Anyone tried this?

Did your friend have cfs? Was he fully cured after the opium? Thanks

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: knackers323

My friend had mycoplasma and he took Heroin to get rid of it,
he was previously addicted to it and came off it years before he contracted mycoplasma, but the doctors were refusing to believe any such disease existed, he had to obtain copies of his files and lots of information was covered up on his files blanked out names of people and conditions they really mucked him about and after 10 years of suffering from lesions and welts he got tired of it all, He claims he also met a freemason one day who told him that he had been involved with making mycoplasma (no idea if this is true or not) after all the battling with the doctors he got tired and thought he may as well go back on the drugs He says it cured him.

This is the only story I have been told of the mycoplasma and just thought it would be worthwhile passing it on, a bag of opium seeds is not a lot of money and sprouting some and consuming if you have mycoplasma has got to be worth a shot.

and if the symptoms for CFS are the same as fluoride poisoning then borax should work as it has an affinity with fluoride and any other positively charged particle.

Boron should be one of the first things on anybody's list if they are ill as well as Iodine and Sulphur

edit on 4-11-2014 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: jinni73

Hi Jinni
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