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Lift The Embargo

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posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 06:33 PM
52 years and ten U.S. presidents later, our embargo on Cuba is still being enforced, but Jesse Ventura would like to see that changed...and fast! In this #OffTheGrid clip, Jesse Ventura offers his plan if he were ever to be elected President of the United States: Surrender control of Guantanamo Bay back to its rightful owners, the Cuban people. As the Governor puts it, "This is probably why I can't be elected president." What do you think we should do with Guantanamo?

In today's #OffTheGrid episode, the Governor recounts his trip to Cuba, his meeting with Fidel Castro, and provides his firsthand insight on how improving trade relations with our neighbor to the south would be a win-win for both of our countries. Should we lift the Cuban embargo?

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 06:36 PM
Pretty controversial subject. Why would anyone want to 'go there?'

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 06:41 PM
I heard that GITMO is a pretty good place to start practicing yoga... do the cubans know anything about yoga?

No. So... just keep GITMO to yourselves and keep teaching yoga to those people there.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 06:54 PM
Why were we able to see the background through his shirt?

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 07:34 PM
I never could figure out the whole embargo thing against Cuba. We give a bunch of useless countries whatever they want but treat our nearest neighbor like crap. All I can figure is somebody lost a woman to a Cuban that's the only thing that makes sense. Can't be any deeper than that

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 07:49 PM
The only reason to keep the embargo on Cuba is to keep making Castros economic policies fail. If Cuba were free to trade with the entire world, they would probably lead a world-wide economic revolution.
edit on 6/11/2014 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 07:50 PM
You'd think that after all this time, things would have changed in Cuba but I think so long as there's a dictator in charge, we won't get anywhere. Cuba has always been with the other team - USSR in the past and now Venezuela.

It must be a great vacation spot though. Europeans like to go there.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: Snarl
Pretty controversial subject. Why would anyone want to 'go there?'

Try Google with this phrase, ' America's playground of the rich'.... well it used to be, didn't it?
That Cuba has still sanctions against it, is pure, 'big Karma' childishness.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 08:25 PM
Obama's promises to shut down Gitmo appears to have helped get him elected, the crowds respond well. As for the practicalities in following through, it has not been easy.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: Kali74

I think you are on to something. I though Obama would have addressed this.

It makes the US look childish to the rest of the world.

Cuba is a lovely place and despite the embargo Americans still visit, however most Americans are unaware it is a tourist destination for the rest of the world.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: smurfy

Hey Smurfy,

Cuba's a funny place. Not worth the trip IMO, but that's not what my previous comment 'alluded' to.

Cuba's interests are frequently in direct contention with The USA's. Why a public figure would 'go there' leaves me scratching my head. The problem is solved at this point, everybody's happy enough, so what's the point of stirring up controversy?

Do I like the fact that we're holding people hostage down there? Not at all. But one must never forget how bad tensions became during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the world has not yet seen any capitulation on the part of the primary role players. I don't know about you, but I could do without another Cold War, and Cuba (at this date) could be used for a cornerstone in building a new one.

I'd really like to know what OTG thinks of my opinion.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: Snarl
a reply to: smurfy

Hey Smurfy,

Cuba's a funny place. Not worth the trip IMO, but that's not what my previous comment 'alluded' to.

Cuba's interests are frequently in direct contention with The USA's. Why a public figure would 'go there' leaves me scratching my head. The problem is solved at this point, everybody's happy enough, so what's the point of stirring up controversy?

Cuba is a beautiful place, there is a reason why Havana is still a world class tourist destination.

You have it wrong on so many levels I do not even know where to begin.

As a Florida resident and someone who has been less than 90 miles away from Cuba, I can tell you I speak for the overwhelming majority of Floridians on this. We are not happy with the Cuba embargo!!!

The only controversy is why the US continues the Cuba embargo. It is an issue that needs to be addressed.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: Antipathy17
Why were we able to see the background through his shirt?

New cloaking tech.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: jrod

He was going to, I seem to remember him talking about re-thinking the embargo, but 2008 was a far different Obama.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: jrod

I've visited Cuba on numerous occasions. I'm a Floridian myself. Would you please tell me where you find my opinion "wrong on so many levels" ... because I haven't expressed much of an opinion to be judged by.

As for the embargo, maybe there's some truth to be found here:

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Snarl

Gitmo does not count....

Where in Cuba have you visited?

Havana is a popular tourist destination, there is a reason for that. The embargo is stupid, I think the vast majority of Floridians agree like 80%+ that something needs to be done about it. Pretending everything is okay as is, as you insinuated is not a reasonable solution.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: jrod

It's been a great many years. The name of the place ended in Coco and it was situated along the northern coast. My next door neighbors owned it and (to me) nobody from the States or Cuba seemed to care if they sailed down there on occasion or not.

Went to Havana once. It was almost like any other foreign port of call I've experienced ... maybe easier to get by in English and limited Spanish than most places.

Trips to Gitmo: lots of locals with access. Nobody seemed to hate their jobs or their employers. US staff even live 'on the economy' there, and they had hardly anything negative to say about it.

As for 'most Floridians' ... it's a big state. Grew up there. If I had to hazard a guess about 'most people's opinion' ... I'd say they haven't even got one. Which leads me back to: What's the problem?

At this point, I can see we're not going to agree. That's fine. But, please don't say I'm in disagreement with you, because I'm not.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: Snarl

Why do we need to have an embargo against Cuba?

Who if anyone has something to gain with the embargo in place?

There is no reason for the embargo to remain in place, the people of Florida and Cuba deserve better.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: jrod

Maybe one of our Senators (Rubio) can Explain. I don't think I'd call him Cuban-American, but that might be fair. He seems to have a handle on the issues and I bet his offices would give you all the reasons if you asked.

My uncle was a Cuban immigrant. Again, it was decades ago, but he left me with the lasting impression that Cuba was a bad place on-the-whole, based on their prevailing ideologies. I haven't been overly exposed (let alone lived it) and reserve judgment.

My only question is why OTG (Vetura specifically) thinks this is an issue for the boards.


posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: OFFTHEGRID

Brilliant........NOT. I am sorry but being buddies with a man who has huge human rights issues is not what we need in a president.

Maybe we should start looking at ways to bring back the standard of living in the US. Anyone who makes under 15 dollars an hour is screwed. This is a real issue not being buddies with Cuba. The American people want a leader who actually cares about the economy. Life is not getting easier for most people and if change does not come poverty will be widespread.

I will say it again anyone making under 15 dollars an hour is screwed in the next 2 years because of inflation.

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