posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to:
My dear FF... this day has also started out like crap for me. I say you and I get together for some tea and this nice vanilla brioche I have left over
from last night. Il bring the ammonium nitrate.. you grab the nitro-methane. Well I mean unless you have a pool.. then we can go all Mother of Satan
this fine day. ( Am I on a list now cause I know this stuff?? )
You know, Ive tried really, really hard to be all love and light, but in reality... there really IS a portion of our populace that really needs to
become ashes for my compost pile... and Im the woman to help them on to their destiny and true and only purpose in life. Farging O2 stealers...
And this sentiment is before 10 AM. Oughtto be a marvelous day. Ive discovered that working with people through email is a way to lose your mind. Face
to face... idiots might consider youll smack the hell out of them. In email they know theyre safe from a good ol ass whoopin. I vow to ONLY do
business face to face from now on ( and lose a lot of money, but save my mind and freedom. )
And that goes for all who didnt find the humor in my previous post. Hope your hard drive crashes and you get explosive diarrhea.