posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 04:39 AM
G’day ATS’ers,
I’m a newbie, don’t post yet. Like reading interesting stuff and commenting occasionally. Might be a lurker aye!
Anyways I’m an Aussie through and through, true blue, fair dinkum and my currency is ‘AustWal’. For those that know me I don’t ‘beat around
the bush’. Love funny stories. I’m old, worked since 14 old. Shacked up now, retired with missus and kids. Result of working I guess. Happy,
peaceful and ‘enjoying the dream’ on my dig. Not ‘flash’ by any means. Sure, I have some stories, and some unbelievable which I always kept
to myself. Until recently – last Saturday evening 8.47pm Eastern Standard Time, Aus.
DISCLAIMER – There is no way this post reflects on ATS or any users. It’s a rant regarding a random event. The actual timing of the event below
just happened while I was on ATS. Not serious by any means but needs some ‘airing of the linen’.
BACKGROUND – I have just recently opened myself up after reading posts about the ATS family. Generally I’ve kept quiet and to myself apart from
some comments, I am shy of putting in a thread as you may read, my UFO thread was a dismal failure. Anyways I’m on ATS ‘chat’ last week
relating to some experiences I’ve had after being asked to open up about. So I did. Some weird, unbelievable stuff to be sure. But I’ve worked
in some strange places (with family) and hence my retirement. There is no reflection on those participating in the chat forum. So read the meaning
of the following word but in the ‘Aussie’ vernacular.
“A Dingo” – means a coward. Back stabber. Thief. Stalker. Someone you cannot trust. Cunning, smart. Hard to define tracks. Walks
Invite them into your family they will systematically and psychopathically destroy it. And enjoy the consequences. Like a feather in their hat.
EVENT – As indicated I was happily chatting on ATS on Saturday evening. Going over some stuff I’ve experienced. Where I live there is no mobile
phone reception. Following afternoon – Sunday – I went fishing about an hour drive to the coast where there is reception. 4pm. I read a text
message apparently sent at 8.47pm the evening before. Message said, “Your f****d”. There was a number. I rang and got the standard message
response about the caller being unavailable. I sent a reply text. Rang a couple of times and nothing. Upon returning home I rang on the land line
and same response from the recorded voice. “Unavailable”.
The mobile phone, outside the landline and this computer, is our only means of communication away from home.
RANT – Finally.
Okay ignore it?..... No,,, to hell with that! How many more people have suffered a similar text or call from a “DINGO”. Sure I have a flaming
call number but it seems it’s a “throwaway” number. Apparently Aussie. Its contracted from an Aus Telecommunications Agency.
Now there are those who may think it perhaps was a random mistake...Sure, it happens,,,but with mistakes you can often find the caller. Not in this
case. Must’ve been a Dingo lol.
I hate Dingo’s. This coward needs to answer his flaming phone and tell me to my face why he/she texted the message or ring me on the landline. If
apologised to, I’m a softy and will accept the apology.
Anyone on ATS know how to trace mobile numbers ?
Cheers and beers, Bally