posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 10:16 AM
I just wanted to make this post to say hello and greetings to everyone, my name is Kera and I am a truthseeker from Texas. I have occasionally
flitted through the forums here and there over the years while researching various topics, but finally decided to join. I am quite impressed at how
large the forum is, I think it's great to cover all areas and have a non-conspiracy side of the forum as well! I must apologize though, for in my
first post I linked to my youtube channel, but upon further reading of your rules I see this is seen as rude for newcomers, and I would think the same
myself if I was an established member. However, I only did it because I use my youtube as a knowledge portal to enlighten others, nothing more. I
hope I can find a home in this forum, seems to be a very vibrant place. ^_^