Religion was invented to save certain people from having ever to consider the possibility of their selfishness, or the fact they exploit others by
way of justification through an all powerful entity/deity.
What does a religious figure really do for his sustenance?, I mean really...It begins to look like the same thing as the kings of old when pondered
for long enough, all needs met by the voluntary contributions of the "flock" with no liabilities for services which are rendered or not, considering
it is the will of someone/ something no one has ever seen or conversed with by any other way than their own delusions.
Same for governments and other, so called "authorities" which have simply incorporated to limit their liability for services rendered or not..
"Authority Incorporated"
Isn't it selfish of one to go through their life feeling they deserve somehow to live an afterlife ?, and selfish to look down on those who do not
believe the same thing they believe?, so incredibly selfish to refuse to accept death even....
How is it that anyone can possess a whole bunch of real estate and deny everyone and everything the use of it for whatever purpose, when it isn't
being put to any good use by them?.
Human-kind is stuck in the old "Tribe" mentality, the different segments of current day society attest to that.
Tribe (herd) mentality had it's place once and served a protective purpose, but it is time for humans to grow up and move on to a more fair way of
existence that doesn't justify arbitrarily exploiting one segment of society over another.
The way things are, are the way things we allow them to be.
Ignorance of reality is no excuse.
Everything is a fiction, take the red pill, go on walkabout forever.
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edit on 8-6-2014 by MyHappyDogShiner because: ;sqpijdd