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Australian Documentary Exposing Israeli torture against non-Jewish children.

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posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: DarknStormy
religiously speaking the Holyland was given to the Jews in the past if they were righteous in their conduct. In other words it was a conditional agreement between them and God. Though I see the same as you, it cannot be ignored that Jews do use this as an excuse to justify many different things including the persecution of Palestinians.

That religious argument of theirs that 'God gave us this land' doesn't hold water in 2014AD. The world knows better. That alleged promise doesn't hold for the Jews .. and it doesn't hold for the Muslims who say 'it was conditional and you broke the conditions' so we get the land. This is why religious rule of law is ignorant. A secular rule of law is the only fair and equitable rule. No one has been given a land gift by God. No one. And using a SUPPOSED promise that ALLEGEDLY came from God 4500 years ago ... that's just downright silly.

As to the Jews and Palestinians ... they both have blood on their hands. They both adhere to ancient religious claims of rights over lands. They both need to evolve. The world is a crowded place. The land wasn't gifted by God to anyone. They need to grow up and learn to live packed tightly together. Either that ... or they should just finally in one swift blow beat the hell out of each other without any interference or 'help' from outside sources .. and the last one standing gets the land. Get it over with. The world is tired of them all whining and acting like its 2500 BC ...

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: DarknStormy

There is nothing holy about that piece of earth. It is a f ing atrosity. That piece of land that israel claimed is as unholy and barbaric as the israelis who live there.
And YES i said israelis not their government. If like in the usa your government is useless stop trying to explain it away that it is not the people but the government that is corrup. Bull crap. You the country with all citizens are useless and corrupt and everything. Stop saying it is the israeli goverment not the people that is sadistic useless thugs. It is everyone in israel the people who do f all about their government is as guilty of those atrocities as the people who did it.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: neversaynever
Then every last Palestinian is a murderer because they are guilty of all the crimes against humanity pulled off by Hamas. Then every last Chinese person is a murderer because they are guilty of the crime of forced abortions that their government does. Then every last Iranian is guilty of murder because their government is putting to death a Christian pastor for not converting to Islam. Then every last Sudanese citizen is guilty of murder because their government is putting to death a pregnant Christian woman who refuses to convert to Islam ...

See ... your statement doesn't work.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 07:46 AM
Good video .. apologies couldnt watch all as saw firsthand what israelis do .. try hard to forget shouldve known better than start to watch ..

shame even with documentation the world doesnt see the monsters for what they are .. instead lets them continue their crimes against humanity ..

s&f ..
time for another drink .. need one after seeing that ..

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Israel is a sovereign country so it has a right to exist as it is. The definition of a sovereign country is - "A sovereign state is generally defined to be any nation or people, whatever may be the form of its internal constitution, which governs itself independently of foreign powers." So it can run it's country any way it sees fit.

First no nation has a right to exist. Second with as much as Israel begs from the rest of the world they are in no way a sovereign nation.

So when Muslims say that Jews aren't 'righteous' so therefore the Muslims should get Israel because God promised ... that's hogwash and just an excuse for a land grab. No one is righteous and using Abrahamic fairytales from 4500 years ago to try to claim land is absurd and extremely ignorant.

Then why should the nation of Israel even exist? They used that fairytale to target the land they wanted to steal. All of that land has been in the Arabs possession longer than anyone but it was stolen from them and given to a bunch of Europeans with absolutely no ties to the land.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: buster2010
First no nation has a right to exist.

It exists. I know you hate it. But that's a fact. It exists.

Second with as much as Israel begs from the rest of the world they are in no way a sovereign nation.

Oh please. Then any nation that receives aid wouldn't be able to exist - and there are tons of them. Then the Palestinians wouldn't have a right to exist. Get real.

Then why should the nation of Israel even exist? They used that fairytale to target the land they wanted to steal.

No one should use 4500 year old 'God gave me the land' folklore to lay claim to land. Not the Jews. Not the Muslims. No one. It's absurd.

All of that land has been in the Arabs possession longer than anyone

It was Hebrew land before Arab land. And it was pagan land before that. We could keep going back and say that it was neanderthal land before that. Who had it before doesn't matter. It's been a sovereign country for 75 years. It's there. It's not going away any time soon.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

That religious argument of theirs that 'God gave us this land' doesn't hold water in 2014AD. The world knows better. That alleged promise doesn't hold for the Jews .. and it doesn't hold for the Muslims who say 'it was conditional and you broke the conditions' so we get the land. This is why religious rule of law is ignorant. A secular rule of law is the only fair and equitable rule. No one has been given a land gift by God. No one. And using a SUPPOSED promise that ALLEGEDLY came from God 4500 years ago ... that's just downright silly.

But that's exactly what the Zionist movement done.. They used an ancient promise to weasel their way into Palestine yet don't uphold the Jewish faith at the same time. The truth is Israel may be a sovereign nation but their foundations were built on deception by secular extremists in the late 40's.

As to the Jews and Palestinians ... they both have blood on their hands. They both adhere to ancient religious claims of rights over lands. They both need to evolve. The world is a crowded place. The land wasn't gifted by God to anyone. They need to grow up and learn to live packed tightly together. Either that ... or they should just finally in one swift blow beat the hell out of each other without any interference or 'help' from outside sources .. and the last one standing gets the land. Get it over with. The world is tired of them all whining and acting like its 2500 BC ...

The issue isn't so much who has rights to the land because prior to the creation of Israel, Jews, Muslims and Christians shared the land in peace. This is a well known fact. So why is it that no-one can cooperate after the creation of Israel? It doesn't sound like an issue that started in the Middle East but one that was brought into the Middle East from somewhere else.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: undo

Yep and then when the kids reach adulthood with all sorts of behavioral anomalies they become hated and rejected by the perfect people.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: DarknStormy
The truth is Israel may be a sovereign nation but their foundations were built on deception by secular extremists in the late 40's.

Sure ... it was settled based on tired 4500 year old Abrahamic folklore that NO ONE should be using as an excuse for land grabs. But that was 75 years ago. There isn't anything we can do about it now except hope that everyone in that area can settle down and live side by side better. The world is a crowded place. It's only going to get more crowded.

So why is it that no-one can cooperate after the creation of Israel? It doesn't sound like an issue that started in the Middle East but one that was brought into the Middle East from somewhere else.

If people lived in peace in Israel then a lot of people would be put out of business and would stop making money. Hamas included. A lot of people don't want peace. And there ARE a lot of religious extremists who have raised their ugly heads ... both Muslim and Jewish ... in regards to that land. It's awful.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: DarknStormy
The truth is Israel may be a sovereign nation but their foundations were built on deception by secular extremists in the late 40's.

Sure ... it was settled based on tired 4500 year old Abrahamic folklore that NO ONE should be using as an excuse for land grabs. But that was 75 years ago. There isn't anything we can do about it now except hope that everyone in that area can settle down and live side by side better. The world is a crowded place. It's only going to get more crowded.

So why is it that no-one can cooperate after the creation of Israel? It doesn't sound like an issue that started in the Middle East but one that was brought into the Middle East from somewhere else.

If people lived in peace in Israel then a lot of people would be put out of business and would stop making money. Hamas included. A lot of people don't want peace. And there ARE a lot of religious extremists who have raised their ugly heads ... both Muslim and Jewish ... in regards to that land. It's awful.

I agree with everything you said... And that's the sad thing about the entire scenario in the Middle East.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: DarknStormy

According to the Bible, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and the tenets of Judaism.

Ancient history, who can know which persons are the sons of Abraham today, one thing is made clear in their own txts, those who do not keep the commandments are NOT the chosen people.

Let's look at a few

13 “You shall not murder.

14 “You shall not commit adultery.

15 “You shall not steal.

16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: yourignoranceisbliss

Very good job at seeing and destroying the propaganda(damage control)

I find myself staring at your avatar. It's incredible. Very beautiful, odd and creepy. Did you make it?

I've read a lot about these goings on in Israel. How non-jews are treated is testament to the teachings. I can't believe that a country that gets aid(welfare) from America is allowed to do these things. It should put their aid in jeopardy. Where in the hell are the humanitarians at with the issues in Israel/west bank/Gaza??????? It's like they get as free pass over there and do what they want to other people. Time for accountability. Either Israel is a democracy, because that's what we keep telling other nations to live by, so, again, either Israel is a democracy, a place for everyone, an international state, all religions, races, etc, OR WE END ALL AID IMMEDIATELY.

I'm still trying to find out where all those body parts were coming from that those rabbis, etc., in NJ were caught with.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 12:52 PM
What bothers me is that the American public finances so much without their consent.

According to a June 2010 fact sheet on the USAID Internet site, last year American taxpayers funded the paving of 63 kilometers of asphalt roads in the West Bank.
By Akiva Eldar | Nov. 16, 2010 | 2:17 AM | 100

The thing is, U.S. tax dollars pay for these peace-destroying settlements. American aid to Israel — $3.1 billion a year — isn’t just a symbol of the alliance and friendship between the two countries. It is a tacit U.S. green light for Israel to do as it pleases. Want to drop cluster bombs on Palestinian civilians in Gaza? Sure, here’s another billion dollars. Want to build another 1,000, 2,000 or 20,000 housing units in the West Bank? Sure, here’s another billion dollars.

At one point our taxes paid each settler $300,000 or so per home to leave, and they went right back after the money was handed out..what are we doing!

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 01:57 PM
I agree with everything you've said about a nation, any nation, doing as they wish. So they get international backlash about it? That's to be expected and dealt with by them.

My problem is that the U.S. is supporting Israel as a close ally. We're essentially condoning their actions. We've stepped into other countries for far less than how badly Israel is behaving.

We're viewed as hypocrites and a corrupt nation, internationally. It's not hard to see why. Israel's undeclared Nuclear arsenal situation, when applied to Iran, Libya, Iraq, North Korea, would have and has had disastrous results for the latter nations.

Why not the same treatment for Israel? Do we not have Korean Americans? Iraqi Americans? Libyan Americans? We certainly have Israeli Americans, do we not? We're giving preferential treatment to Israel, for what purpose? How exactly are we benefiting from this one sided relationship? Ignoring their war crimes, subsidizing their military, granted them exclusive contracts, the list goes on and on.

There's simply no benefit to an alliance with Israel. We shouldn't be in the middle east at all. You claim that Israel is a sovereign nation, capable and deserving to act however you wish, and you're absolutely correct, they are. But they can do so without our support, for what value is there in being a sovereign nation that can act on their own, but cannot survive without our total assistance? Hardly sounds like a sovereign nation at all. For all the rights Israel has to exist as their own nation, they can not and do not act in many regards because the U.S. tells them not to. Does this sound like a sovereign to you?

The U.S. has to stop protecting Israel. If they cannot stand on their own feet, then they aren't really an independent nation. As an ally, they're already completely useless. People argue that we give just as much foreign aid to Israel's enemies as we do to Israel, but neglect to tell you that if we simply stopped supplying aid to Israel, we wouldn't need to buy off their enemies with equal assistance. The middle east is a money pit. My tax dollars are being sent overseas to people I neither care for, nor whose continued existence benefits my nation in any way, whatsoever.

Meanwhile in the U.S., we have cities crumbling, schools underfunded. Infrastructure withering away. We lack a decent nationwide minimum wage, but we can afford to buy off entire nations to keep the peace there, as if the peace and tranquility of our nation is dependent upon outright bribery?

There's literally no good reason to continue our presence in the middle east. We have no allies there. Our military servicemen are literally serving the interests of the oil industry and the continued financial support of the MIC and various contractors.

Finally, I find it humorous you would make comparisons of Israel's misdeeds to China and Iran. Are we financially supporting these nations as well? Our tax dollars = direct complicity.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: yourignoranceisbliss

Israel as a sovereign nation do have the right to act and do as they please but at the same time they should be punished just like everyone else for crimes against humanity and what ever else they are doing which doesn't fall into line with international standards. Regardless of who started what and where, what is presented in this documentary to me is a crime and taking it out on children is gutless.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: neversaynever

I agree with you.. If the people aren't willing to change things then they are just as responsible as the government they live under. But in saying that, how much sway do the people of any country really have? I say F all and if anyone was to stand up they would be arrested or even killed.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee

The whole promise is based around being righteous in conduct and upholding the Jewish laws, not steamrolling into someone else's land, slaughtering them and using Judaism as a reason to establish a secular state lol

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

It exists. I know you hate it. But that's a fact. It exists.

Yes it exists but how does it have a right to exist? No nation has that right.

Oh please. Then any nation that receives aid wouldn't be able to exist - and there are tons of them. Then the Palestinians wouldn't have a right to exist. Get real.

There is no sovereign nation on this planet every nation gets something from some other nation. If you listen to many people especially those in the Israeli government Palestinians don''t exist.

No one should use 4500 year old 'God gave me the land' folklore to lay claim to land. Not the Jews. Not the Muslims. No one. It's absurd.

Only Jews are using that claim at least people who call themselves Jews but are really nothing but Zionist. Arabs are using the claim that they have held that land for the last thousand years and they are right.

It was Hebrew land before Arab land.

Wrong it was Hebrew then Christian land before it became Arab land. Nice way to throw the Christians under the bus.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: sosobad

Well I have seen the video, and many more like this video..and thats why I say propaganda....

Remember those Syrian videos, that were all staged...I tried looking for them again but can't find them. will come back and post if I do. But yea, They were showing groups of dead bodies and gunned down people but another video showed the same guys "dead" walking around laughing later on...

So il say it again, anything you see on youtube, tv, anywhere has a huge chance of being BS.

Especially regarding Israel. So again..

Propoganda in my eyes.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: DarknStormy
a reply to: Char-Lee

The whole promise is based around being righteous in conduct and upholding the Jewish laws, not steamrolling into someone else's land, slaughtering them and using Judaism as a reason to establish a secular state lol

I thought that was what I said..guess maybe I said it wrong. Anyway exactly!

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