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Ryland: A transgender 6 yr old; lovable, or demon-possessed?

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posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: manna2
Wow, i just ran into this
so, they have a summer camp for little boys to train them to be homosexuals?
Wowie. Heh, I remember the outcry of those abominable Christian camps where they memorize some scriptures and stuff, how it was child abuse and mind control...neurons that fire together stay together.
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

From that article (bolding is added);

Although it is unknown if the kids at the camp will eventually identify as gay or transgender—or even if the way gender and sexuality are defined throughout society will evolve—the camp allows the kids to look at themselves in a completely different way.

The article title is misleading and sensational nonsense. There plenty of straight cross dressers too and in no way are any of these kids being 'trained' It's just a misfits club and the poor kids get a chance to be with other kids like them for once without being bullied like they probably are in every day life.
edit on 7-6-2014 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: markosity1973

That is where the true social conditioning lies- in the long hair, dresses, the pink girly room his parents set up and dollies etc etc that were given to him when he was a girl. It's us that enforce the traditional gender roles to the children. Most as in almost all of the time, there is no issue. But to every rule there is an exception and loveable, happy Ryland is one such exception.

Notice how there was actually no "change" happening with the kid (there is no reason, at this point). The change SOLELY and EXCLUSIVELY happened at side of the parents. The parents "made" the girl a the same way as the parents "made" him a girl prior.

It's ALL about assigned "gender roles" and social conditioning, because without those assigned roles, GENDER itself, to a large extent, would/could be irrelevant.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: thesaneone

I wish the parents would have left her the way she was born and let her make the choice when she was old enough.

That is the same as telling - I wish they kept her unhappy all her life and probably most likely suicidal...

As for rest of topic, I don't see what God has to do with any of this... as if he existed, this would be one of many examples of our fatherly figure in the sky being very unfair to most of humans...

As for those who call on demon possessed child - only demons in whole story are those unable to comprehend more then 2 k collection of folk tales.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

I really don't think our Soul would have a gender, so reincarnation aside what does it matter as to the type of biological meat sack our Soul is born into?

I think the parents should at least allow time for the little dude to experience being male before any gender reassignment techniques are applied.
edit on 7-6-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

I think the parents should at least allow time for the little dude to experience being male before any gender reassignment techniques are applied.

And they are....and well done.
I just watched the vid again - of particular note is how they remedied the deafness as soon as they found out about it...
yes, that was a challenge for the whole family, especially Ryland. I looked up cochlear implants yesterday, and read about how they work. They don't actually restore hearing, but the brain receives signals that the wearer (implantee?) learns to 'translate' as words, and as they said in the vid, it was work, but Ryland learned to speak/hear (obviously). It's obvious they love this kid. When they learned that the situation, left unaddressed or suppressed, results in 41% of people born like this attempt suicide - they said, "we weren't willing to take that chance."

When I was a kid, no matter what I was interested in, my parents supported it.
I wanted to learn guitar. That Christmas: guitar! (I still have it, it's in pristine condition - by now probably a collectible!).
(I also wanted to learn violin, but mom said "NO" based on the horrid screeching of learners attempting to play it - it wasn't until I was about 45 that I bought myself one for mother's hangs on the wall now with a broken string - but sometimes I get it down and turn music up really loud and squeak away at it! LOL!!)
(I got a flute instead - but was first chair in band, and in college too!)

Anyway - I digress.
You are right about them letting Ryland 'live this interest' for now, when it makes very little difference to his future life.
IF he starts to get 'girly' in a few years - hair can grow back...dresses can be swapped for pants...

but at least he's getting to live his 'dream' for now.
I don't see anything wrong with that, really. But I know some folks do. I was talking to my mom about it last night, and she said, "mmhmm." With a very skeptical tone of voice...."I have to wonder how much influence the parents had on this."

So (since my mom said it, LOL!) I understand what your point is.

I also understand wanting to prevent my child from becoming suicidal for something I forced on him....

Anyway, thanks for your participation. It's an interesting story in any case.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Thanks to you also BuzzyWigs for bringing a very interesting and at some times heartrending topic to our attention.

I really dont know what to make of the situation in the end, part of me tells me transgenderism should not be an issue in one of such a young age. Yet another part only wishes what's best for the child, if indeed that turns out to be gender reassignment that brings him/her happiness then so be it I suppose.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 11:51 AM
This is all a load..
You are what you is.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Look, I'm sorry, but I call BS. This is a case of nurture super-ceding nature. From what I can gather from the video, they fueled the fire. They encouraged it until it got to that point. I may not have come to feel this way if not for the story about the transgender boy who won the usage of the girls' bathroom in their public school. Turns out he had an identical twin brother who was not transgender, i.e., nature had nothing to do with it.

If they had conducted a detailed brain scan and found her to truly have a male brain -- there are actual physical differences in the brain based on gender, e.g., women contain more grey matter, then I might be willing to amend my original statement. Even then, I'm not so sure that I would personally raise him/her with those absolutes because it still doesn't resolve much of anything. I'd want my kid to be comfortable with exactly what he/she is -- a girl with a boy's brain, i.e., she is a girl with incredible insight into the male psyche. I'd explain how it's a gift from God, and He expects her to use it to His glory as long as she submits to His authority.

This is my belief and opinion. It may be different than yours (whomever is reading this).

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

That's the whole point of what I said pal!!!

Maybe I didn't explain well enough!!!

Peace Andy!!!

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 03:26 PM
I wonder when the parents will be arrested for corrupting this child, like they did with the parents of the 11 years old fat kid.

It's painfully obvious this kid is going to need expensive serious psychotherapy for many years as well as the parents - who should get the treatment sitting in jail after the courts take these kids away from the horrible parents.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 04:54 PM
Maybe God set things up so human souls are more apt to get snagged by the bad guy... maybe the heavenly hosts get bonus miles for every soul that gets sent to hell?

It's as arbitrary as anything else conjectured about the period souls spend as pre and post human.

Why does this universe have to make sense and be lovey? Many things point to this place being not so nice... like the food chain, disease, mortality, asteroid strikes, black holes, sun burns, bad dogmatism, etc. ... maybe we are in a cosmic boot camp designed to make most "scrub out?"

I don't really believe that... but I do get the urge to go against commonly held beliefs... on both sides of the spectrum ... so maybe I'm hard wired to be a heretic and doomed? Nobody said it had to be fair.

Oh, and the kid and his family are very nice... lovely playthings for a harsh and evil universe... maybe.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: JohnPhoenix

It's painfully obvious this kid is going to need expensive serious psychotherapy for many years as well as the parents - who should get the treatment sitting in jail after the courts take these kids away from the horrible parents.

Are you serious?

This sounds like sarcasm to me, but lots of times I misread posts' intentions.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: JohnFisher

as long as she submits to His authority.

Wait. What?


Ryland is as "He" made her. So you're saying Ryland is defective?

edit on 6/7/2014 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

"Ryland is as "He" made her. So you're saying Ryland is defective? "

Depends on your definition of defective. From a biological and reproductive standpoint the eventual surgical procedures associated with gender reassignment will indeed render the penis incapable of reproducing thus could be considered defective.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

could be considered defective.

True enough. about just 'different'?

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: jonnywhite

I just want more science. Remember.... it will be a lot harder for Ryland to change back to a girl later on if Ryland has any regrets. -

All you said makes sense, it is a strange world, for all we know these are people who are still in the memory of a past life.

When i was 9, I am F. my best friend Leslie was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. He parents always made her long blond hair into ringlets and they were held with ribbon bows that matched her incredible dresses, all ruffles and lace. Big blue eyes with long lashes.

It was only as an adult that I realized looking back that the parents were trying very hard to make a girl happen.

My friend was a boy, I thought of her as a boy because she was a boy. She was the only child who could do pull ups when we were testing for physical ed she had huge arm muscles, she liked to play marbles and I was a "tomboy" and like marbles too. But I was 9 and I thought to myself, I am glad Leslie can be a boy or a girls name.

This was in the 60's at which point I had never heard of transgender, somehow kids are just more savvy I guess.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: JohnPhoenix
I wonder when the parents will be arrested for corrupting this child, like they did with the parents of the 11 years old fat kid.

It's painfully obvious this kid is going to need expensive serious psychotherapy for many years as well as the parents - who should get the treatment sitting in jail after the courts take these kids away from the horrible parents.

I would just like to observe that if kids were taken away from all "bad Parents" the majority of kids would be taken away.

What are good parents? Most of us do or did the best we could but many would consider EACH of us as bad parents, it is all in how you look at things isn't it.

My Mother was a bad parent in my opinion but I am fine, and I think she did what she be right.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Different is a perfectly acceptable definition in my book.

Having some kids through (Or helping out in the creation of such) it kind of completes you in a lot of respects, from a Mans perspective. Just saying.

While that's because we are fulfilling our biological imperative or which i suspect probably involves more self serving reasoning it certainly made me look at the world in a different light.

edit on 7-6-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
If your talking about this in relation to past lives...
Ryland may have been judgemental of Transgender folk in a previous ride...
& sentenced on his former Judgement Day to live the life of those he judged!!!

I'm leaning more towards being more judgmental towards women hense Ryland coming back in the female form. The transgender belief is still the concious state in the physical (man/woman) form. So if Rylands past life as a boy/man was judgmental or was abusive towards women, the he was brought back in the female body. (this is just all theory tho)

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