posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 08:48 PM
Look through this thread and all but two of you have a very low number of posts, even if you've been here for awhile. For myself, it is rare that I
see an ad AT ALL! And the odd times that I do, if it is a roll over ad, I don't roll over it, and miraculously, the ad does not appear. Problem
solved. If this happens to you "automatically," move your mouse.
I am not privy to the thresholds ATS uses, but I know that the more you post, the fewer ads you see. I attribute that to my not seeing many ads. I
don't remember when that happened for me. I just stopped seeing ads. If you post more, then I suspect the same thing will happen to you. Another
issue may be how you use the site. If you land on the ATS home page, you might see ads, but if you land on one of the other pages, such as "recent,"
as an example, you are likely to see fewer ads. You might want to experiment with how many ads you see on the various pages and adjust accordingly. I
always jump to an interior page, and that may be another reason why I see fewer ads.
A third issue with ads is that they are often self-generated. If you click on an ad, you just made friends with that ad and you will see it everywhere
you go. I recently was interested in generators, and for several months all I got were generator ads. So click on ads at your peril. One factor here
is how you save cookies. If you don't save cookies, those ads tend to go away faster.
Overall, though, if you come onto a site and make a couple hundred posts, you don't suddenly get to tell the site what to do and how to behave. You
are not paying for any sort of 'customer service' at all. Zero. Nada. Now, you may have the attitude that if you see too many ads, as defined by
you, then that will anger you enough that you will go away and "not support ATS!" Oh, the horror! Given your overall low post rate, you aren't
anyway, so the question is, how can we tell? So here you are telling ATS what to do and how to run their site. Surely you don't expect the site to
adhere to the guidelines you have set, do you? You aren't in charge, and you really haven't done enough around here to justify anyone paying
particular attention to you. So if you like the site well enough, you'll stay, and if you don't you will leave. Internet economics will determine
whether or not this site lives or dies. If enough of you hate the site, it will die. If enough of you actually stick around long enough and contribute
something of value, it will thrive enough to pay the rent and keep the interest of the people who actually run it.
Which, barring any of you actually paying a subscription, means looking at ads.