I am about to make my first Amazon.com credit card purchase, but feel extremely PARANOID about it.
"As they say in the classics, �You pay your money and you take your chances�
How dangerous do you estimate such a "bold" step to be - take note I do not have too much cash to spare and would hate to be a credit card fraud
Any thoughts on this......perhaps topic specific "Amazon.com"
i've shopped at Amazon quite a bit and have never had a bad experience. I have heard horror stories, but I'd guess they are by far the minority of
experiences. For them to be able to stay in business and remain one of the webs best retailers, they must be doing something right....
If your question pertains to the legitimacy of the Amazon.com website itself, I've been buying books from them via credit card since...1996? '97?
Back in the days when they sent you freebies at Christmas.
I've bought too many things off amazon to count, they are legit, and the people who sell care about customer service, and they have an az agreement
that says if you don't get your product through any member, amazon will refund your payment....
It's ok.... trust me.... I love that site... I could shopt here all day.