posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 11:45 AM
Most people won't waste their time to reply since threads like this are generally either deleted or locked by a moderator. You're not supposed to
make a real thread until you've made 20 posts. Usually you can get your 20 posts in by replying to folks in your intro thread since people will pop
in to say hi and they will also want to help you get your 20 in. But that may not happen in this intro thread because A) like I said most people
won't waste their time, because/or B) a moderator will delete it before you have a chance to get 20 replies in.
I guess every once in a while one slips through the cracks! I don't know why this is still up but since I can see no moderator has replied in
here (almost always one or two will in an intro) I can venture a guess that they have not noticed it. Since they don't get paid, I don't think they
work shifts. I think the administrators probably figure that if they recruit enough moderators, and carefully select active members to take on the
moderator position, then the job will get done.
I look forward to seeing this theory postulated in the future, in a real forum, with real replies. I guess the right thing to do would be to alert a
moderator and get it over with so they can deal with this thread if they so choose.... But I'm not really known for always doing the right thing. It
ain't mah steez, yaddida holla? *in this location I would like for you to envision the old style emoticon of the guy in shades, when the guy in
shades actually looked COOL, rather than like a blind dude receiving fellatio, which is sort of cool in its own way I suppose but not the way intended
here. The way intended here is more like a Fonzie type of cool, which you might be too young to understand but don't worry, you're in a bit, and
you're doing fine*