posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 06:39 PM
how about the collective consciousness of a group of individuals being able to alter the future because they were informed of something wrong. That
kind of mindset can change most things.
Many people believe in global warming just because they know we are destroying the other species. But the actions proposed so far by government do
not address correcting this mass killoff, all they do is try to get us to control some gasses. They need to address bad chemistry of all type. Even
natural chemistry can be bad if it is concentrated.
We the people of this planet must correct the measures necessary to change things. Screw government and scientists backed by industry pointing at
everyone else. We need to boycott things that shouldn't be.
Now that is an example of how mindset can be altered by one person and alter the future. Now another apposing person will inevitably come on and try
to discredit my actions, usually someone with connections to work or income loss from the negative effects of what I say. This will then balance
consensus and then nothing will change, the direction to the mass die off of humans by our own hand is inevitable. I don't think this is just a
human thing, I think this happens all over the animal world. when it gets out of hand, mass destruction of the animal's environment occurs leading
to a kill off of the species. Of is better at this, we will succeed at a massive level which a single species of other animals could not
do.....except maybe ants or some other species of bugs.
Now, this is a good subject to use as an example, but it is only one subject. Look at the world buildup of nuclear weapons, or any desire of humans
that gets out of hand.
If we believed hard enough we could back research more about predicting earthquakes and eruptions. If one tenth of the money spent on military was
put into this for three years, but not into a bureaucracy, we could accomplish much. The swaying of the collective consciousness induced by the net
can change the world. That is if the ones presently in charge will allow the change even if it is for the better.