Society is incapable of fathoming the truth because most people who claim to seek the truth really only want CON-firmation of those things which they
already believe. Every single human bee-ing is a bee-liever. May it bee religion, democracy, climate change, history, ufo's, the late night news or
conspiracy theories. Everyone re-peats what he or she bee-lieves in. Rarely expressing a unique thought, rarely coming to their own CON-CLEW-sion.
We as the human race are on one side still bee-ing CON-ned by the Bright-ish empire, currently lead by the masonic high-priest Philip Mount-bat-ten.
The second is the first. No-thing is what it seems - working in the shadows. Royalty of all countries are of the same LINE-age. One big happy
family. Deriving the right to rule directly from the will of god. This statement might have worked in the past but these days it sounds pretty
crazy. But still they rule, they get your money, not by your CON-sent. Not a ceremonial, diplomatic or representational role as they made you
BEE-lieve (we are all worker bees deprived of the royal jelly = know-ledge). The royal heigh PRIEST of freemasonry CON-trol their puppets in all
facets of society. From the Holly-wood movie industry to the music industry, to politics, to the news/media, to the military industrial complex, to
the internet conspiracy forums. Dumbing down the masses, de-humanizing and separating. To create a CON-fused citizen un-able to reason for himself.
Repeating the updates received from last nights news programming.
Western, eastern, muslim, jew, hindu or whatever, none responsible for the problems of hu-man-ity. Not re-SPONS-ible for the WARS (planned by the
real rulers), POLUTION (planned to blame you = control you), CLIMATE CHANGE (a natural occuring fluctuation between ice-ages and warmer periods) or
humanity's CRUEL HISTORY as they (the ruling EL-ite = godmen) want you to BEE-lieve, to come to their desired outcome. A scientifically planned =
controlled society.
Queen BEE ruling the worker bees through bee drones (freemasons). Royalty by will of god. God represented on earth by the vat-i-CAN. Can, Cain,
King, Con = priest / shepherds of men / managers of societies.
His-story = the story of the victors. Always the inter-national priesthoods financing all sides of all wars. Vat-eye-can bankers - international
banking families. Without money no media, no politics, no wars, no international conflicts - no CON-trol. Priesthoods - visible an invisible -
control the money, money finances mainstream media/news. Media is the middle, creating public opinion, making or breaking politicians. Political
campaigns are funded by the priesthoods (freemasonry con-trolled) multinationals.
You bee-lieve you have the greatest demo-crazy while bee-ing CON-ned by psychopathic (great actors) politicians eager to please their masters. You
bee-lieve you have to spread your great democracy to places unknown by you (except for the stories virally spread to you by the mainstream media).
You are a bee-liever. Out of your mind into the UNI-VERS-al (one voice for all) mind.
A MATRIX where lang-u-age is created to CON-trol you by programming / programming language / tv programming / pro-grammar-ing. Casting a spell on you
through SPELL-ing. We are pro-grammed by the - creator=architects=priests - to follow a pre-defined script leading to their utopia. Void of sentient
and able bee-ings. Leaving only bee-ings un-able to under-stand (OVER-stand) the whole picture therefor un-able to re-volt.
They are already there. People living behind their tv sets, being updated as the pro-grams they are. People living behind their com-put-ers
discussing and fighting over symbology, mysteries and the craziest theories. People bee-lieving and con-fused. The perfect con-trolled society.
It is not the species in general to be worried about it is the psychopathic EL-ites enslaving the minds of the species.
The matrix has you
Or go back to sleep and enjoy your late night programming/updates
Not meant to offend anybody just speaking to people in general.