posted on May, 31 2014 @ 12:08 PM
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Equality of worth as persons of value worthy fair treatment etc. is one thing.
Pretending everyone is equal in terms of posting contribution amounts and qualities is silly and absurd.
I'm all for encouraging each child on a playground or in a classroom to be the best they can be.
Nevertheless, pretending that each child can jump as high as every other child is silly.
Pretending that each child can write award winning short stories is absurd.
Each of us have our own strengths and weaknesses. We warrant fair treatment regardless. However, we also warrant fitting rewards for good deeds and
good performance in areas and venues of strength.
Folks who can't or won't manage the fray of realistic rewards for good performance . . . are likely unable/unwilling to rise to the challenges of
daily life, may insist that everything ought to be a 100% level playing field with all individuals treated 100% equally on all factors in all contexts
etc. etc. yada, yada, yada.
But actually, the world is not that way. It's never been that way. It's not likely to ever be that way--even in the Millenial reign of Christ.
Choices and behaviors HAVE CONSEQUENCES.
And IF choices and behaviors make NO DIFFERENCE--then one may as well [insert whatever horrific abuse] vs feed one peaches and
IF you think that a world, a life, a multiverse or an ATS WHERE CHOICES AND BEHAVIORS MAKE NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever, would be an ideal . . . I
don't know that I can say anything that would bring enlightenment.
Essentially, that would result in chaos and a great deal of unfairness; erratic abusiveness, meaninglessness etc.
That's NOT a world I'd prefer to be part of.
And, I do NOT think it makes the least bit of a reasonable business model for ATS or any other business.