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Suspected I-81 trooper killer blames 'time warp'

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posted on May, 29 2014 @ 09:58 PM

"I was two miles from the Connecticut border, all of a sudden I'm in New York and this cop got killed and I don't know how it happened," Upton said. As he was walking in handcuffs, escorted by two troopers he went on to say, "It had to be a time warp. I have proof in Connecticut. The time warp or something had to happen. Believe me."

Suspected I-81 trooper killer blames 'time warp'

I am so sad for this officer and his family, but this driver really seems to be out of it. I have often wondered about time slips. I will be following this tragic story

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 10:08 PM
If only they'd known where the Twinkie defense would someday lead.... Oh.. Our poor Justice system. I'm glad Lady Justice is blind. It's not a pretty sight.

Time warp for killing a cop? Really? I found more on how this happened tho, and it might make more sense...

State Police confirm that Trooper Christopher C. Skinner, of Troop C in Delaware County, was killed instantly when he was hit by a passing vehicle while making a routine traffic stop on I-81, just north of Exit 6 in Broome County.

The driver continued for a short distance before stopping and running into the nearby woods. The driver was taken into custody just after 1pm following a search.

That links from your OP source for the background. I guess when you're one of those people we've seen on the police reality shows, sideswiping a cop at a traffic stop? Just what CAN you say? Oops? That's quite a tale though.
edit on 5/29/2014 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 10:14 PM
Well if it was an accident . why did the guy run? If time warped into a situation like that I would have at least ran back to see if I really hit someone.

Then I would have freaked out...
I know everyone is differint , but running makes you look guilty..

edit on 014101031514510th by LightningStrikesHere because: (no reason given)

:ETA of course they charge him with first degree murder , but how? Did he do it on purpose ? They said he didn't appear to be under the influence...

edit on 018101031518510th by LightningStrikesHere because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 10:16 PM

edit on 29-5-2014 by skunkape23 because: correction

+1 more 
posted on May, 29 2014 @ 10:19 PM
The time warp is. called ambien....according to most politicians .

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 10:24 PM

I would like to see his proof in Connecticut.

I'll just bet eh has proof of a time warp in Connecticut, and he probably keeps his 'proof' stashed in a baggy under his mattress.
People do some strange things when under the influence.

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 10:30 PM

originally posted by: Meldionne1
The time warp is. called ambien....according to most politicians .

exactly what i was thinking, ambien and its sister meds can take a person out of control for several hours. MANY car accidents and just plain CRAZY stories out there. people trying to order drive through in tongues then smashing cars all to hell when they try to leave. a guy drove his car off a bridge in the next state over and woke up when he hit the water.. that would be a bad day!

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: LightningStrikesHere

Yeah but if it was the other way around the cop would have gotten a paid leave of absence. Afterwords, they would deem it an accident and reinstate him.

Regardless, I feel bad for his family. That's absolutely horrible. The driver should be punished, but if it was an accident 1st degree is much too harsh.

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 10:35 PM
You see, I know its almost sure that this man is full of it, but what about the small minuscule chance that he's being honest? Investigators did say no alcohol or drugs were involved. Just like abduction cases, this is going to be pushed off as some crazy guy who's just crazy. pretty crazy right?...sad for the trooper and his family as well though.

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: lambs to lions
a reply to: LightningStrikesHere

Yeah but if it was the other way around the cop would have gotten a paid leave of absence. Afterwords, they would deem it an accident and reinstate him.

Regardless, I feel bad for his family. That's absolutely horrible. The driver should be punished, but if it was an accident 1st degree is much too harsh.

I fully agree with you here

That's the way it goes , the public are always the enemies

Just saying...

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: Thisbseth
You see, I know its almost sure that this man is full of it, but what about the small minuscule chance that he's being honest? Investigators did say no alcohol or drugs were involved. Just like abduction cases, this is going to be pushed off as some crazy guy who's just crazy. pretty crazy right?...sad for the trooper and his family as well though.

I know right? No drugs and alcohol but totally naked?? It doesn't make sense to me. I never thought of Ambien though. My cousin painted her kitchen in an Ambien induced sleep (didn't do a horrible job either)

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: minettejo

originally posted by: Thisbseth
You see, I know its almost sure that this man is full of it, but what about the small minuscule chance that he's being honest? Investigators did say no alcohol or drugs were involved. Just like abduction cases, this is going to be pushed off as some crazy guy who's just crazy. pretty crazy right?...sad for the trooper and his family as well though.

I know right? No drugs and alcohol but totally naked?? It doesn't make sense to me. I never thought of Ambien though. My cousin painted her kitchen in an Ambien induced sleep (didn't do a horrible job either)

LOL thats awesome! tell her she's a champ! the mildest tale i ever heard was a friend ordering a $3000 watch and having quite the surprise when it showed up. actually didnt return it cause he liked it so much

ebaums world forever ago had a great one of a college kid freaking out trying to "Charge his arm robotic bear arm" by rubbing it on the carpet. its hilarious. i think its called "Stan vs ambien" but that vids private on the youtube now so I'm not sure. its a good example of how out of control you can get.

ETA, in my opinion we will learn alot in the next couple days when we find out what this guy was doing leading up to the accident. are they going to dig deep forensically on this one cause he's a trooper? i would assume so and i doubt this dudes time warp will hold water.

anyone know what time it happened at?
edit on 29-5-2014 by mindseye1609 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 11:06 PM
There are several possibilities. The first one could be medical and it is rearing its ugly head in the worst possible way, and that being that the man had demensia, like Alzheimers and his memory is going.

The second is that he was on something that pretty much messed him up.

The third is that he really did do it.

And the forth: is he is fully innocent, being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 11:11 PM
I have noticed in the last few years in Texas I have not seen cops going to the side of the window nearest the highway, if they have pulled someone over on a highway. That is just what I've seen in my area though. There was a law passed some time ago about either moving into the other lane when an officer has someone pulled over, or slowing down to a certain speed. Most people move over, at least that I have noticed.

Anyway, I think the most obvious explanation is that the guy is making it up, but I suppose a "time warp" has about 1/10 of a percent chance of being the explanation. Maybe less. If the area he was supposed to be was many miles away, and it could be proven he was there moments earlier, then the case would take a strange twist. But right now it seems like he is just trying to justify his actions somehow.

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 11:21 PM
I have only taken Ambien once. Never again. I was at a friends place, following the breakup of a long relationship. I told him that I had not slept in 3 days. He gave me one and told me it would help me sleep. In the morning I was told that I had pissed in his trashcan and then started making lasagna. I have zero recollection.

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: Meldionne1
The time warp is. called ambien....according to most politicians .

It wouldn't be the first time someone blamed Ambien for vehicular manslaughter.

In one such case, flight attendant Julie Ann Bronson from Texas ran over three people – including an 18-month old who suffered from brain damage as a result. When Bronson woke up in jail the next morning, she could barely comprehend what she had done. “It was surreal. It was like a bad dream,” she said in May 2012. “I did the crime but I never intended to do it. I wouldn’t hurt a flea. And if I would have hit somebody, I would have stopped and helped. We’re trained in CPR.” Bronson pleaded guilty to the felony charges, but also received lesser charges by citing Ambien as the reason for her actions.


Just we have zombie drivers, as if cell phones weren't bad enough.

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: minettejo

I could believe the guy is telling what he believes to be true. Might not have been that way moments before the accident. But, the brain can do some really strange # when a traumatic experience occurs.

My unit was part of the group that got hit by Saddam's SCUD missile. I wasn't there at the time, but was pulled back from the mission assigned because the shrinks wanted all the familiar faces present. You should'a heard the weird things people were saying.

I haven't thought of that for twenty years.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 12:53 AM
Another death related to psychoactive drugs? Something needs to be outlawed here. I just don't know what. Maybe guns. Or cars. Yes. Cars. Outlaw cars. I should've ran for office.
edit on 30-5-2014 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: minettejo

originally posted by: Thisbseth
You see, I know its almost sure that this man is full of it, but what about the small minuscule chance that he's being honest? Investigators did say no alcohol or drugs were involved. Just like abduction cases, this is going to be pushed off as some crazy guy who's just crazy. pretty crazy right?...sad for the trooper and his family as well though.

I know right? No drugs and alcohol but totally naked?? It doesn't make sense to me. I never thought of Ambien though. My cousin painted her kitchen in an Ambien induced sleep (didn't do a horrible job either)

While I've never had an Ambien induced incident, I have had a handful of odd sleepwalking incidents myself. I chugged a bottle of Ketchup once (I don't even like Ketchup!)....I've had long conversations with people while sleepwalking (once with a house guest of my old roommate while the said guest was skinny dipping in our pool in the middle of the night....Yeah kinda wish I had a clearer memory of that one LOL)

I've never gotten in my car and gone for a joy ride (thankfully). I can easily imagine it happening though.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: LightningStrikesHere
Well if it was an accident . why did the guy run? If time warped into a situation like that I would have at least ran back to see if I really hit someone.

Then I would have freaked out...
I know everyone is differint , but running makes you look guilty..

I would imagine it had more to do with the occupation of the man that was killed.

Given that police in the US seem to be increasingly killing people almost willy-nilly these days, reports of the Police killing innocent civilians are almost becoming commonplace.

For example shooting unarmed suspects, mistaking garden hoses for deadly weapons and shooting, killing pensioners sitting in their front gardens, even teenagers for taking their father's car without permission are being shot dead are just a few examples of what is going wrong in US policing.

So really, as unfortunate it is for the cop involved (there are a lot of good cops as well as bad ones) and his family, given the multitude of reported 'wild West' style blast everything and everyone, then ask questions later actions by more and more incompetent Police in America, it's understandable someone would absolutely panic and freak out if they accidentally ran a cop over.

He was probably out of his mind with fear that when the cops arrived they would execute him on the spot and claim he had a weapon or something.

It's the standard Human 'fight or flight' biological response to percieved danger...his psyche reasoned through the threat of being murdered by Police, and the flight response kicked in and he ran. A biological, primeval panic response is certainly not evidence of guilt or wrongdoing, it is a normal, ingrained-in-all-of-us Human response to danger.

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