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Total Biscuit's - Atheism does not make you clever

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posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: HarbingerOfShadows
a reply to: orangetom1999

I'm sorry but this has absolutely nothing to do with the OP.
Might be a good topic for you to post a thread about if you wanted to discuss it though.

I think the point was that atheists are smarter than they think, because the threat is bigger than they realized. Religious figures skulking in the shadows want to turn America into a monarchy under God, presumably to set the stage for our part in a larger power struggle, and atheism is keeping that movement at bay. That's the message I got from orangetom's post, anyway.
edit on 1-6-2014 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: AfterInfinity

originally posted by: HarbingerOfShadows

a reply to: orangetom1999

I'm sorry but this has absolutely nothing to do with the OP.

Might be a good topic for you to post a thread about if you wanted to discuss it though.

I think the point was that atheists are smarter than they think, because the threat is bigger than they realized. Religious figures skulking in the shadows want to turn America into a monarchy under God, presumably to set the stage for our part in a larger power struggle, and atheism is keeping that movement at bay. That's the message I got from orangetom's post, anyway.

Wow!! Surely you jest. IIt has everything to do with the OP.

I have no use for a monarchy Nor do I have any use for religious figures in public service. I did not say I have no use for people who are Believers in public service. Nor do I have any objection to the people using what they Believe in their voting and daily lives.

Separation of Church and State was and is intended as a limit on government and not a limit on the people as it is being practiced today. A 180 degree reversal of what was intended by the founders.

For I know that once the Kings head was cut off in England and the Civil war ended...Oliver Cromwell..tried to get a Parliment of all Preachers..and they did worse than the members of Parliment they replaced. Oliver Cromwell dismissed them as well.
It is not a matter of the separation of Church and state being which I believe the founders were is also a religion in the peoples hearts..daily and the knowledge in which it played in history of the western world.
That the people were not to be limited in their religious beliefs..but only the government for the purpose of preventing a return to absolute power or divine rigiht of kings.

A knowledge for which no one wants us to know ...ever. For within this knowledge is the knowledge of Limited Government and Revolution when man made governments try to go back to absolute power.

Today they are trying to go back to absoulte power by secualar removing from the public any vestage of corrupting it into meaninglessness. Even unto forcing government edicts on people in getting them to go against their religious beliefs.

For it is the power which a drug.

The ability to extract more and more from the people to the point where the people themselves become "competitors" to the ruling

No matter by religious tyranny or by secular tyranny is still absolute power in the hands of fallen corrupt men...and it is not limited government.

Religious tyranny took the historical form of Divine Right of kings..absolute power.

Secular tyranny takes the place of gnostic wise men believing they have a right and abilty to rule by logic and reason unto absolute power..

Either way you wind back at unlimited government and tyranny.

The Atheists will only return the governmet back to Absolute power by secular means..but it will still be absolute power and it will be corrupt.

Believe it or not ..there is such a thing as a good dictator in history and they are very very rare.

A good dictator takes all power unto themselves and then does not use it. Furthermore ...they do not allow anyone else to use it.
Thus the people must fend for themselves and make do for themselves and not cede power and production to a government regulation or "Expert." This too is limited government.

Queen Elizabeth 1st was just such a good monarch or dictator if you like as she was basically a party girl. As long as she had her lovers, horses, and dancers....parties..she did little ruling and the people fended for themselves and did alright for those days.
When she died she was sorely missed. England prospered under a lazy monarch.
But that is not how your history books read.

No ....the Atheists are way off the mark..not as smart as they think...and so too are many of todays ministers. The ministers are contributing to the confusion and it ought not to be this way.

The Churches ..most of them have tax numbers...issued by government. This is why many ministers do not teach this about religious relationship to limited government and revolution...because they fear being audited.

Having government issued tax numbers is not separation of church and state on the part of the churches and also on the part of the government. Churches should be tax immune..not tax exempt. For this too is a scam by both the churches and government.

A church should never have a government issued tax number...meaning they are a corporation..a creature of the state..because this is not separation of church and state..both the ministers and government are lying to the people about this one..big time.
I know of five churches who do not have government issued tax numbers and will not get one. They are free to teach and to preach the whole council of God...not politically correct religion. And they teach and preach this about the history of the western world and the part religion played in it..and the founders.

Any good atheist with knowledge should be able to figure this one out for themselves..but do you ever hear one trying to explain this to people to get them to think for themselves???


edit on 1-6-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: orangetom1999

No, nothing at all to do with the OP.

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: HarbingerOfShadows
a reply to: orangetom1999

No, nothing at all to do with the OP.

Of course not because 5% of it was yours the other 95% was borrowed from Total Bisquit's premise concerning atheism in the ice age (so long ago) that proceeded this civilizations dawning.
edit on 1-6-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: orangetom1999
Tell me more; this seems only to be the first few pages of an important manifesto.

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: HarbingerOfShadows

a reply to: orangetom1999

No, nothing at all to do with the OP.

Of course not because 5% of it was yours the other 95% was borrowed from Total Bisquit's premise concerning atheism in the ice age (so long ago) that proceeded this civilizations dawning.

Good grief.
I have no idea who is total bisquit or what it is about the ice age....

By the way...I like your moniker or signature at the bottom of your post.

I have found God to indeed have a sense of that He has both the Atheists trying to stop christmas displays in public...and the Believers trying to promote it and both are wrong.

Christmas was never a Christian holiday...and there is no instruction from the Olde Testament or the New Testament to celebrate a birthday.

And christmas has it's origins in pagan tradition and holidays...not Christian or Hebrew instruction. I first learned this when reading Alexander Hislop's book
"The Two Babylons" concerning the origins of many of our traditions and holidays/holydays.

The irony and sense of humor is both groups arguing over a phony birthday and holiday...which is not the product advertised.

Indeed God has a sense of humor. You are correct there. Indeed!!

I just don't think atheists are cleaver at all. I have long ago gotten past that kind of thinking.

However...I would also state that many Christians are very uninformed ..even about their religion and practice. They haven't a clue and their ministers will not teach them. Shame ought not to be this way..but it is. The salt has been taken out of many of them...and replaced with sugar.


edit on 1-6-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Oh, so his speel somehow has something to do whether or not atheism makes one clever?
I certainly didn't see that.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: HarbingerOfShadows
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Oh, so his speel somehow has something to do whether or not atheism makes one clever?


I certainly didn't see that.

It is indeed humorous..I agree..ironic as well.

For we have an atheist in the White House masquerading as a Believer. I have known this from the beginning of this administration that the product is not as advertised. And I believe more and more people are catching on.

For this is what is being produced in high schools and colleges today...not by accident.

Try this one out for Atheism...

In the last 100 year or more the staunch secular anti god governments are mostlly the communist governments.

What is very interesting is the track record of how they treated their people...death.

Soviet Russia had huge purges and so too did Communist China and it still goes on there in China.

Most of it has been totally unreported and untaught by our own government and government financed public school system.

Communism is the untimate expression of secular thinking.

What is so unusual about this fingerprint or pattern is that their economies were inert...dead...unproductive. Massive government inteference and control over the economy and people...from cradle to grave.

What direction are we going here in the United States???? Towards more liberty and freedom or towards the Soviet anti god...secular model????

I dont have to be clever to figure this one out to a distant projection point..I have known this long before the current White House administration and have been able to follow it ..particularly in a fiat money matter what party is in office.

What is of interest and note is that the Atheists do not bring up this history or knowledge. They avoid this history totally while going after Christianity. I find this ironic..not humorous but ironic.
What is also of interest to me is that so very very few Christian ministers teach this as well. I have only heard it from those ministers who do not have tax numbers and are not limited by political correctness in their teaching and preaching. Once ought not to be this way.

By the way...this death fingerprint goes under the moniker of "Democide" or death by ones own government.

Try this one out....again the Atheists totally avoid this understanding and knowledge.

Note what RJ Rummel is stating here..

His research shows that the death toll from democide is far greater than the death toll from war. After studying over 8,000 reports of government-caused deaths, Rummel estimates that there have been 262 million victims of democide in the last century. According to his figures, six times as many people have died from the actions of people working for governments than have died in battle.

262 million people is alot of people

And this here in the times of enlightenment and intellect...wise men ...secular reasoning...taking place..secular thinking and values.

More people have been killed in times of the last hundred years and at a faster rate than in the centuries past.

This view is totally avoided by most public education institutions in order to taint people's thinking that government has a handle on it. have good reason to think it is funny. Indeed.

God has a sense of humor.

Thanks to all for their posts,
edit on 2-6-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: orangetom1999

Your rambling does not help. Maybe you should take a minute to organize your thoughts before sharing them.
edit on 2-6-2014 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: orangetom1999

Believe it or not ..there is such a thing as a good dictator in history and they are very very rare.

Far too rare to ever risk a spin on the wheel of tyranny in hopes of finding one.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: AfterInfinity
a reply to: orangetom1999

Your rambling does not help. Maybe you should take a minute to organize your thoughts before sharing them.

Believe it or not ..there is such a thing as a good dictator in history and they are very very rare.

Far too rare to ever risk a spin on the wheel of tyranny in hopes of finding one.

That of which I am speaking is of pattern recognition...not necessarily who is a good dictator or not. If you never recognize the patterns of things happening or not happening it would be easy to think that things are just isolated events. One would be hard pressed to see any kind of relationship to them or between them.

It is the pattern of things happening or put another way..repeating which is of importance..and a concept hardly taught today to most people in lieu of instant gratification thinking and values.

This is why history is important and also among many today ..poorly taught or recognized for what it is.

But thanks for the point you are making,


posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 01:45 PM
I think i understand TB's topic. He wants people to quit acting like they know the answers in an absolute way, even if they personally feel like they know the answers in an absolute way, because in the long run, no one has enough evidence to say what the absolute truth is. This seems logical on its face but because one world view is a bit more hip and popular than the other, the tendency to call foul on/try to silence an absolute position for the least popular position/world view, is just too great for most to handle. The topic can be going swimmingly and suddenly degrade in a most unfriendly fashion, and the human response is to react to that. The entire planet is my evidence.

While it may seem logical and the best of all possible courses to chart in this maelstrom of differing viewpoints, fact o' the matter is, if a position isn't popular, it's gonna get stomped regardless of how reserved they may force themselves to be in a discussion.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: orangetom1999

originally posted by: AfterInfinity
a reply to: orangetom1999

Your rambling does not help. Maybe you should take a minute to organize your thoughts before sharing them.

Believe it or not ..there is such a thing as a good dictator in history and they are very very rare.

Far too rare to ever risk a spin on the wheel of tyranny in hopes of finding one.

That of which I am speaking is of pattern recognition...not necessarily who is a good dictator or not. If you never recognize the patterns of things happening or not happening it would be easy to think that things are just isolated events. One would be hard pressed to see any kind of relationship to them or between them.

It is the pattern of things happening or put another way..repeating which is of importance..and a concept hardly taught today to most people in lieu of instant gratification thinking and values.

This is why history is important and also among many today ..poorly taught or recognized for what it is.

But thanks for the point you are making,


You're talking about the Egyptian philosophy that time moves in a giant wheel and events will take place repeatedly throughout history?

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: AfterInfinity

You're talking about the Egyptian philosophy that time moves in a giant wheel and events will take place repeatedly throughout history?


No..I am talking about pattern recognition.

I have only recently heard of the pattern of the wheel of the Egyptians..but do not subscribe to it.

I am talking about the Ever War..

I am not big into Egyptology or that kind of religion. No thanks. However some of the archeological finds from Egypt are well as other nations.

But thanks for bringing it up and reminding me of that which I just recently learned in studying the Ever War.

You that I think of it and I have not been there in years now..but down south of me is a place called The Edgar Caycee Center. They seem to be big into Egyptology and other Occult type religions. They have an extensive library of books and subjects not found in most public libraries. I wonder if they have material on such as the Egyptian Wheel??
An unusual and interesting place. It was here that I found a book titled the Egyptian book of the dead..also the Tibetian Book of the Dead. Also Manley Palmer Hall's book..The Secret Teachings of all Ages. A very unusual library indeed.
Thanks again for reminding me.


edit on 2-6-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: undo

He wants the attacking each other to stop.
And so do I.
edit on 2-6-2014 by HarbingerOfShadows because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: HarbingerOfShadows
a reply to: undo

He wants the attacking each other to stop.
And so do I.

Who doesn't? But somethings are perceived as attacks, that are not. And some things, disguised as normal discussion, are really just passive aggressive attacks. And yet more is the problem of having an opinion on the subject in the first place. The internet is infamous for sometimes conveying meaning where this is none, as well. There are countless books that open the floor to that type of discussion such as Zeitgeist and Dan Brown's books, not to mention the last 300 years of critical works in academia. I have no issue with people having a different opinion, I just mind when the opinion is designed to be more than simple a viewpoint and it leaks over into detrimental stuff.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 07:45 PM
originally posted by: orangetom1999
originally posted by: [post=17987648]veteranhumanbeing[/post
originally posted by: [post=17987377]HarbingerOfShadows[/pst]

[I]orangetom[/I]Good grief.
I have no idea who is total bisquit or what it is about the ice age....
By the way...I like your moniker or signature at the bottom of your post.

Not needing to speak of total bisquit anymore as when information is borrowed and the original person expressing that idea is not speaking... for itself is irrelevant. That's a question for Harbringer (why use this persons ideas and make a shill out of it). Those monikers, Ive had no reason to change it in years as I cant think of a better way to express my relationship to God other than what it is; FULL OF HUMOR (irony).
Regarding the Faithful In Dogmatic situations:I agree; no sense of adventure or imagination. Those atheists need to yuck it up and stop behaving as if everything they don't know is now in a vise meat grinder (producing tasty sausages of disbelief); its more of a carnival ride to understanding where their relationship to a creator being lies (unless they think they manifested themselves and own destiny all by themselves).

[I]orangetom[/I] However...I would also state that many Christians are very uninformed ..even about their religion and practice. They haven't a clue and their ministers will not teach them. Shame ought not to be this way..but it is. The salt has been taken out of many of them...and replaced with sugar.Thanks,

They at least have a 'belief system' (as a primer grade school book; we all did but some traveled further) that could take them to higher revelations of awareness; problem is they are happy being told that dogma by a perceived minister/priest etc. and ok with it (this is just the potential jump off start point to real understanding of who and what they are and their relationship to a creator being). Mix sugar and salt (more bacon fat flavor) comes together the tasty magic happens. Thank you for your reply Orangetom.
edit on 2-6-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: HarbingerOfShadows
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Oh, so his speel somehow has something to do whether or not atheism makes one clever?
I certainly didn't see that.

NOT A SPEEL by orangetom as (no such word exists); you mean a "SPEIL", or: to speak loudly; a word formulae or form of words supposed to have magical power; incantation to have irresistible influence/charm/fascination. Enchanting (you obviously resonated either a neg/pos with it enough to respond)(that is a good thing).
edit on 2-6-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 02:18 AM
i would say it's nigh on impossible to change the parameters of the discussion in some places in the world, moreso than in others. for example, try attending a world religions class in an american university. try challenging the status quo views of biology professors. try questioning the official position of egyptology professors. this is massive indoctrination into a single world view, dictated by who the hell knows, wherein the student is not only discouraged from disagreeing, they are often punished for disagreeing. how is that any different than its predecessor?

and if there's no difference in approach, how can only one half of the discussion be told and expected to hold their tongues on the premise that the other side will as well. oh good luck with that pal. consider that the other side is not even remotely going to do the same. they've been teaching it in the universities, high schools and junior highs, for the last 300 or so years, to captive audiences everywhere. there's no way in god's green earth that they will stop teaching it, just so they don't offend, so how can you expect the opposite position to do so?

total biscuit, i'm a fan of your wow videos and i like your approach to your world view, but absolutely do not see how you can expect that either side bite their tongues on such an important subject. it's ludicrous.

edit on 3-6-2014 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: undo

And , again, you miss the point in favor of tangent.

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