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Not One More !

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posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: khnum

Unless your ar-15 can shoot down a sattelilte your not going to have much luck when the revolution starts,

Hey you're back, thought you said you were done with this thread?

True to an extent, but tell that to the Iraqi insurgents. You assume that the U.S Military will not side with the citizens against the Politicians. Oh and I don't own an AR-15 my friend, but I wish that I did because it's a very nice firearm, though extremely expensive.

technology now exceeds your founding fathers best intentions to keep government in check,the next fight will be for your body mind and very soul and they are a hundred years ahead not decades of years ahead of where you think they are.

Oh well then, I guess we should just throw in our towel like you yes men, weak kneed lap dogs did? Misery does love company now doesn't it? Now bow down to your masters, and make sure that you get yourself a good pair of knee pads. LMAO!


edit on 28-5-2014 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

A gun might be handy after a year of psychotronic warfare to blow your own brains out,they haven't reached anywhere near the top shelf for any conflict you mentioned.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: tetra50
Perhaps technology is what's mitigating……
Your post implies technology, if I understood correctly, is stopping a slaughier, rather than making one, no? Perhaps I misunderstood. Perhaps technology is the cause of slaugher.
Just sayin'….

If Uncle Sam has overwhelming technological advantage, that can (and has been) mitigated by lesser forces.

originally posted by: khnum
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

A gun might be handy after a year of psychotronic warfare to blow your own brains out,they haven't reached anywhere near the top shelf for any conflict you mentioned.

While I may agree to your speculation, I don't think it matters once that technology becomes known. Although the point of the thread isn't so much "superman vs batman" type stuff.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: khnum
they come in 45-70 as well as 45 lc 800 rounds a minute and they are pretty ancient design

and tommy guns are .45's and they have quite the prodigious rate of fire (600-1500 rounds a minute)

lever guns are often faster and more accurate then some semi automatics in trained hands (30-30) and of note their was a prototype gatling in various .30 caliber flavors

30-06 was used in the bar and many machine guns
even the little .22 had full automatic equivalents

so perhaps now you see the ludicrous nature of trying to ban owner ship of certain calibers just due to military/rate of fire application

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: RalagaNarHallas

Your point is well taken and was communicated without infering my political bias,mental condition or manhood is out of whack.I only mentioned these calibres because ammunition is controlled here.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan not sure where in as i think that would be his/her business to share or not but others said op was from Portugal wont quote from it as its better to see in its context but they have an estimated 1.2 million unregistered guns in the nation or as it later states 11.18% per 100 people

edit to add i will add this

Guiding gun control legislation in Portugal includes the Council Directive of 18 June 1991 on Control of the Acquisition and Possession of Weapons,38 39 the European Union Firearms Regulation of 2012 and the Common Position on the Control of Arms Brokering of 200340
so it seems its not exactly up to Portugal alone now that they entered the EU they had to agree to the laws and regulations as a condition of entering the eu
interesting fact about Portugal from the wiki on crime in Portugal

Crime by type Corruption Main article: Corruption in Portugal Transparency International’s Global Corruption Barometer 2013 reveals that political parties, Parliament, the judiciary and the military are the most corrupt institutions in Portugal.[7]
no guns and the political parties,parliament,the cops and the military are the most corrupt hrrrm funny how that works
edit on 28-5-2014 by RalagaNarHallas because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: sourcecontroller

you know what the Swiss have a cultural history of? killing every single invader of their country since they declared their independence from old school monarchies,first they killed their oppressors then they killed the other fools who tried to invade them then they hired them selves out as Mercs to fight in other nations civil and standard wars. and still to this day guard the pope so they are and have been in other nations before as well,hell they basically used to be black water or to use another often coined phrase the world police (for a few centuries if you were fighting a war with out Swiss pike men on your side you were going to loose that battle)

so dont give us the Americans are more brutal then the Swiss or too culturally different to compare as last time i checked no American general ever drowned an entire captured army one by one using a hole in a frozen lake

i believe of the old french saying no gold no Swiss comes to mind

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: MOMof3

No, what I fear is how american men seem to only find courage anymore with weapons and blaming women.

So, in the name of protecting women, you would limit a woman's ability to protect herself from someone who "blames" her for something?

Is that what you're saying?

So, this woman has no access to a firearm when said someone decides to break down her door to "punish" her for whatever crime he's blaming her for...

This woman, let's say she's 5'9", weighs in the neighborhood of 140 lbs, and is physically healthy young woman. The man is 6'2", weighs in the neighborhood of 200 lbs, and is equally young and healthy. He's bent on "punishing" her. What sort of chance does she stand in a physical confrontation? None. Or nearly so. Because, in your world, and the OP's, she doesn't have that evil gun to protect herself with. The fight, if one can call it that, is short, brutal, and very one sided.

With a gun? In her properly trained hands? Things are much more equal, or even a bit one sided, but in her favor. ...and you would have that taken from her?

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: khnum

...and yet you have the temerity to attempt to educate those of us who might indeed be experts?


posted on May, 28 2014 @ 10:03 PM
did anyone notice the similarities in style to hitlers' speeches?

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: khnum


Technology is just so magical that no one, say in Afghanistan, can spoof it? Do you honestly think that it can't be done elsewhere?


posted on May, 28 2014 @ 10:18 PM
one point id like to make and i know ill ruffle feathers on both sides of the equation but it needs to be said, as ive stated so many times its barely worth stating it again,just being mentally ill is not grounds from banning some one from owning a gun you have to be adjudicated mentally deficient (committed to asylum against your wishe) now that that is out of the way.

how does any one propose to introduce legislation that bans a currently federally protected class of people (disabled) from a constitutional right? would people support a law saying blacks or other minorities cant own weapons? how about no guns for gays or women? well all of those groups are all in the same protected class group,do not get me wrong i do not think every one should be able to own a gun (we have laws that decide that currently) but how do you take an entire amendment from a an entire subclass in America?

definitions of who is and what is mental illness changes yearly and id bet more then a few members would qualify under the dsm 15,most of our veterans come back with some form of ptsd yet they were all formally trained in the use of far more advanced and deadly weapons then most citizens will ever own and yet by the no guns for mentally ill rule our own veteran's could not carry guns in the nation they used guns to protect months and years earlier during their time of service

and just on a personal note seeing the term "retarded" tossed around like its some kind of buzz word or insult well gets insulting to an entire class of people and both sides are guilty we have one person calling any one who disagrees with them mentally ill just for disagreeing with them and the other side calling others retarded for their opinions or various statements ,funny most people wouldnt say the n word to a random African American,or call a gay or lesbian person queer or any other of the less wholesome racial slurs to their face yet every one seems fine to rip and rag on the mentally ill for the actions of a few deranged individuals.odd that most people are called racists or bigots who try to judge and entire race/culture based on the actions of a few but its fine and dandy to just mock the mentally ill all the time .

most of the mentally ill i have worked with and encountered as well as my self would like nothign better to be normal or function just like any one else sad part is for us those options come with stigma and attacks and the terrible choice of learn to manage our illnesses on our own or submit to pharmaceutical options that are often worse then the disease its self ive seen people who were normally a bit off but decent quality of life (good health active in control of their weight) go to immovable slobs weighting up to 500 pounds as their med's make them gain insane ammounts of weight and make them less active,or rot and ruin their organs or give unsightly skin lesions. and god help you if your dependent on your meds and suddenly cant get them once you decide to take them,ive known people who worked 9-5 jobs managing other people go from sane and stable to full on mania (one even killed her self )due to it taking extra long to get their prescription filled so not even being medicated is a full on fix .so faced with the choice of take a pill that has horrible side effects (assuming they even find the right one) and risking being dependent on it for the rest of your life vs not taking any and having to not only manage it by your self but deal with all the "well hes off his meds" statements on top of all the other derogatory terms

ya know the most common complaint i heard when i worked for the mental health department? i wish there was less stigma about mental illness or that their friends would not mock them for making the difficult decision to take meds (if they so choose)some of them even felt like lepers and lived in fear of telling their own families as not every one even believes mental illness is a thing these days

and one last point keep in mind the mentally ill tend to study what happened to their kind in history and that chapter of American history is a very dark and stigmatizing all on its own (forced incarceration,sterilization,lobotomies performed along with human experimentation a terrifying list that would make the director of saw cringe) google eugenics if you doubt my claims

and i say this as a mentally ill gun owner who decides for his own health that meds arent for him and manages my illness with no criminal record who has never had/want to kill any one and who hope's to god ill never have to use them in defense of my life or loved ones just for the extra complications that will arise.

funny you hear a lot of "shall not infringe" on this site yet every one seems to want to infringe upon me and mine for the crimes others have committed guess some law abiding gun owners are more equal then others......sorry for the rant

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: seagull

I get the message dont discuss gun regulation on a US website its pointless

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: khnum

Discuss it all you like.

But it's always useful to have expertise to draw upon when opining. Though that doesn't necessarily stop me, either...

I'm not trying to shut you out. But this is an issue that resonates strongly with me.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: seagull
Sir I was a psychotronic warfare victim for 12 years and you would not believe what they can do to you and do in general I wasn't trying to be smart- there are now technologies and capabilities which make guns redundant, but that is not anyones current paradigm to know nor care whats coming so I stick with what is known; at no point have I inferred that I am an expert,intellectually superior,nor cast dispersions on peoples politics,mental state or manhood which I have been getting continuosly since joining this thread.I have not advocated mass confiscation or banning guns,merely denying the mentally ill and criminals guns as well as strict controls on assault style weapons sorry but I dont have to be Samuel Colt to have an opinion.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: khnum googgled the term you provided ......well if thats not a whole other can of worms entirely

PART I: Psychotronics is a complicated subject, and not everyone agrees what it is about. I would describe it as ‘manipulating brain activity to achieve physiological outcomes’. Picture above: How perpetrators may see Targeted Individuals via psychotronics. Source: The main point about psychotronics is that it can be used remotely, and anonymously on innocent civilians for torture, mind control and sinister political purposes. Criminal perpetrators can commit crimes against humanity without detection, as if they were invisible. They can in fact be detected, but only through use of similar technologies. ‘ Just because these criminals are using invisible directed energy weapons and not guns, and because they redefined information warfare as propaganda, we are supposed to think it is less than war and murder of the citizens. These are invisible weapons being used far more destructively than a simple bullet to the head.’’
so am i correct in assuming that you believe you were a victim of such "targeted" attacks (sleep disrupted to actions effected by external forces?)or something akin to gang stalking? wikis take on it..... if you truly believe that these things are happening to you perhaps it could behoove you to talk to a qualified professional especially on the off chance you are hearing voices or other adverse side effects, perhaps they could either find a way to stop it or find a medical solution to your problem with psycotronics ,i will admit my ignorance on this topic and perhaps if your comfortable relating your experiences you could enlighten us so we can understand your point as to how this relates to the gun control debate unless you were trying to imply(based on my limited reading of above sources) that is is the government or other smiler entities committing these psycotronic attacks and that they(the government) were some how responsible for the shootings we have been having (a theory i my self do not believe but would be curious as to your input on the matter)

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: khnum

but I dont have to be Samuel Colt to have an opinion.

No, you don't. I'd be among the last to say you do. Say on. ...and I'll continue to disagree with you.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: RalagaNarHallas

Unless you've lived this nightmare of 24/7/365 mental,physical and spiritual torture you cant really comprehend it,I generally dont discuss it because I will just be called schizophrenic or a nutcase,I wrote a treatise called Psychotronic warfare methodologies and capabilities and got put into a mental institution for my efforts,my reason for bringing it up is this all pervading thought that if we have guns we can keep things in check-things Im afraid have progressed beyond that point,anyway I dont wish to derail the threat if a mod wants to delete this post so be it.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: RalagaNarHallas

Not just shooting I believe Timothy Mc Veigh was on such a program.
edit on 28-5-2014 by khnum because: spelling error

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: khnum

I don't suppose it available to read somewhere? I'm not being facetious, either.

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