posted on May, 25 2014 @ 05:20 PM
Let's start off by me trying to explain the mental state of a dead soul. I have gotten the strong impression that it is a state of not knowing and a
sort of peace of mind that comes from being in a realm beyond our understanding of time. Givin that it seems likely that the best burial would be
alone or at least in a place that is not crowded and free of trinkets and earthly possesions. This has givin me a better understanding of our current
burial rituals. I believe that some souls must spend a set amount of time dead and some get to carry on quickly and dna is what binds us.
The mass grave i have visions of is very real and created either out of ignorance or hatred but it will be up to us to believe. I am seeing a place
where many people are passing through the souls of the dead in a sort of manner that is not like any other accepted resting place. The souls are
riffiling through the shelves of trinkets and trying to piece together their memories. Picking up one item and turming to another soul to show the
item only to have some relive that awful moment in time. This continues over and ever again because most do not have the capablities yet to keep a
thought beyond a few minutes. It is pure torture and we are responsible.
This part you may not believe but they have ben given the chance to move on but need help to do so. This usually happens by a spiritual person onsite
and creating a portal or vortex of white light. You may ask why should they be givin a free pass from suffering their grave but it is what it is.
The next thing that needs to be done is that the remains need to be burnt if not already and taken to a peaceful place because a few will stay
behind. I am not calling for action of any kind other that the remains be cared for properly in the 911 memorial. It is truly causing much suffering
to the living and the dead and i am just passing on the info.