I have been thinking this morning of what it might be like if ATS had an annual gathering of members.
I imagine a two part gathering where we rent a large venue in the city, sort of like a fairgrounds for the first location. Members could rent space to
sell there wares, food etc. In other parts we could have seminars of all sorts of things from underwater alien base camps to wilderness survival to
gardening. We could have stages set up for music, short movies, games and booths for showing art or inventions.
In the second location things could be a bit less formal. Maybe a national park or a very large campground where folks could stay for cheap or free.
There could be activities planned here as well for small and big kids. Music and cookouts all night. A place where we could visit and share
conversations around the campfire in a relaxed outdoor atmosphere.
I imagine the whole thing could be like a mixture of TED talks, Pow Wow, Rendezvous, Rock concert and Gem and mineral show all wrapped into one
fantastic week, all with a twist of conspiracy.
I know, I know, you say it would be a great chance for us all to be rounded up at the same time and chucked into the FEMA camp right? Well I'd risk
it, maybe it would be a good chance for the aliens to finally make first contact...
I'd probably be willing to fork out 250$ plus travel halfway across country to be able to see and converse with the folks here.
Imagine the opportunity to see Beezer sitting on a fluffy couch eating carrots behind one of those little trailers you see at the carnival, 5$ to see
the human rabbit, but when you got back there it was fake!?! Phage could bring his ginormous telescope and we could all get a five second glimpse of
the real truth. I can almost guarantee that I wouldn't leave with less than 20 lbs of Destinyone's amazing home made soap.
Maybe it's just a silly imagination, but we are all part of a big family of sorts, maybe a digital family in a social aspect, but I think we would be
shocked to realise that we are much more alike than we think, plus it could be fun as hell. We'd have the opportunity to share resources in a more
face to face fashion, and make alliances that last a life time. It could solidify and confirm our community in a way.
What say you guys? Would you make the trip? How far would you be willing to travel or pay for tickets? More importantly, what would you bring to
sell/display or entertain?
edit on 24-5-2014 by Quauhtli because: ...