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Seven killed in mass shooting near University of California

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posted on May, 24 2014 @ 07:08 PM
At least three of the victims were found in the shooter's apartment:

It was unclear whether the bodies were new victims or part of the seven that police had announced Saturday morning. The suspect, Elliot Rodger... had also apparently left a printed manifesto describing his anger and alienation.
Channel 3 in Santa Barbara obtained a copy of the 140-page document, which read in part: “On the day before the Day of Retribution, I will start the First Phase of my vengeance: Silently killing as many people as I can around Isla Vista by luring them into my apartment through some form of trickery.”

Also this:

"Witnesses told The Times the Santa Barbara County coroner’s office and FBI were at the apartment just a few blocks from the university through the afternoon."

Why are the Feds always at the scene of these "Columbine-client" type shootings? To make sure there is one--and only one--suspect.

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edit on Sat May 24 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: EX TAGS ADDED

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: brookster18

Yes he was. He was a nice person. Thats clear in his video.

No he wasn't, did you know him? I bet you think all actors are nice as well.

You seem to want to label him a monster as it suits your kneejerk reaction to say a standard line.

No need to label him anything, he let the world know the kind of person that he was when he gunned down 7 innocent people for his own selfish reasons.

Maybe your a govt shill.

How did you know? I guess I better keep an eye on you, you seem like a very unstable person yourself.

Its clear he was a 'nice guy' so dont split hears.

Wrong, people who murder innocent people are not nice.

Like Nice Guy Eddy in reservoir dogs.

Great movie, but like I said before, not all actors are nice.

What he did was wrong. I agree.

Well that's two thus far! We both like the movie reservoir dogs, and we agree that what he did was wrong. I would add sick and twisted as well.

People live living deaths. Clearly that doesnt bother you.

Oh come on, go buy a gallon of ice cream and cry into your pillow all night for all I care. People are born deformed and crippled, I don't see them blaming the world for the cards they were dealt. Of course I wish everyone could be happy, but that is not the reality of this World.

Everyone has a reason for doing what they do, every gang killer, every rapist, every wife killer. Understanding those reasons is critical. If you cant do that then you dont belong in the game.

Yes, but you're making excuses instead of trying to understand him. You can understand all you like, but at the end of the day you can't fix people who blame everyone else for their problems. I guess you can drug them, or throw them in some hospital. Apparently he was receiving help, so obviously that overrated treatment did absolutely nothing to prevent this tragedy.

Oh and, I play the game of life pretty well. It sounds to me like you're the one who is having difficulties with it. Let's stick to the subject, instead of each other from here on out my friend. ~$heopleNation

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: SheopleNation

Im not making excuses. As a person that has read hundreds of court transcripts for murder cases, its clear he was a nice person.

Your definition that all murderers are not nice people is not logical and would not stand up in court.

The actions of a murderer are not nice. He was a nice person. A person with good looks is good looking, a stong peron is strong.

You are being pedantic as a common reference that had no meaning.

the Lansa guy that shot lots of kids was a nice guy, the Li dude at tech was not a nice guy. His photos clearly show him to have a naturally hostile disposition.

i am certain that a UK judge whilst summing up would describe him has a nice person who chose for whatever reason to carry out a horrendous and violent act for which there can be no doubt would be punished to the fullest extent etc etc.

I think Ted Bundy is generally reffered to as a nice guy. The Night Stalker bloke was generally not a nice guy.


Please feel free to continue to pontificate and split hairs.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 07:34 PM

the thing is, girls get it a bit easier. They dont have to try that hard, and it leads to ignorance as they dont understand sufferenace as well.

I am willing to bet there are girls out there who would disagree with that statement. Some have social adapting and bullying troubles also.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: roadgravel

the thing is, girls get it a bit easier. They dont have to try that hard, and it leads to ignorance as they dont understand sufferenace as well.

I am willing to bet there are girls out there who would disagree with that statement. Some have social adapting and bullying troubles also.


I knew someone would say that. My point is in 'principle' girls have it easier. Their problems are different. But they dont have to try as hard, they just have to stand there and they will get a stream of blokes. their problem is filtering out whats of use. The bloke has to do the hard work of going up to her. Also, of course, ugly girls wont get that, but they wouldnt expect that.

lets say that this dude had a soul mate. A perfect match. After all he was fairly good looking in a juvenile way. If you put both of them in a bar on their own his 'partner' or 'match' would be quickly picked up but he wouldnt.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: brookster18

No wonder you have girl problems. Talk to some one about these issues.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 07:51 PM
Unlike many on this thread I dont need to understand the motivations of a twisted sick unit but we employee police and other authorities that do need to appreciate these sort of disenfranchised nutjobs are out there, proper psychological assessment must be introduced to make sure sick pricks like this dont get a gun.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 07:58 PM
I think some of these shooters are being groomed and programmed to do what they do and its entirely possible there was somebody with them just before or during the events. This and the Sandy Hook shooting would be two. Or maybe some THING was there with them....
And the Aspberger's connection is another thing. Are these people somehow more vulnerable to this programming and are they singled out because of it?
Where did he get the gun? Its Hollywood. No matter what they say, guns are rampant in entertainment circles out there, they just make a show of being against guns so that others can't have them but they'll keep theirs.
The poster who commented on his sexuality was probably dead on. The guy was relatively good looking, had money and a famous dad, even if he was a complete dork he would do okay. Unless maybe he fantasized over make believe Hollywood girls too much and real girls didn't match up.
Hollywood is all about sex and violence( always has been) with a creeping undercurrent that is getting more sick evil and sinister. Its preying on their own, now.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: brookster18

Much like us girls have to figure out who is not a predator for recreation (For men its a money vampire who is high maintainace.Beautiful is usually only skin deep for shallow people)and the prettier ones are mostly self absorbed. I do agree on the "Train of thought" idea,by interrupting that process( or remembering to) is ,in fact, how to survive emotional pain. You have to actually stop the thoughts AS THEY SHOW UP and it takes diligence.It's done for the good of others and many don't see or much less understand ,it's value.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 08:11 PM


posted on May, 24 2014 @ 08:12 PM


posted on May, 24 2014 @ 08:14 PM


posted on May, 24 2014 @ 08:24 PM

A reminder.............

Stick to the's not about other not continue to derail the thread.....You are responsible for your own posts.

--Off Topic, One Liners and General Back Scratching Posts--

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 08:25 PM
Let's not confuse issues here.

Just look at the facts. If all of those people would have been carrying firearms, they probably would have all still died. We don't know of course but reports say that those three shot were surprised. It was a surprise attack. Just saying. Except the three he stabbed in the apartment, but then again. If that was a surprise attack and you're at home, do you have time to get your gun and shoot. Where do you keep your gun at the house? Locked and in a drawer in the bedroom?

edit on 24-5-2014 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 08:38 PM
I'm not sure about his "Aspergers" diagnosis as there is a pitiful agreement between clinicians for diagnosing "aspergers", which in itself is a vague set of symptoms. He could have been brought to 10 doctors and a good number of them would have given a non-autistic diagnosis. What stands out to me is borderline personality disorder.

As for Hollywood. Where else on this planet would a massacre occur because the perpetrator was a virgin at 22? This is in all probability a "hollywood borne massacre". This is clearly a sui generis. A phenomena that could only happen in the most vain and superficial town human beings have ever established: Hollywood. Think about that for a second.

Concerns and worries like his dont emerge in a vacuum. Before you jump to protect the parents, I think we should ponder what sort of relationship he had with his parents. Why did he put such a high premium - a ridiculously insanely high premium - on having sex with girls? I don't mean to be shallow, but this picture of his dad - Peter Rodger - doesn't exactly strike one as typical. His expression strikes me of narcissism. Honestly. Look at it. There's something impish and sinister about it.

If I were a psychologist (which I am) I would predict that the dad had a strong narcissistic tendency. He probably loved his son, but seldom showed it in the ways that would produce a secure and confident young man (such is the burden of being a parent, the child you produce is largely a reflection of yourself: of the relationship an quality of engagement you had with your child; this theory of attachment has been scientifically proven so it is beyond dispute. The infant/child internalizes the signals of the parent. The person he grows up to be is largely conditioned by these early life conditions).

When you combine the family context and his relationship with his dad with his own obvious struggles with socializing - a pathology that is probably related to his own relationship to his dad - his obsession with screwing girls and having sex might make a lot of sense. Lets assume that his dad was a "ladies man" (a very plausible assumption given the environment he lived in and his status and appearance). His son likely felt a deep existential need to perform at the same ability. To be as his dad. So that he could connect and "be seen" by his father (or by himself). The mind is a complicated place. Complicated enough where self esteem or "experiencing the self" can become intertwined with pathological states like hurting someone else, or in his case, having sex with a girl. This is a borderline state of mind. Only a borderline state of mind would feel aggrieved enough to kill people because they "never had sex". And having sex would only mean so much if he had a parent - his dad - who was successful and able in this area of life. Thus, assuming that he failed to develop a secure sense of self - likely - his attempt to succeed in this area of life, bound up with his image of his dad - literally meant to him life or death. He would cease to exist if he couldn't do it. Interestingly enough, if his mental state was borderline, it would also explain his problem with connecting with other people. Since he put such a high premium on this, he likely had lots of trouble relaxing himself sufficiently to connect with the girls he wanted to have sex with.
edit on 24-5-2014 by Astrocyte because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 08:47 PM
again we,r talking about a mass shooting in america and again all i,m hearing is the right to bear arms,don,t you see that right is causing so many lifes?Britains not great but show me a story every couple of months about a mass shooting,it just doesn,t happen.your lucky if you hear about more than one person shot in same group in years,never mind every other month.

america the land of opportunity?as long as you can dodge bullets then it may be.
edit on 2013 by sparky31 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 09:41 PM
I didn't read through all the posts about this event, but should there be a thread that ties in the "Hunger games"?

According to the writer Suzzane Collins:

The Hunger Games trilogy came from the classical account of Theseus and the Minotaur. In Greek mythology, as a punishment for the killing of King Minos's son Androgeos, Athens was forced to sacrifice seven youths and seven maidens to Crete, who were then put in the Labyrinth and killed by the Minotaur.[2

Seems like a strange coincidence seven.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: sparky31
again we,r talking about a mass shooting in america and again all i,m hearing is the right to bear arms,don,t you see that right is causing so many lifes?Britains not great but show me a story every couple of months about a mass shooting,it just doesn,t happen.your lucky if you hear about more than one person shot in same group in years,never mind every other month.

america the land of opportunity?as long as you can dodge bullets then it may be.

all i,m hearing is the right to bear arms,don,t you see that right is causing so many lifes?

No. Rights don't kill people.

Britains not great but show me a story every couple of months about a mass shooting,it just doesn,t happen.your lucky if you hear about more than one person shot in same group in years,never mind every other month.

How is that even vaguely important? This story is about Americans and our culture. I can point out countries whose violence makes ours look dismal. Would that make our violence any less substantial or more so? Neither right?

america the land of opportunity?as long as you can dodge bullets then it may be.

I've never dodged or seen anyone dodge bullets.

Factor in mass shootings with gun deaths and see what percentage they make up

More than 900 people died in mass shootings during the past seven years, and a majority of them were killed by people they knew.

The 934 deaths account for less than 1% of all gun-related homicides, and nearly half involve a suspect slaying his or her family members.


posted on May, 24 2014 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: TiedDestructor

people with aspergers can be really possessive,they zero in on something or someone and they can't stop

I imagine since this guy came from a well off family , dad works in the movie biz etc, etc( he traveled over the world ) it probably frustrated him even more that girls were not interested in him at all

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 10:22 PM
Rodgers stabbed the three victims in his apartment:
Of the six people killed, three were stabbed to death inside Rodger's apartment, he(the Sheriff) said.

So the geek shoots people to death with one hand while the other is steering his car, and dispatches other victims silently with a knife in his home. Truly a natural born killer. Or more likely, someone with professional training.


Stupid eyewitnesses! Always so confused as to the number of perps:
Michael Vitak, a student from the Czech Republic, told (NewsChanne 3 reporter Victoria )Sanchez what he witnessed.
"Guys in a BMW. Maybe they were trying to prove they're tough"
--One woman identified as Sierra told Sanchez she was approached by two men in a black BMW. The driver flashed a small black handgun and asked '"Hey, what's up?"'

edit on 24-5-2014 by starviego because: (no reason given)

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