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A Question Fro Women About Something I just Don't Understand

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posted on May, 23 2014 @ 09:35 PM
This is something about women I just don't understand.

I was in a store the other day and I saw this one couple. They'd walk around the corner into the idle I was in, and another woman looked at her boyfriend and said "Oops, excuse me." He moved out of the way of her saying "Please, excuse me". trying to be a gentlemen.

The girlfriend got very angry at the boyfriend and slapped him really hard and stormed away.

Why was she mad at him? They were not flirting with each other. She did not come up and kiss fom and cop an inappropriate feel.

So I really don't understand why she was mad at him. I think he really didn't deserve being hit like this.

Yes I am a guy, and I am not just taking the guy's side just because I'm a guy too. I'd feel the same way if the roles were reverse because I've very fair minded kind of guy.

And a second thing but almost the same. I saw it on TV somewhere where a girl walked up to this one couple and said she'd slept with her boyfriend. The other girl got really angry at him and stormed off, and later broke up their relationship because of it.

You see, this is something I just don't understand. Why would the woman get mad at him? This girl was a complete stranger and presumably they'd been in the relationship for seven years so she'd know him far more than a complete stranger. Shouldn't she be angry at the stranger instead and not believe her, at least without any hard evidence? It just doesn't seem right to believe the strange girl over a guy you've known for years.

So this is something I just don't understand.


I apologize for the double post. I am having some wierd technical difficulties I do not understand.

edit on 23-5-2014 by EvilSadamClone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: EvilSadamClone

I don't think those 2 circumstances apply to all of women, and don't try so hard to understand them.
You never will

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 09:43 PM
Jealousy, pure and simple.

Was the other women attractive? Women often feel as if they are competing with every other women that is in their age group. Not all women, but that right there was clearly jealousy.

Does not matter if he said or did anything at all, because he though it, lol. Seriously that is sadly how many young women think, she will likely grow out of it as most women do.

I was siting outside my friends apartment years ago, (in our early twenties) and we were watching this very beautiful girl near our age move in next door. My friends boyfriend was a bit of a man whore mind you, so my friend was always jealous of someone. I remember we both smiled and said hi to the gal but then my friend turned and looked at me and said i quote "what a bi..h" the girl did nothing except look pretty, but that is all it took. my friend hated her from then on out.

edit on 23-5-2014 by brandiwine14 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: EvilSadamClone

Why did you post the same topic twice?

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 09:49 PM
He probably used the "C" word, women hate that. OR,OR! He didn't put the toilette seat back down, JESUS CHRIST WOMEN WILL TOTALLY LOSE IT OVER THAT!

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 09:50 PM
Because they're just not right?

Idk why the lady would hit her man for saying "excuse me." That one makes NO sense...Unless they were playing some kind of weird game with each other, she's probably just a B.

The second one, you never know. The guy may have been unfaithful in the past, she may have been looking for a reason to dump him, etc.

Ehh, regardless, it's their business. I don't worry about other people's problems...

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: HUMBLEONE

I put the seat and the lid down every time I flush so I never run into that problem.
Seems the most hygienic thing to do regardless if you live with a women IMO

But yes, leave the seat up, and your a dead man

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 10:08 PM
I recall driving down the street when a street walker stepped out in front of my truck...I naturally beaked and went around her......the old lady got all pissed off and when I asked whats wrong this time she said "you looked at her".....unfathomable....

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: EvilSadamClone
You need to get a girlfriend.
Do some in the field research of your own with said girlfriend.
Stop trying to make snap judgements of situations where you have no understanding of the details.

Most importantly, get a girlfriend!

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 10:11 PM
Jealousy is not gender specific. Women do get away with that public slap more than men, though.

If a man slaps a women thats abuse, if a women does it he must have deserved it.

Is that just my misinterpretation?

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: HUMBLEONE

I put the seat and the lid down every time I flush so I never run into that problem.
Seems the most hygienic thing to do regardless if you live with a women IMO

But yes, leave the seat up, and your a dead man
. Sure! Why do WE guys have to lift up that dirty old toilette seat anyways! NO MORE! BE A MAN AND STAND UP, SEAT UP!

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: HUMBLEONE

Cause she says so, that's why.
A man can deal with that

Use your foot if you can't deal with lifting the lid.
Again, IMO the lid should be closed regardless of having a women present or not.
Do you really want your urine or fecal matter getting shot back out when you flush?

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 10:57 PM
Hm. Well I'm a woman and I don't understand the whole "slapping a man" thing...

But seriously, men do need to understand something important about women. Women, you see, have brains that are very very connected - and in a different way than men's brains, which are more compartmentalized. A woman's memory of an event, is connected to all the other similar events with another person (or through her life). This can make it look like she is blowing up "over nothing" when in reality she is blowing up over a pattern in the relationship.

Again (because it deserves repeating), it can easily happen that a man will see a woman get angry over "one little incident" when what she is REALLY getting angry at is a LONG TERM PATTERN that the man simply hasn't connected the dots over. That's when men freak out because they only see an "over reaction" in the moment, and they DON'T see the long-term, over and over again pattern.

For example, the man who got slapped in your first story (and I really disagree with any form of slapping/hitting anyone - just not cool), from your vantage point (and possibly that man's as well), it was a little event, but from the woman's perspective, let's say the event reminded her of several times in the past where he has been (and I'm making this up here, as I have no idea) where this man has been MORE POLITE to OTHER WOMEN than he is to HIS woman and she finally lost it (after having told this issue to him, possibly, many times). He might hold a door for another woman, a stranger, but not for her. Or he might be on "good manners" for others, but constantly rude around her - it might be a whole pattern of "putting on a good front" for other people but in private, with her, he is rude... This is just a hypothetical, as I have no idea why she really did what she did, but this is my best guess as to the type of issue you witnessed.

Hope that helps!


posted on May, 23 2014 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

Well said. I am going to have my husband read this. I think all men need to read this. It explains it so well.

I would like to add, that as a woman I have never gotten the toilet seat issue. To me it seems trivial. If you are complaining about at a little issue like that, there is probably a bigger underlying issue that cause the little things to irritate you more. I know for someone women it is a huge issue because it is one of their pet peeves, but I think they are only a percentage I think it really is more the fact that it has become a cultural norm for it to be an issue.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: EvilSadamClone

I don't think those 2 circumstances apply to all of women, and don't try so hard to understand them.
You never will

I sometimes like to think that the central part of a womans brain consist of a dice. You never know what to expect.
No disrespect to women intended, you're still beautiful to me.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: MrMaybeNot

*sigh* You didn't read my earlier post, did you... Or perhaps you did but it didn't make sense?

Some things are worth the effort.


posted on May, 24 2014 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: EvilSadamClone

Perhaps this is one of those questions wrongly asked.

For example, to know why the gentleman in your first story was slapped, it is not the woman in the piece that you need to understand, but the relationship dynamic between the man and woman, something that you cannot hope to understand unless you happen to know them both, and have done for some time. This tiny snapshot teaches you nothing, because you lack the continuity of narrative which would turn the incident into anything else than a moment in time, rather than a chapter in a continuing saga. The past explains the present, and without it, examination of a moment in time can only tell you so much about people.

There are times when a relationship collapses, owing to total lunacy on the part of one or another, or sometimes both participants, and that happens with both female, and male antagonists. I think the better question is, why do people indulge their psychological faults, and think that their relationships with other people are an acceptable cost of doing so?
edit on 24-5-2014 by TrueBrit because: Spelling and grammar corrections.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 08:09 AM
She was likley just a unhinged mega bitch and not a representative of all womenl

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: EvilSadamClone

The first woman you mention to me seems very insecure; her boyfriend is a gentleman and she should be proud that he treats people with respect.

The second woman...well if a random woman walked up to me and said she slept with my man...I would certainly question him...and find out if it really happened...or if the woman was just a nutty person.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 09:12 AM
The question of the sexes is as old as time. Your not the first to ask why and probably wont be the last to ask it.
With both stories there's probably more to the story than what you saw but with that said and this goes both ways if you feel the need to hit your partner that's a problem. It's time to either sit down and work out the issues or cut your losses.

For your second example again without out the back drop of the story it's hard to answer the why of it. Could be as simple as just having to hear another female tell you she had your man and not wanting to deal with it or he has a past history of not being able to keep his fly zipped. So with out the back story can't really know the why or understand it, if that's at all possible.

People do a great many things for reasons we don't understand but make perfect sense to them. The best advise I ever heard when it comes to relationships is: It's not about finding that perfect person but finding that imperfect person and loving them Perfectly.

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