posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 10:03 PM
Night placed the opened journal upon the hardwood desk. It was the eve of The Winter's Blessings. The place was packed with interesting people and
creatures and it was time to mingle and celebrate.
The great hall was dimly lit with thousands of tiny sparkling lights and candles. There were huge vases of flowers, pine cones, boughs of pine and
spruce and holly all around the hall. Night Star took a glass of some kind of liquor off a gleaming silver platter. The young elf took 3 more, or was
it 4 or 5? After a while she found herself in the center of a group of other elves and some minotaurs reminiscing about past victories in heated wars.
She became bored and branched out to mingle with new creatures she knew nothing about.
All the while, Wolf was pacing and restless. Night Star noticed that he kept looking over at another white wolf. Why didn't he look happy about it
she wondered.
"Come on boy, let's go meet more of the guests and look for our friends."
It was a lovely celebration, but without her dear friends, even in such a fascinating crowd as this, she felt lonely. She also worried about Storm and
hoped he was well.
"I am well little elf. Soaring beneath the moon and stars."
Night smiled.