Ok Guys and Gals. Since Night was the only one of us who read and commented on my sideline story for the shed, I'm posting it here. It's kind of
long, but I think You will enjoy it. I hope so anyway. LOL!
Ok, it's gonna be in two parts here. It's been slightly edited here from it's original verse that I posted into The Short Stories Section a little
while back.
Part One of Two:
A Dragon's Holloween PumpkinHead Tale
After Dropping off some roasted Boar for their lost Friend TDawg, and pointing him in the right direction, Syx flies into the cool night sky. Off
towards the interior of the island He soars easily staying aloft on the warm updrafts coming up from the island below him. He Loves being able to
shift into Dragon form at will. Such a delight to own the ability!
The night air is cooling off the island surface, but for now there are plenty of warm air pockets coming up from him below......
Seeing another area lit from what looks like a campfire, syx turns himself towards the new strange lighted area. He knows it is not the campfire of
his other friends, as that is off in another direction.
Syx knows his friends are concerned for their other Friend TDawg and He should carry the good news of His sighting, but He decided to go towards the
other fire lit area first.
Nearing the light source, which is indeed a campfire, Syx can see some figures seated around the warm fire. Diving lower, to get a better look, Syx
is startled at the nearing sight before him!
It looks like the 'people' are not people at all, but humanoid shaped figures, with what looks like, pumpkins for heads!!!
Seeing a clear area to land in, Syx heads for it so he may get on the ground and get a real close look at the strangeness he saw!!!
Landing as quietly as he can, Syx takes a few steps and then shape shifts into his Human form.
Looking around for some clothing, some that he has stashed in several places around the woods, he soon finds some. He quickly puts on the garments.
Now walking towards the large campfire, He wonders what will happen when he walks into the fire area.
Now only about 20 yards from his destination, Syx begins to see, closer now, that yes the heads of these entities are indeed Pumpkins! With eyes,
nose, and mouths carved out of the once ordinary pumpkins he knew of!
Syx walked right up behind one of the creatures and says, "Hello!! Do you have room for a stranger to sit with you all?!"
There were a few dozen of the 'people' sitting around the fire and they all turned towards Syx. Most turned their heads slowly to see the stranger
amongst them, but the one Syx had walked up behind, turned his head so fast that it spun on it's shoulders a few times!! It reached up it's
'hands' and turned it's head to the proper angle to see Syx behind it. It's body was still facing towards the fire so now the head was completely
backwards so it could see Syx standing there with his mouth dropped open in amazement!
It was quite a sight indeed!!
'Yes fellow traveler, you may come near the fire to warm yourself. Just sit down." One of the pumpkin heads said in a voice that had an echo sound
to it. The fellow seemed to be quite mellow in it's behavior. The others merely watched as Syx stepped over the many small logs that were cut to just
the right length, placed on end for sitting on. They were however, placed a far distance from the fire!
"Thank You for your kindness in letting me join you" Syx replied to the one who spoke to him.
Syx noticed the 'hands' of these Beings were kind of similar to our own. They were made of straw, or hay? There were Three 'fingers', and an
opposable Thumbs, and he could see that they did bend and would be able to grasp objects, like we can do. But it was an odd sight to be sure! Their
feet were the same as their hands, as far as what they were made of, and had only four toes. He assumed their whole body was made of straw, or hay as
well. They wore no shoes. Their clothes were mostly old tattered long sleeved Flannel shirts, and they wore old riped up Blue Jeans. A couple wore old
faded coveralls.
Syx thought to Himself, 'Hmmm, so this is why the seats are placed so far away from the fire.'
A Large Crow flew into the campfire area and all the beings jumped up and ran towards the Bird waving their arms to make the Bird fly away. They also
were Screaming in high pitched sounds that was quite unbearable!
After the bird flew off, they returned calmly to the fire area and sat down. They once again just sat there and stared into the flames of the warming
Syx asked one of them, " Why did You All do that!?"
One replied, "They like to eat our heads, and we cannot just let that happen, now can we?"
"No! I guess not!" Syx responded feeling afraid for them.
One got up and walked away. He went over to a pile of Pumpkins and picked one up. He examined it for a couple minutes then walked to a table nearby
and sat it down. He picked up a knife and began cutting off the top of the pumpkin and began cleaning it out. Completeing that He then went to task of
carving a face onto it. Once finished, he walked up behind a being who's head was shriveled up a bit, and tore it off the it's body.
He placed the new head onto a stem sticking up from the neck area, looking like it was made of wood. Once the head was in place, the new 'Person'
said, "Thank You! I would have done that myself, but lately I just don't much care about anything. So I am glad that you took the time to do