posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 11:33 PM
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Night Star
Hi Night. I like meant repay in the sense that I am so touched and all that I only hope I can be there for you guys when and if something may happen,
and just be here for anything and everything and stuff, Ya know? (Ummm, I didn't have my check book out or anything! LOL!!!)
Hope that came out right? LOL! Anyways, you know what I mean? Hmm, not sure I know now. LOL!!!
a reply to:
Foss Man! Prayers received, and appreciated! Thanx Bud. And Ohh, The BioHazardous Buddies I can relate to as well. Poison People, Hazardous Humans,
Carcinogous Citizens, Toxic Turds. Oh, Sorry, got carried away. LOL!
And I think You are right that We are probably not going to have many, or any more nice warm days this year. I believe the Indian Summer is over, eh?
ANd good luck early with the upcoming Move. Never much fun moving in the winter.
a reply to:
Arrrrgh! You didn't just say the "S" Word did Ya?! Wow, Not lookin forward to that anytime soon! LOL!!!
But I guess it is that time of the Year already isn't it? Wow, time sure flies when ya get old... Man oh Man... LOL!!!!
Here's a pic of Me and Chrissy a few Years back guys. She was a Mom of Twins. Boy and Girl. They are like 36 years old now. AT least I have some
pretty good memories and some nice Pictures of Her.
Both of those, Plus My Niece and Nephew will Keep Her alive for Me, eh?
Click The Thumb for Larger Pic. Catch you guys n the Morning. Syx.