posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to:
The odd thing is, I am a deeply spiritual guy. I believe in God, in the healing power of Jesus Christ, in the unrelenting fury and power of the Holy
Spirit. I always have been, ever since I was a little fellow, and would share my lunch with the hungry, malnourished kids, despite needing food nearly
as much as them some weeks! When I was on the streets, I would feed the other homeless in my locality, before feeding myself. When I was younger, I
would defend the weak, even take a beating for them, not because my faith demanded it, but because I knew in my heart that it was right to do so.
The wind in the trees, the sound of rain on the ground, the sight of a snow strewn street, these things are also deeply spiritual for me since they
almost represent the moods of God, and there are times when I can feel the power of God all around me, moving in the universe, probing the depths of
even the deepest shadows. I know that no matter how darkly I dress, and no matter what shadow I end up loitering in, he can always see me, and he will
always be with me where ever I go, and whatever I do. That is about as spiritual as one can get without driniking methylated spirits neat!
I do not feel like I am missing out. And where that incident with my friend was concerned, I think he bought something in to my home from outside. I
think its having been within him, rather than having been just roaming around, probably accounts for its presence in my house. I believe that it
probably would not have gotten within shouting distance if not for its having been within my friend at the time.
Oh... and Night Star, regarding what I am doing to the spirits... I have no idea, but whatever it is, I am ok with it!
edit on 25-9-2014 by
TrueBrit because: added detail.