posted on May, 29 2014 @ 07:25 AM
I can feel where you are coming from.
And here is a gold coin.
The reason we must have a seperation between church and state is because we cannot find a Global consensus on these issues using a Global Democratic
For Democracy to work there can be no borders and Humanity must work as one,Democracy is a Human condition.
A muti-diety multi-religon System has evolved along with a multi-border multi-government System on our Planet.
These Multiple projections of Human free-will ALL each and every one of them require VOTES to self-sustain their strucrural and tanible survival as
Waht we have is a fire-sale on Human free-will nd VOTES.It s a free-for-all and MONEY is your ticket to the ballgame.
This must stop.
Each human is an individual note of music unto themselves and we all must choose to sing the same song or we are out of synch with everyone else,and
we CAN live our lives this way ,we will make our individual note of music as long as we are alive .
We DO have the power to create our own futures within the boundaries of Natures rules and parameters.
Think about it for a second,who in their right mind would challenge Nature and claim to have some interaction with input to and relationship with
To what end would one make this type of claim?
To control and manipulate the uninitiated that is why,if good folk believe someone has a connection with something greater than Nature which is
something WE ALL must realise and accept as a cumulative reality then they accept leadership from those people.
Some crafts KMOWLEDGE GUARDIANS who may have started out based on good intentions in preserving Humanitys One True History figured out how to fool
people and by todays standards it would be consider to be an AMATURE JOB.By historys standards they were genius.
The connection between an imaginary god or dety and the weather and our Natural world is a must have,because NO ONE can lie about Nature which we all
see and interact with in real-time.
Back before when Global communicaton as interuppted we returned to basics,when that happened one Group of Humans would see the results after-the-fact
of a tragic Natural act like a flood or a hurricane or a drought and because it didnt happen to them they attributed the specific action at the
specific location as a tangible act of punishement .
SOMEONE attributed acts of Nature to a non-existant and invisdible diety or god.The people bought the sales story.
As soon as people of different groups were given this BS story they began to attribute their physical states to these dietys of gods,these
non-existant imaginary ides that someone made up to basiclly steal credit from Nature and to fool the masses into believing there was some type of
two-way communication between the man behind the weather and their Knowledge keeprs,at this poit they werent called religous clergy,they were
historians and knowledge keeprs.
Now we can envision the PURE POWER these knowledge keeprs or priests CREATED FOR THEMSELVES,they hi-jacked Mother Natures full power finality and fury
as if it were their own to weild as if they had some connection or input into how Mother Nature would behave,as if how the masses behaved was a
deciding factor in how the communications between their Knowledge keeprs and Morther Nature would evolve,if they were "good Boys and Girls" and
brought the Knowledge keeprs or priests food and water and clothing and protectio and concubines then these people would make positive reports to the
now impactfull ideas of imaginary diestys or gods and there would be no terrifying surprises from Mother Nature.
Then because these priests coud not reliably predict the wether or natural disasters they had to build in a fail-safe feature to their con-job or they
would lose their jobs,so they cretaed a dynamic where people were AT FAULT when bad things happened and this was the causality,so because people are
not perfect and will always make mistakes of interpretation these monsters fed off of our human natures and taught people to believe that they were
actually responsible for natures actions by their own personal actions.
When the masses were bad or really in the beginning even one individual could be the ignition source of Natures retribution,whatever or whoever was
Fake rules were created by knowledge holding people who were targeting our Human nature to build their BS story,they had limited ways to screw
regular people back then and they used what they could acces easily Human Nature,they learned it and how to prey on it,even that action is a
survivalist Human nature act.
All knowledge of Human nature and sciences was SUPPRESSED AT ALL COSTS because this would be the undoing of the Fraternity of lazy selfish thieving
Knowledge keepers.
The knowledge they were charged with keeping was advanced knowledge with no tangible proto-types or infra-structures to physiclly validate them.
It is critical to understand that ALL of these Knowledge keeping groups would turn into seperate self-serving religons or secret societys.
A competition amongst now quickly learning groups was created,a race was created, we even refer to it as the human race,anyone ever ask what we were
racing over?
The Fraternal Groups which possesed and maintained the KNOWLEDGE BASEs for each group were learning Humanitys One True History,and the more they
learned the MORE EXTREME they began to become in their suppression methods,their very jobs and existance was at stake for they had become politicians
and completely relied upon the ,masses for their daily bread and sustenance and had made wuite a comfortable kingdom for themselves,work free.
As competeing groups learned more and more about Nature and our One True History they in a very natural human action suppressed this resource for
Surely no one was telling the masses that NATURE was really at the helm of the good-ship Earth,ha ha ha,no one was giving up their jobs that
easily,these peope had it easy,no wars no starvation no wanting for anything at all every creature comfort provided for,in fact they CREATED their own
job positions and they had no competition until SCIENCE came along and because of the Dark Ages we can see how they reacted to that,Global knowledge
Da Vinchis code has got nothing on this folks.
In fact this One True History is Messoninc in nature,imagine that a Messiah that is not a human being but that is a cumulative History of all of
One with the sheer power to bring together 80 % of the current Global Population or 5 BILLION people.
Can you imagine that!!
Bringing together 5 BILLION humans under one united reality,onto one real-tie page!
ONLY HISTORIANS could action this type and level of misguidance and deciet.
Only science could catch them.
Now Humanitys One True History can validate them all.
Religons were started by knowledge keepers who had a greater than average understanding of human nature and dynamics and the Earths natural
phenomenoms or processes which they had inherited from the Earth Cycle of Humanity they stemmed from,the one they survived from out of,they did not
understand the knowledge they were preserving,after several generations the ability of the masses AND the Keepers to understand everything was as gone
as the languages were,destroyed by Nature in a Cyclical event,not destroyed by an imaginary diety or god.
Humanitys One true History was all about human nature and how to tame it enough so that our Species can learn how to work within and without the
boundaries of Earths Natural realitys to ensure our Species survives these Earth Cycles which decimate everything.Our One true History is all about
the mental and psycological growth we need to undergo in order that we be prepared for the next coming Cycle.
The duration between Cycles is 3600 years so there is really no place where we can have delays or screwups if we want to create an optimal survival
situation where 6 billion people are all trying to prepare and survive together,you see friends it is to late,we are at the end of OUR Humanitys
Earth Cycle,and everycockroach that conspired throughout this current Human History and has knowledge of our One True History is DEATHLY AFRAID to
tell the truth,now they want to sink out of view and take their chances along with the rest of us,they want to dissolve themselves into humanity and
claim ignorance and USE us once again to ensure their survival.
If Humanity knew The One True History we all share they would hunt down and punish every single person involved in the cover-up and suppressions.
Now here is the punch-line, the hour is short now and there is no longer a true need to suppress and hide much,the Earth Cycle is about to end and
TPTB are all going underground trying to save themselves,using Humanitys vast resources to ensure only their survival.
They are still claiming they are more important than we are because they still hold the knowledge,and now with the Cycle ending they definately will
not surrender that dynamic,they extended us in darkenss via knowledge suppression long enough that they could use our resources to build themselves
better shelters this time and save more of themselves.
They only need to work within the bounds of a 3600 year timetable.Each Cycle is the same and they very well know it.
This is the ultimate crime against Humanity.
We ALL have a right to this knowledge and we ALL have a right to support out own survival.
There is some justice to 5 Billion people coming together in one cumulative reality,but the fact is that these Cockroaches only need to suppress
knowledge for less than 100 years of our 3600 year timetable to create the end-game we see now.
What can we do now??????
They know there is no time to orgnise against them and right their wrongs against Humanity.
They will simply claim they were the good of Humanity when the Cycle ends and begins again,they intend to come out of hiding as SAVOURS to select
numbers of Humanity when the rebuild occurs,as they have done in the past.
They use BILLIONS of Humans to thrust just FEW of them beyond the borders of the Cycles devestation knowing full well Humanity will be shattered and
seperated Globally nd tht KNOWLEDGE will be the key to re-building.
The TRUTH is that the Cycles end is so Globally devestating that there are NO SAFE PLACES.
This does not mean that Humanity does not survie in reproducable numbers,it just means that is is a chaotic process and is 100% random.
There will be humans surviving everywhere in small numbers individually,they will need to find each other over vast and great distances
ABillion prepared people have an astonomiclly higher chance of producing a higher number of prepared random surviors which by extrapolation hugely
increases Humanitys survival chances as a Species.
The Church wants to survive and they use knowledge preservation on behalf of all of humanity to abbrogate our basic Human rights exactly as the US
does when it breaches its citizens rights in the name of Natl. sec.
The State also wants to survive to provide infrastructures also supposedly to ensure Humanitys survival.
Both Groups KNOW the LEVEL of DISASTER the end of an Earth Cycle brings,the TOTALITY of it all,and they are very well aware that it is a 100%
crapshoot and it will be every man woman and child for themselves when this occurs.
You WILL NEVER seperate the Church and Government now we are to late in this current Earth Cycle now.this action had to happen 2000 years ago for it
to have had optimal impacts,the cockroaches didnt have to suppress this entire time,the dirty job did its thing after the 1st 1000 years,the rest will
be History.
These groups will ride this Cycle to the end hand-in-hand on a Global Scale.
Below the surface in every country and within every major doctrine there are cabals of people who posses our One True History.
In the Pubilc Domain exist mountains of data proving this reality,all of the history of Humanity revolves around this one dramatic Earth Cycle and it
always has.