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Is IQ a good measurement of intelligence?

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posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 12:51 PM
in�tel�li�gence (n-tl-jns)

The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge, especially toward a purposeful goal.
An individual's relative standing on two quantitative indices, namely measured intelligence, as expressed by an intelligence quotient, and effectiveness of adaptive behavior.

Acquire= memorization i.e. history, science fact, vocabulary etc.
Apply= use to solve problems that were not memorized i.e. logic, math, patter recognition etc...

IQ tests do a good job of addressing both of these aspects, but the only problem is that they can be culturally bias. If they were less bias then there would be less controversy over IQ testing. They are only bias in the acquired knowledge part, but thats not something you can never be completely unbiased against.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by The_RichDude
It would be interesting to know the average IQ of an ATSer...

To be perfectly honest, quite high. Just from reading the sentence structure of a lot of posts and vocabulary used, you can tell this.

As for the question at hand - I think the IQ test is OK. It was very accurate with me in pointing out my weaknesses, and was instrumental in diagnosing me with ADD.

The one problem with some of the tests is that what they are looking for is sometimes not told to you untill after the test is conducted. For example, say they wanted to test something by making you draw a picture of a bike - you may draw 2 wheels, a frame, handle bars and some petals. The thing is, to get a high score in that test, they may be looking for you to add details such as spokes on the tires, a chain to operate the bike etc.

Obviously a lot of people would consider this a bit excess to draw - as it is basic knowladge. But, since that person didn't know they were looking for detail, he/she wouldn't put that stuff in.

Basically, it's a decent test - nothing more nothing less.

BTW - 127 IQ w/o ADD meds, 137 w/

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 03:54 PM
I dont see IQ as an intellegence indicator worth any merit.

Example: My friend all through grade school had a 144 IQ. Mine was 138.
He is now a drugie, has a kid (at 16), no job, living with his parents.

I graduated top of my class, went to college and got a BS, now Im in grad school.

Same upbringing, same environment, very different outcomes.

IQ doesnt equal intellegence, sorry.
PS I stink at standardized tests.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 03:56 PM
I think you can measure brain power. THe one thing you cannot test is the ability to use that power. Its kinda like an engine. You know in theory an engine can have X amout of Horse power but thats pointless if it doesnt have a gas pedle or a good driver who knows how to use that power.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by zsandmann
I dont see IQ as an intellegence indicator worth any merit.

Example: My friend all through grade school had a 144 IQ. Mine was 138.
He is now a drugie, has a kid (at 16), no job, living with his parents.

I graduated top of my class, went to college and got a BS, now Im in grad school.

Same upbringing, same environment, very different outcomes.

IQ doesnt equal intellegence, sorry.
PS I stink at standardized tests.

Well, a difference of 6 points on an IQ test isnt going to matter much. There are plenty of low IQ people who arent druggies and high IQ people who are.
Just because you are intelligent doesnt mean you will make the right decisions in life.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by blend56
shouldn't I.Q. tests be changed? I mean, to me, the real test of a persons intelligience is how well they retain/comprehend information that is newly introduced to them.

This is precisely what IQ tests measure.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 07:34 PM
IQ Tests judge what you know regarding THAT IQ test

It only tells you what you know in comparason to the questions set

Just because you can write an complicated essay or script dosnt mean that it will be worth the time or be worth watching in a play

Also IQ test can only test what you know regarding the culture and logic

If an Alien came here and took an IQ test and knew nothing of our history or culture but was great at math/science the Alien might get a lower IQ grade that a person who wasnt exceptionally good at math/science (but could get a few answers right if needed) but was great at history, where as the Alien could create crafts and replicate techs that were extremaly advanced for us, however gets beaten in an IQ test due to not knowing the questions on Culture/History

IQ tests dont/carnt test who you are and what you can do, only what you know

In an IQ test a Scientist might be able to beat a Craftsman (of vice versa), but if it came to building and creating/designing the objects the scientist would have no clue, meaning in that "area" the craftsman is far more knowlegeable and useful than the scientist

I guess it only tests "logic" in most cases, however logic dosnt nessesery mean the most effective and useful inteligence

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 07:45 PM
obviously I am missing something here. Maybe the context of the tests that you have taken are different then what I have been involved with. Would you be able to give me more information in regards to these? I do try to keep my eyes/mind open to such matters and really want to understand your viewpoint.


posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 07:52 PM
They are a good indicator of aptitude performance, which is more or less what they are. The ability to reason and work one's way logically to the next process. Einstien would be considered a genius, however, he claimed to be horrible at performing mathematics or some such thing, whereas his ability to reason was superlative. If memory serves, he even failed a test or two.


posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by apw100
Just because you are intelligent doesnt mean you will make the right decisions in life.

I've taken two tests, I got 138 on one and 136 on the other. I'm a farmer.........what a wrong decision that was.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by zsandmann
I dont see IQ as an intellegence indicator worth any merit.

Example: My friend all through grade school had a 144 IQ. Mine was 138.
He is now a drugie, has a kid (at 16), no job, living with his parents.

I graduated top of my class, went to college and got a BS, now Im in grad school.

Same upbringing, same environment, very different outcomes.

IQ doesnt equal intellegence, sorry.
PS I stink at standardized tests.

That has nothing to do with intelligence, though. Your friend sounds like he would score low on EQ tests.... And intelligence isnt a good indicator of how succesfull one will be in life. Most sucessful people are generally good communicators and listeners, they get along fine, they would score high on a EQ test.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 11:10 PM
I always was lead to believe that IQ was a measurement of your ability to learn and grasp ideas. At least that is what I tell my girlfriend who thought after taking a test, that she was stupid.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 10:31 AM
Seriously people.... I.Q. tests do not measure intelligence. There is much arguement over defining intelligence. If we cannnot even define it then how is thee #@# can we measure it?! I.Q. tests did become popular when people in France did not want to waste their time and their money on those who were mentally retarded. Binet created a test to measure intelligence so that they could Exclude these poor children. Don't you think that is still used today? Open your eyes.....schools are automatically testing children's I.Q. in elementary. They will never admit it, but if a child performs poorly they use that against the child. It is discusting! Piaget (look him up) like many of you believe that a persons intellligence depends on how well they adapt to new situations. I respectfully disagree with Piaget. Take for instance infants that are slow to warm up..... Does that make them less intelligent? I believe No. I'm sure you can think of other examples how adapting doesn't necessarily mean intelligence. I hope I gave you guys something to think about.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 10:43 AM
What does an IQ test really test?

Both of my kids were tested while in grammar school. MY son was in the 99th percentile in math but his verbal skill we a little lower. My daughter was in the 99th percentile in both math and verbal.

Both kids were very successful in college. My son got his masters in Electrical Engineering and graduated with highest honers from college. His college GPA was 3.85 plus or minus. My daughter is getting her masters in Biology and will most likely pursue a PhD.

So, in their case, there was a direct correlation between high IQ and success in college.

Perhaps IQ tests are designed to measure one's ability to learn?

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