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Words from my teacher

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posted on May, 21 2014 @ 06:27 PM
The one who is giving this words connects with his heart space (learned that with drunvalo M. teachings) and than just let if flow. He is 19 and he has truly found a way to answer a lot of questions. But i only want to quote some words which are not only "entertaining"...

(maybe my question is not grammatically correct but i tried

Me: When you would be in our shoes and would ask yourself a question that would be the most direct representation of expansion what would you ask yourself on our behalf? "

Answer: How can i expand now?

Me: Yes. So how can i do that?

A: Did you realize what happend ?

Me: No

A: You asked a question and than what came after that?
"Me: A mirror? I dont know"

"A: Silence came"

"Me. Yes"

A: Thats it. Ask a question, -----you ´ve already expanded yourself. Your consciousness is now answering the question for you. "

" ME: but i want a more direct experience of Expansion"

"No. You want an answer for your mind. You want mind candy. But what you are asking for is how to expand yourself. Expanding yourself is not giving you mind candy. Thats lessening yourself.
Expanding yourself is giving you nothing of the mind so that the mind does not become limited around some concept, some idea, some thought pattern, some belief, some structure.
It is relieving yourself of those structures, relieving yourself of those thought patterns , relieving yourself of those concepts and ideas that will expand you because you have less limitations.

"Me: Ok i understand. You gave me a technique. I should look into the darkness when i close my eyes as a representation of the unknowingness But when i do that i still have expactations of what should happen.

" You have them but you won´t let them go. Realize that you know nothing . Just realize that! You don´t actually know. You don´t. Because the infinite is infinite and when you are resonating with that which you DO know, you are resonating with the small percent of your mind that you are recycling.

When you resonate with that which you don´t know you are resonating with the 99,9999999999999999 -into infinity- percent of information that is available to you when you respect the vibration of that energy, -that information. But if you don´t respect the vibration by thinking that you know, -by defining things, -by holding on to concepts and ideas, than you will not get the information.

That is why much of what we teach you is how to let go of your mind , let go of your concepts, let go of your beliefs, let go of your rules, let go of your thought- patterns, so that you can have infinite creative Access to the source of all creation , which is the infinite within you.

Me: What would be the best thing for me to reflect that , to accomplish that?

" Taking your own action in order to unknow yourself . "

"Me: What would be a good tool for that?"

"Not using tools. Just letting go of all things that you know. It does not require permission slips. It does not require concepts. It does not require anything. You are speaking of Nothingness itself.
The one thing that we have given you is go into darkness and do nothing else "

Me: "I tried that but i get a little bit afraid and i don´t know why..."

"A: its fear: Yes. Because you know what is going to happen in your consciousness: your mind is going to shut off and something else is going to shut on. "

"Yes. What is shutting on than? "

"You´ll see"

"Me: Ok"

"A: We can not tell you.... Its infinite. Just wait and keep practicing. .. It took ..the speaker a very long time to even grasp the beginning of what he doesn´t even know yet. .....Makes sense? "

"Makes sense. So my last question-> the direct tool is again: "not knowingnes...Darkness..Thats all.... yes." ?

"Let go of the concept of not knowing..because its still an idea and it still has a pattern of sequence behind it.
Whenever you create a pattern of sequence you limit the reality from becoming infinite.

And you are not trying to just unknow everything. you are trying to resonate with the infinite .. Infinite Nature is unknowable...Unknowable ...Unknowable...

Me: Yes but i am so used to tools and to perceptions.

A:" When you let go of that which you wish to know, when you let go of that which you already know , you realize that everything is unknowable. When you put on the darkness you shut off the light that is making your mind function AND YOU RESONATE with not knowing anything. You nail two birds with one stone: the filter turns of, you start to realize that you don´t know start to resonate with the vibration of unknowingness and as you resonate with that vibration of unknowingness-not knowing--guess what you become: YOUR OWN VERY RESONANCE. You are not your body. Your body is a resonance tool and it is being USED by your awareness. When you become unknowable...Unknowingness itself by resonating with that frequency: the Universe starts to slip in little hints of information to you because you have infinite access to it , since you are one with it, the same way that you are one with your mind, the same way that you are one with your memories and your past. If you choose to do so.. You can be one with the infinite Universe and no more than you can possibly could conceive."

Me: Letting go is hard.

"Its easy."

Me: Why

"Because becoming attached to information is hard once you realize the truth. The truth is first, the deceptions comes second".

Me: What is the most direct way to let go. ?

"Just letting go"

Me: "Do you sense that my mind still does not understand that?"

"We sense that you will. Open up your hand, pick up a rock and let it go.
Look at your mind. Observe it. Become consciously aware of what you are holding on to, then let it go.....

What are you holding on to? One thing that we are aware you are holding on to is the need to know everything. One day we will have a conversation where we don´t need to speak any words. The last time you spoke with us you were very quit after it was over. You remember. You took maybe a 5 minutes silence. You did not need to say much. Why? ..Because you let go of the need to know and you realized the impact of not knowing ...not asking...and just being.

Me: Yes.

"Thats the nature of the universe"

Me: Thank you for reminding me.

"Use this for example. When you walk outside do you think the trees ask a bunch of stupid questions?"

Me: no

"Do you think cats are stressed out about their future? Do you think the grass worries about their education of being burnt down? Do trees worry about it being struck by lightning? Does the wind worry about hurricanes? Do you think the earth worries? There are no worries in reality. Everything happens for a reason. Do humans worry?

Me: Yes they do.

"Do monkeys worry?"

Me: Maybe the intelligent ones?

"Why do you think they worry? Because of the reptilian cortex in their brain that gives them fear. You have that as well. That is why you are so much like monkeys. When you let go of needing to fear , needing to know everything anfear , needing to know everything and when you trust the reality. Regardless of what you think might happen, or (recording gets inaudible)
edit on 21-5-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 06:28 PM
Once you become one with that love and become less identified with reality you start to become more colorful in nature,- more harmonic. Have you ever seen how birds fly?

me: Yes

A: Its not chaotic. Its very in-sync. How dolphins swim: it is not chaos. It is synchronistic. The ocean moves in a chaotic way but the waves move in synchronicity. The wind moves in synchronicity with gravity. Your mind moves in chaos however. When you train your mind in synchonicity with the rest of reality and you allow for the infinite to come through. The infinite will use your mind and use your body and use this vessel to synchronice with the rest of reality. And you will become One and the synchronicity will always be there. But it is your thinking mind that keeps you from being insync.

When you follow your joy you follow the infinite syncronicity. Birds follow their joy. Dolphins follow their joy. The wind follows its joy. If you notice with no mind in the following of your joy -> thats what momentum truly is. Just follow your joy. Its very easy to change the world. So easy that we dont even need to say another word. You simply need to act. Most of what we train you on is not knowledge but action. For what more do you need?

We have given you the secrets. Very simple. Take less thoughts. Be nothing. Follow your joy. See what happens. What do you think we are going to tell you to do? Use positive thoughts to attract everything in your life and manifest your reality? Absolutely not. We are not telling you to do anything. We are not telling you to be more spiritual or physical in nature.

We will tell you to be less, less and less and even lesser than what you are until you are absolutely Zero.

Allow Bliss and Be!

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 06:39 PM

originally posted by: kauskau
We have given you the secrets. Very simple. Take less thoughts. Be nothing.

As a Sherlockian, and as a man with an IQ of 130, I disagree.

Allow your mind to fill with EVERYTHING. Only when you consider all faces of the diamond can you even hope to see the whole diamond.

"Nothing" is exactly what TPTB wants us to be. They fear everyone who use their brain, know more, makes the most of their resources. The powers who want to control the masses do not want us to think, to investigate.

I say to you, light does not come when you seek darkness or nothingness. This world and its idea are not meant to be ignored.

True "illumination" comes when you light up those old electrodes and circuits which we call our brain and our mind. Turning our mind off achieves nothing more than nothing.

edit on 21-5-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: kauskau


You have really indulgent teachers. Mine would have offered me the short-end of a kyosaku for asking this...

" ME: but i want a more direct experience of Expansion"

Honestly, I remember asking about the hara once, and, well, you'd never think a little old dude could move a stick that fast, he was like Bruce Lee with that god damned thing.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

By The Way... I did experienced an abdominal "expansion" once. It was shortly after I ate a particularly large dish of pasta.

edit on 21-5-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

"You have really indulgent teachers"

oh yes. I am not the only one who is talking to them..believe me..there are worse questions. And he is always patient and on point.

Its really cool to see this 19 year old guy in a kind of state like that...

WHen he comes out of it ..he talks to me like friends would talk to me.. But in this state i respect him like he would be a 60 year old master....

Crazy...(edit i am 12 years older..normally i would not ask a 19 year old for advice in topics which i am studying for over 11 years...)
edit on 21-5-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: swanne

I agree and I think I will link this little gem of spiritual information that Gorillaz created.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: kauskau

Honestly? I feel like his whole discussion is fluff. I'm sure that you see some value in there, and if that sets you on the road to finding your own answers, more power to you. I just can't find the wisdom in his words. When he tells you that you "can't know anything" I think you should remind him that there is much we can know.

We can know that the sun is the source of light for our world. We can know that 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom create a molecule of water. We can know that a human, robbed of that water, and of a food source, will starve to death. We can know that a circle has 360 degrees. We can know that a thing's color is a reflection of that wavelength of light.

As for the idea of whether or not a tree asks questions, or a blade of grass worries about the future, this is a spurious piece of wisdom. A blade of grass does not possess a brain, and those ideas: concepts of the future, worries, anxieties, all stem from having a brain. Specifically, from having a three-piece brain. I'll give you a brief (extremely short-hand) explanation of how that brain works now:

Your brain is divided into two halves (called "hemispheres") that work on different ideologies, but operate in unison. The right hemisphere is creative, imaginative, and inventive; the left hemisphere is logical, rational, and analytic. Because information comes in and is processed by both hemispheres, we, as humans, are capable of looking at things conceptually (right hemisphere), as well as quantitatively (left hemisphere). A tree, possessing neither hemisphere, would obviously not ask a question about a concept, because it has no brain to process things conceptually, or quantitatively.

Now, in addition, the brain is divided further into 3 section of 5 lobes each: a hind-brain, mid-brain, and frontal cortex.

Grossly oversimplifying things, the hind-brain, composed of the cerebellar lobes, is responsible for motor-skills. Things like breathing, and other basic, automatic activities, are controlled by the hind-brain. If you do it without consciously thinking, then it has its origin in this part of the brain.

The mid-brain, composed of the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes, is responsible for processing the senses, recognizing shapes, intuition, and emotions. The reason you feel fear when a lion is charging at you? Because the mid-brain has received the information from your senses, assessed that the lion is a threat, and triggered the proper chemical reactions in your brain/body so that you feel the necessary fear required to take action and avoid harm. Other things the mid-brain controls? Dreams, drug experiences, emotions, basic human instincts, and the recognition of patterns and features that help you determine whether something is alive, and what, if any, emotion it may be feeling.

Finally, the frontal cortex, which consists of the frontal lobe, is responsible for things like mathematics, and higher reasoning. The very reason your 19 year old "sage" can even comprehend ideas of non-being, and Mu, is because of the frontal cortex. Every little analysis our mind makes, from when to stop pouring milk in our coffee, to whether or not we can afford to buy that new iPhone, has its origin in the frontal cortex. Things like morality, ethics, and our perception of time all arise from the frontal lobe.

Now, here's the kicker. Our brains evolved these additional lobes. Our ancestors, if you go far enough back, only had hind-brains. They operated solely on reflex, instinct, and motor-skills. They were incapable of emotion, or analyzing a situation beyond maintaining basic needs.

Primates and mammals, as our evolution continued, evolved a mid-brain, gaining the ability to recognize faces, analyze mood indicators, feel things like love and lust, and to assess a situations danger-level. This is why more evolved animals form packs, have life-long mates, raise their young, defend their territory, and even occasionally do things for fun.

Finally, as humans, specifically, learned to harness fire, and we began to grasp the concept of tools, our frontal cortex began to evolve and develop. As this happened, we learned to invent, to build, to create. Think of all the things a modern civilization is built upon: art, religion, cinema, architecture, banking, politics, philosophy, law and justice, engineering, and on, and on, and on... None of that would have been possible without the frontal cortex, without our powers of reason and deduction.

Your wise-man is telling you to "resonate with the knowing", only, "knowing" is a product of the frontal cortex. And the frontal cortex is also the home of concepts and those pesky little analyses that he keeps telling you to "let go" of. He is talking as if you can willingly override a biological function you are predisposed to perform. You can no more "resonate with the knowing" than drive a car, balance a check-book, or use a spoon if you've disconnected from your frontal cortex.

Again, if this kid helps you along the way to learning your "truth", more power to you. But, his words are not as wise as they may seem. Maybe it is a fault of his youthful inexperience, maybe it is a willingness to disregard the elements of reality which disagree with his fantasy, but whatever the reason, his lack of understanding in regards to how the mind works is apparent.

~ Wandering Scribe

edit on 21/5/14 by Wandering Scribe because: typo

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 08:56 PM
Read this again and to me it seem to be about not boxing yourself in that the thing you think is the truth is really the truth. To be able to think that something is very probable but have no attachment that it is true if new information contradicts your belief. To not hold your belief as the truth but a work in progress.

There is an all encompassing truth about everything that is that includes all views of what that truth. I have no clue what it is. I cannot even keep track of where all the atoms in my body with my mind so I have to wing it by simplifications that are in fact untruth full since the are not the exact truth.
edit on 21-5-2014 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: Wandering Scribe

my god dont get it at all.

Its not about "permanently"...unknowing stuff...of course there is much to know..its not about oversimplifying things.

Its about a certain state that many people search for who are searching for enlightenment.

forget it..

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 05:26 AM
its just metaphors..

The thing is: the mind is over active in our society..

and something changes when he is let go of ...


posted on May, 22 2014 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: kauskau
The thing is: the mind is over active in our society..

Are you kidding me? It's under-active. All these people who watch TV all day long and can't think for themselves, because they're almost hypnotized by Big Media half of the time... these people already have a blank mind.

Society need more active minds. Maybe then will the World finally start to change.

Now don't get me wrong, I do understand the value of silence. There are times when the mind needs to sleep under the blanket of nothingness.

But one should never confuse nothingness with "illumination".

There were alot of "eureka" moments in my life, moments of pure realization and harmony. And when you have a spike of transcendence, your mind has everything, not nothing.

It feels joy, it pities darkness, and it seek eternity. It shines like all the stars in the Galaxy.
One thing which these spikes of transcendence are not, is "silent".

edit on 22-5-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: swanne

why do you think people watch tv and drink alcohol..Because their thoughts seem boring to them...or to loud..or to stressful ..or to complicated...Or to "colorless" ...

But boringness is an invention of an active mind.

A person who is still and has a quit mind ...can not feel bored at all...

edit on 22-5-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 06:17 AM

originally posted by: kauskau

why do you think people watch tv and drink alcohol..Because their thoughts seem boring to them

Maybe... but then I don't believe we should do an extreme and prevent them from thinking. Not thinking about a problem won't solve the problem. Instead, in my humble opinion, we should give them Hope, we should give them Knowledge to make themselves - and, by extension, the World which they live in (and influence) - better.

Instead of ignoring their un-solvable problem, people should strive towards an equal but opposite force of concrete hope and victories. By extension, instead of stillness, I would suggest evolution.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: swanne

of course.

The things my teacher told me and others is not for people who want to "Push things away"..Its not for people who are not aware of their "struggles".

Its not about "not thinking"..

Its about "knowing to not really know"...

This is a big difference....Thoughts are vibrationally activating...Means: A thought brings more of the same. Thats how we can perceive linearly and have a "continuum" in our experience.

Our thoughts are like magnets. And your focus is the activator.
Its all about vibrations and thoughts are limiting when you hold on to them to "long"..

"When you resonate with that which you don´t know you are resonating with the 99,9999999999999999 -into infinity- percent of information that is available to you when you respect the vibration of that energy, -that information. But if you don´t respect the vibration by thinking that you know, -by defining things, -by holding on to concepts and ideas, than you will not get the information"

The thing is: Life is a wonder. Existence is a wonder. IAM is a wonder. Its fresh. Its always new. Its the mind that makes it "flat and knowable".

This is just a practice for people who see which effect it has to start fresh. Because you can start fresh every moment. And thats what the text is all about.

“clouds very high look
not one word helped them get up there”

“that stone Buddha deserves all the
birds h i t it gets
I wave my skinny arms like a tall
flower in the wind” "

But i understand this text is not for many....and i understand that its not for you.

edit on 23-5-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: Wandering Scribe

I wonder... that "knowledge" you proposed in that post... do you think that consist of .01 or .02 percent of obtainable knowledge in the universe?

Knowledge like yours exists for the purpose of the kind of society we have evolved into. And that society is not necessarily what is to be considered the most balanced way of life.

Sure... you can preach about progress, you can preach about achievements and some day we will go here and there and learn this and that. But for what end?

What is it that we are running away from? Or running to? Is here and now not sufficient?

I propose that the human race for what ever reason it was created was best at the time before we had sophisticated language. Back when we lived based on instinct.... and ever since we've been technologically progressing, but spiritually and morally in decline.

TPTB doesn't want you to know nothing... they want the exact opposite, because only a man who knows much or desires much knowledge stands to loose a lot and therefore in essence spends his entire life living in fear or worry.
Fear and worry is what keeps the so-called wheels turning.

A man who chooses to know nothing or crave nothing, but who resonates and vibrates in accordance with the universe is free from worry and fear and therefore a dangerous man in the eyes of TPTB and maybe even sometimes in the eyes of society.

While it supposedly isn't hard to let go of everything, the way society is build up today makes it damn hard to choose to do so, because we still have that social gene inside us and that makes the most of us fear alienation.

Like McKenna said at some point, that culture and ideology are not your friends, but that it is a hard fact to come to terms with because a certain kind of alienation lies behind that thought process.
Culture and ideology here being a debt based society where you are expected to take part and product and progress.

The idea of letting go is not to vanish of the face of the Earth or live as a hermit, but to rise above this game and learn to play it.
I think the reason a lot of people fear or shun mystics is because their "normal" way of life has become so indoctrinated into their mindset that they think the world will come crashing down around them if they for but a moment realize that every single thing they have done in their "normal" life has been without point.

Human have existed... what... around 100.000 years in our current shape and modern tech didn't hit us earlier than 2-300 years ago. How long has what we call Earth existed? And the Universe as a whole?

Trust me... you cannot underestimate how unimportant humanity is as a term of bi-ped beings with a self aware mind.

I almost want to repeat the words of Tyler Durden from Fight Club, but I think they are quite a bit depressing and not how I see "life".
I have been to the place of resonance, and while no words exist to describe it, it's pretty damn pleasant and beautiful.
More so than anything you could ever think to see here on Earth.

But if staying and "dying" is what you wish to spend your life on, then be my guest, I just know that it doesn't have to be so. And once you realize this, the time spend in the human vessel can only become more interesting and enjoyable.

I myself... I have not let completely go yet. I have an idea of what it means and how to obtain it, but my ego is still quite bit indoctrinated in the "real life" idea that I have to spend some more time fighting the fear.

There are ways to get there fast, however... I can't talk about them here, unfortunately.

That's a whole other debate. It's quite interesting that tools used to set your mind free is being kept out of the hands of the common folk. That alone should tell you that TPTB don't want you to know "nothing".... they want you to know as much as humanly possible.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: swanne

originally posted by: kauskau

why do you think people watch tv and drink alcohol..Because their thoughts seem boring to them

Maybe... but then I don't believe we should do an extreme and prevent them from thinking. Not thinking about a problem won't solve the problem. Instead, in my humble opinion, we should give them Hope, we should give them Knowledge to make themselves - and, by extension, the World which they live in (and influence) - better.

Instead of ignoring their un-solvable problem, people should strive towards an equal but opposite force of concrete hope and victories. By extension, instead of stillness, I would suggest evolution.

It never occurred to you that knowledge is what created the problem in the first place?
Wars are based on so-called knowledge about what you need to run a society... be it religion in the dark ages or oil in modern day. The knowledge of what those things to and how they work, created the problems that you want an answer to...

You can't fix a problem with the mind set that created it in the first place....

And what is hope but a folly to launch yourself at when letting go is actually what you do after having hoped, feared, been depressed and come to acceptance. Hope is a delay towards the true goal... that is why religion is such a huge game. They more you persuade people that they need hope the longer you can keep them in check or putting money in the basket.
edit on 23/5/14 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: kauskau
Our thoughts are like magnets. And your focus is the activator.
Its all about vibrations and thoughts are limiting when you hold on to them to "long"..

"When you resonate with that which you don´t know you are resonating with the 99,9999999999999999 -into infinity- percent of information that is available to you when you respect the vibration of that energy, -that information. But if you don´t respect the vibration by thinking that you know, -by defining things, -by holding on to concepts and ideas, than you will not get the information"

Isn't the concept of "vibrational" thoughts a concept in itself, which one must hold onto so to give meaning to the meditation?

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: swanne

Yes and no.

It can guide as a permission slip to understand that "meditation activates".
But it is at the same time a description of "mechanics"..

So yes: once you are aware of that you really start "to use it as a tool". But the principle is active the whole time.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 02:11 PM
its similar to the Idea of trust.

You trust all the time in something to be true. Even if you trust that you don´t trust..

So in a way this is the same idea. You can be aware of it later, but the principle is acting the whole time...

edit on 23-5-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

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