Originally posted by magestica
How many of you have ever felt a certain vibe from someone that you only just met...like lets say a friend introduces you to a new friend and you
immidiately feel a certain strong vibe negative/postive from them..and in the long run, were you right about what you initially felt?
What do you think causes this? And what is it that makes us so certain, when sometimes we find that we were way wrong about what we first felt? What
is it about some that just send off a certain vibe all the time?
I know this is alot of questions here...but I'm extremely curious about this whole 'vibe' thing..
Thanks Magestica
You ask some very interesting questions here Magestica.
Once again your topics continue to inspire us all.
I would like to dig into the aspects of your first question, first, and then your last question last.
The first question you asked was:
"How many of you have ever felt a certain vibe from someone that you only just met...like lets say a friend introduces you to a new friend and you
immidiately feel a certain strong vibe negative/postive from them..and in the long run, were you right about what you initially felt?"--Magestica
I have felt this experience several times, and in several different ways. I have seen in my time many attempts by religious radicals to indoctrinate
their law and moral codes on me, and shame me for me being in all out, and in everyway they could.
The reason I mention these particular incidents are simple. It is because they are really easy to pick out and so-called classify. Allow me to
The religious one's see. They look, they seek, they find.
Once they find, they are kind, and often blind. You see, they know that they may know what you may not know they know, but that they know that you
know that you don't want them to tell you what they know.
Therefore they expect, your resistance. They expect a fight. And they do it all in the 'glory' of God. Many times in my life I have had these
radicals come up to me.
The thing is that they are are the same. They all show the same passion, the same intent, the same will power, and the same resistance. They all walk
in the same way. That is how it can be best explained from my person.
They all walk the same.
It isn't about labeling, nor is it about classification.
For it is more about character, than class or creed.
If one is not yet convinced of this proposition, than allow me to pose this:
If one were to get any vibes as such as Magestica mentioned earlier, one wouldn't be able to grasp any sense of creed or any other noble or immoral
doctrine beaming the truth upon the one is destined to see. The truth cannot be known, only mere speculation upon the first meets is destined to
occur, (for even if the so-called truth of the unknown within the one, one does not know, would only be bringing along more speculation, due to other
traits of the 'rational' being). For when we first meet someone, we only meet what is and what can be presented of them at the time.
The vibes that you feel at that meet are the one's Magestica speaks of. We cannot determine from these meets that one is anything other than what we
have already seen. The key to identification is past recollections and visions of what we call known.
Therefore anything that we have already seen is known. Yet not everything that is known is seen.
That is where the holes of the so-called loop hole world are often found. For it is with great care that the mind takes to see that what is known, is
known to protect. This knowledge of the known is key to ones survival.
Therefore the mind captures it, and makes use of it. No knowledge was ever intended to be wasted, and some knowledge can never be wasted. That such
knowledge is that knowledge that Magestica calls, "Vibes"
We use this knowledge of the vibes because it is essential. It has nothing to do with any type of stange outside force. It is totally held within
one's own mind. That force that they call "Vibes", is a force that cannot be denied. For if it were one would be deviod of all rational and
reactional thought. The force that creates the so-called "Vibe" is a mess of sense, experiences, perceptions, visions, feelings, intuitions,
inhabitions, and rationalisms. Nothing more nothing less.
Or am I wrong???????
Nans Desmichels would probably have us believe otherwise. I think that Nans would say that "Vibes" are a psychic ability. Which I would dare not
deny. For it is well known that all beings have psychic ability. Some just have more ability to bring about that ability than others. Why???
That is something that has never been confirmed conclusively. Nonetheless, it has been speculated by many, if not most so-called skillful, gifted, and
enlightened ones, that the key to their abilities are within. Not without. Therefore this is all about control.
To tune your vibes to the right frequency is to see the vibes free and clear.
You See???
Now since I rambled on and on, allow me to pose my next answer upon my next post.
Any questions on this above text is welcomed, as is always.