posted on May, 20 2014 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to:
Yeah, so we resort to shooting down each others meteors and the occasional Proton Rocket. Then, in retaliation, Spetznaz sets mad wildfires in Western
America after DevGru blows up the largest natural gas refinery in Russia, and the Chinese continue to build Cities in the middle of nowhere for their
new American debt slaves/living organ doners.
Anyone notice how Obama changed the laws terminology that calls a full motor coach evacuation of the Western United States from "in the event of a
large natural or man made disaster" to "Any large, or PRESIDENTIALLY DECLARED, natural or man made disaster"?
Be pretty damn easy to fake some numbers, make everyone think it's about to blow and that they want to SAVE us, declare martial law and send the
people on his 'threat matrix list" to die in the Outback or the Brazillian rain forest. After disarming us, of course.
Victory, with a greatful populace and not a shot fired......
Man, I hope I'm just wierd.