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will china use its veto

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posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 07:02 PM

The US has led the calls for Iran to be referred to the UN Security Council, which could impose sanctions on Tehran.

The European Union, led by Britain, Germany and France, have been pressing for a diplomatic solution rather than sanctions.

China, a permanent member of the Security Council with the power of veto over its resolutions, has said it strongly opposes referral to the council.

bbc link

so would china use its veto if Iran was put uf in the UN for sanctions?
since they arnt to happy about Iran being refferd

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 07:08 PM
Iran and China have very close ties in diverse fields, including the military. I doubt they will let Iran down against Bush. Just last week they provided Iran with new heavy utility trucks.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 07:17 PM
Wow, its pretty interesting to watch a war buildup in person, rather than in history books. The US can't go to war with iran without 'exhausting diplomatic oppurtunities', so now in this very early phase the attempt is to get it to the Security Council, to apply sanctions, to threaten Iran with sanctions if they won't cooperate with the IAEA 'openly and honestly'. Of course, Iran won't, but, not only that, they'll have risked international sanctions and economic ruin, and for what? Pride? No one is going to beleive that, hell I don't beleive it. They must be up to something no? And then when sanctions actually get applied, unless Red China vetos it.
Ha, bush is an idiot? Looks like the people who claim that are the idiots. Hasn't anyone ever heard of Claudius? Probably not, he was only made into a mini series in britain.

Anyway, this might not result in war, afterall, all the iranians need to do is cooperate. Eff having a bomb right? Couldn't be any sinister intent in having one right?

Outside of all of that, anyone else think this is part of a war effort?

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 07:25 PM
Well after seen what the sanctions did to Iraqi people under Saddam to later been invaded, I guess China is taking in consideration everything else before sending the country of Iran into a nightmare in which his people may starve, usually the Innocent is the one to pay the prices.

As we can see China has a very strong view of the situation.

Now what is US to do?


posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 10:39 PM
China has already made an energy deal with Iran. France has alot of money invested in many industries specially the Iranian car industry. Russia is making billions off Iran. As much as I hate those Mullahs you got to love their politics. They got three powerful allies and all of them have the veto power.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Well after seen what the sanctions did to Iraqi people under Saddam to later been invaded, I guess China is taking in consideration everything else before sending the country of Iran into a nightmare in which his people may starve

Will starve. Thats the point of economic sanctions and forbiding international aid.

Now what is US to do?

If china veto's any hypothetical sanctions then the US will impose them unilaterally or build up a group of relevant nations to also impse sanctions. What does china care about the people of Iran tho? Lets not pretend that China is going to bother spending political capital and influence merely to make sure that the public in Iran don't suffer under sanctions. I'm not saying that they won't oppose it necessarily, but it would have to do with something else other than humanitarian purposes. We also haven't seen anything that indicates that they have a 'strong' view here. China has also had problems with islamic insurgents on their far western borders, and Iran undoubtedly supports them in one way or another. Its possible that they won't be interested in opposing sanctions

As much as I hate those Mullahs you got to love their politics.

They've, I think, been underestimated. Russia and France certainly will, as the Iraq situation demonstrated, oppose warfare when they have business interests in the region and with the regime and as you note they have big dealings with three veto weilding nations. Also, the iranians were the ones who planted an agent/informer amoung the US sources of Iraqi WMD intelligence sources, ahmed chalabi. Basically they were able to , at the very least, help influence the US into destroying their greatest rival in the region and their 'worldsphere'. Now baathist secular nationalism is endeniably dead in the middle east, and where theocracy benefits iran will benefit. Very clever actually. Meanwhile the US can't even determine which nation has what weapons.

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