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"Love won today,"

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posted on May, 23 2014 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
a reply to: gusdynamite

Are you actually, honestly saying you don't believe marriage equality is a civil rights issue?

The very definition of "marriage" has been that it takes place between a man and a woman. That has been the definition of marriage.... for millenia and across cultures the world over.

Re-defining marriage to include a union of 2 people of the same sex and putting a shiny label called "marriage equality" on it....and then asking the opposition "don't you believe marriage equality "... is both dishonest and fallacious. It is a loaded question, not worthy of an address.

Many countries have allowed legal marriage equality and the momentum can't be stopped.

You're right about one thing - the term marriage "has been that it takes place between a man and a woman". It's changed and there's nothing you can do about it.

edit on 23 5 2014 by gusdynamite because: because grammar and I was a bit mean. aww.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: gusdynamite

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
a reply to: gusdynamite

Are you actually, honestly saying you don't believe marriage equality is a civil rights issue?

The very definition of "marriage" has been that it takes place between a man and a woman. That has been the definition of marriage.... for millenia and across cultures the world over.

Re-defining marriage to include a union of 2 people of the same sex and putting a shiny label called "marriage equality" on it....and then asking the opposition "don't you believe marriage equality "... is both dishonest and fallacious. It is a loaded question, not worthy of an address.

Many countries have allowed legal marriage equality and the momentum can't be stopped.

You're right about one thing - the term marriage "has been that it takes place between a man and a woman". It's changed and there's nothing you can do about it.

youre right, its changed and theres nothing I can do about it. Enjoy your victory, but plenty of decentt human beings think its wrong and degenerate behavior and there is nothing you can do about it except play the victim cardn

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
The people arguing for same-sex marriage need to first give a valid reason why the definition of "marriage" had to suddenly be modified

There is no one definition of marriage, therefore it has not been changed. Show me the universally accepted definition of marriage. I define my marriage, you define your marriage, each person defines their own marriage.

But the pro-same sex marriage folks are absolutely clueless on as to how their societies accepted concepts that were unacceptable only a few decades ago.

It's simply not true that we are clueless. We DO accept concepts that were unacceptable only a short time ago. I agree with you. And society and the media DO have influence over that. Now that we have that behind us, you can stop repeating it and answer the questions.

And for the 100th time in a row, people always invoke legitimate civil rights issues to try and defend their positions.

What makes a civil right "legitimate"? I see the marriage equality issue as a legitimate civil rights issue. Show me how it's not.
edit on 5/23/2014 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n

originally posted by: gusdynamite

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
a reply to: gusdynamite

Are you actually, honestly saying you don't believe marriage equality is a civil rights issue?

The very definition of "marriage" has been that it takes place between a man and a woman. That has been the definition of marriage.... for millenia and across cultures the world over.

Re-defining marriage to include a union of 2 people of the same sex and putting a shiny label called "marriage equality" on it....and then asking the opposition "don't you believe marriage equality "... is both dishonest and fallacious. It is a loaded question, not worthy of an address.

Many countries have allowed legal marriage equality and the momentum can't be stopped.

You're right about one thing - the term marriage "has been that it takes place between a man and a woman". It's changed and there's nothing you can do about it.

youre right, its changed and theres nothing I can do about it. Enjoy your victory, but plenty of decentt human beings think its wrong and degenerate behavior and there is nothing you can do about it except play the victim cardn

Oh, I am enjoying my victory and I will enjoy the next and the next and the one after that and the one following that one.

I don't really mind what you think of me or what you think of a gay person because love trumps hate.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
There is concrete evidence that peoples perceptions on homosexuality was altered by outside forces.

People's perceptions on EVERYTHING is altered by outside sources. You think the only way societal change happens is some sort of spontaneous and synchronized inner realization by each individual? The world around us influences us and our opinions and thoughts. What's your point?

the only reason you've all changed your perceptions on homosexuality....

I haven't changed my perception on homosexuality. I'm 56 years old and even though my parents were deeply religious, they never taught me to judge or exclude homosexuals. On the contrary, my mother taught me to NOT judge and to love everyone and let God handle it.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
plenty of decentt human beings think its wrong and degenerate behavior and there is nothing you can do about it except play the victim cardn

Plenty of human beings are judgmental, afraid and bigoted, you mean... Anyone who would deny a fellow citizen the option to share their love in the way they choose (as long as no one is hurt) is NOT a "decent" person, IMO.

I don't see anyone playing the victim card. The movement toward marriage equality is VICTORIOUS!

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
Its clear that social acceptance of homosexual marriage as "normal" is a rather recent phenomena.

Not really. But even if it is ... so what?

Women having the right to vote is a 'rather recent phenomena' ... and it's the right thing. People driving cars is a 'rather recent phenomena' .... and there's nothing wrong with that either (unless you are a woman in Saudi Arabia, and then it's somehow a major sin). SO WHAT if homosexual marriage is new in this time period? SO WHAT? Please answer that.

Those questions are inconsequential to the issue at hand, i.e - homosexuals "marrying".

Translation: I will refuse to answer yet another question.

If someone doesn't agree with black people having equal rights, and someone doesn't agree with women having equal rights, then obviously that person is not going to agree with homosexuals having equal rights. It all goes hand in hand. So who gets all the rights .... only Muslim men?

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
If it 'aint broke, don't fix it.

But it IS broke. And it DOES need fixing. Everyone .... men and women ... black or white ... young or old ... muslim or atheist .... EVERYONE should have the exact same rights. You disagree? The question we ask ... WHY? Why can't a woman have the same rights as a man? Why can't a homosexual have the same rights as a heterosexual? Please answer the question.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
plenty of decentt human beings think its wrong and degenerate behavior and there is nothing you can do about it

Where did you and these other "decent" people get the perception that homosexuality is wrong and degenerate behavior?

Since you won't answer it, I will: From similar "outside forces" that influence the way we think as a society! You weren't born with a negative opinion of gay people. It was placed in your head and you choose to hold onto it.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n

originally posted by: gusdynamite
youre right, its changed and theres nothing I can do about it. Enjoy your victory, but plenty of decentt human beings think its wrong and degenerate behavior and there is nothing you can do about it except play the victim cardn

Even if all the human being think it is right, It is not right !
many nations will not let corrupted politicians impose such things on them.
So They have no victory. They are just rushing towards their defeat.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: maes2

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n

originally posted by: gusdynamite
youre right, its changed and theres nothing I can do about it. Enjoy your victory, but plenty of decentt human beings think its wrong and degenerate behavior and there is nothing you can do about it except play the victim cardn

Even if all the human being think it is right, It is not right !
many nations will not let corrupted politicians impose such things on them.
So They have no victory. They are just rushing towards their defeat.

You should feel free to go and live in one of those backwater shtholes. The rest of us will move on and leave you behind in your religious mental asylum to pick up the pieces and we won't look back even once.

Thanks for your hatred - it fuels our love.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: maes2

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n

originally posted by: gusdynamite
youre right, its changed and theres nothing I can do about it. Enjoy your victory, but plenty of decentt human beings think its wrong and degenerate behavior and there is nothing you can do about it except play the victim cardn

Even if all the human being think it is right, It is not right !
many nations will not let corrupted politicians impose such things on them.
So They have no victory. They are just rushing towards their defeat.
I agree, supporting gay marriage isn't the right thing because everyone's doing it; it's the right thing to do because logic and reason say so.

Keep fighting the good fight against people you probably don't know doing things that probably have no impact on your life whatsoever.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: combatmaster

...and what, praytell, will those "ill effects" be?

I know a little girl, actually not so little anymore... She's thirteen now, I believe. She's being raised by two gay men. I've watched her grow from a shy little girl just learning English, to a very nice young lady.

I've yet to see any of those "ill effects" you're so positive are going to happen. In fact, I've seen worse from children of straight hetero couples.

Because they're gay? Bull.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 04:10 AM
Well, since the calls for people to provide information with good reasons why homosexuals shouldn't be given equal rights has been deflected and/or ignored (as usual) ... then the fact remains that there is NO GOOD REASON to deny anyone equal rights.

Man or woman.
Muslim or atheist.
Homosexual or heterosexual.
Young or old.
Rich or poor

All humans should have equal rights. Period. Right Skorpion?
No? Then give a good reason. And 'we've always done it that way' isn't a valid reason.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

All humans should have equal rights.

Your muddling 2 separate issues here. "Equal rights" has nothing to do with re-defining "marriage" to include same sex partners.

Just marketing same-sex "marriage" as an "equal rights" issue simply does not work. If somebody wants to get "married", let them do it within the normal definition of marriage, i.e - man and woman.

Same sex "marriage" is a self contradicting term because the objective definition of marriage is that its between a man and a woman.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
a reply to: FlyersFan

All humans should have equal rights.

Your muddling 2 separate issues here. "Equal rights" has nothing to do with re-defining "marriage" to include same sex partners.

Just marketing same-sex "marriage" as an "equal rights" issue simply does not work. If somebody wants to get "married", let them do it within the normal definition of marriage, i.e - man and woman.

Same sex "marriage" is a self contradicting term because the objective definition of marriage is that its between a man and a woman.

You don't get to decide what 'normal' is and why you are so against same-sex marriage? I'm curious what your actual reason for being against it is.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 05:04 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
a reply to: FlyersFan

All humans should have equal rights.

Your muddling 2 separate issues here. "Equal rights" has nothing to do with re-defining "marriage" to include same sex partners.

Just marketing same-sex "marriage" as an "equal rights" issue simply does not work. If somebody wants to get "married", let them do it within the normal definition of marriage, i.e - man and woman.

Same sex "marriage" is a self contradicting term because the objective definition of marriage is that its between a man and a woman.

Alright, even if same-sex marriage is considered "re-defining" marriage... so what? You will still have "traditional" marriages. Now you just add non-traditional marriages to the mix. You draw the line at consenting adults (no marrying children, animals or inanimate objects) to avoid any victimization. What horrible thing is going to happen now?

We can define marriage any way we want - it's a human construct - invented by humans - the definition can be changed by humans. We redefine human constructs all the time. Just because gays marry each other, it doesn't mean straights won't marry too. You will still have more straight marriages then same sex marriages. And some people get together, have kids and never get married. No big deal. The world keeps turning, and we'll all still be here regardless of how marriage is defined.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: seagull

Oh please seagull...

In fact, I've seen worse from children of straight hetero couples.

Yes you would, since there's probably around a billion times more chance, statistically that is. But did i really need to tell you that? that was a pretty trolling statement!

I know a little girl, actually not so little anymore... She's thirteen now, I believe. She's being raised by two gay men. I've watched her grow from a shy little girl just learning English, to a very nice young lady.

Wow.... you dont say, a 13 yearold! and this is your argument?

Im not gonna waste my time here... one day when you are old and less ignorant, and helpless, you will realize what i speak off!

There are no words, im literally lol!

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
a reply to: FlyersFan

Same sex "marriage" is a self contradicting term because the objective definition of marriage is that its between a man and a woman.

Sometimes I would like to join a nice, heated debate...but your (and mind you, your's ALONE as it looks) arguments are so silly and hideous that I didn't so far. To me it looks like you're simply making up your arguments "on-the-fly"?

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 06:58 AM

originally posted by: gusdynamite
You don't get to decide what 'normal' is and why you are so against same-sex marriage? I'm curious what your actual reason for being against it is.

Probably some "holy books" written 4000 years ago. What else? : )

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