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Evidence That the Human Body is a Projection of Consciousness

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posted on May, 21 2014 @ 02:34 AM
No, I haven't left the thread, people.

I'm just sitting back with my popcorn enjoying all the posts.

Please, carry on.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 02:49 AM

originally posted by: wantstoknowmore
"I don't doubt that a conscious being's thoughts may have a direct effect on outcomes, but there is no scientific evidence that suggests this. This is a misinterpretation of experiments like "the double slit experiment" and "the quantum eraser experiment". Those experiments only suggest that the observer's ability to know "which path" information causes a wave to decohere into a path based on probability, which in the case of the double slit experiment, would be 50/50."

You are actually very wrong, that is not what they have done in the experiments. You totally misread everything David Bohm, and other quantum researchers have put forth, and are misconstruing the results of the experiments for some yet unknown purpose at present.

What actually happened is that our(a living, breathing human being) observation causes the wave function passing through the slits to collapse into a particle(for lack of better word), and force it along one of the slits, showing that our consciousness has a direct effect on reality on a quantum level. That is what actually happens if you have every been at an experiment site yourself, which I doubt as you misconstrued it. Silver

Actually, you're the one who's very wrong here. This is the kind of crap pseudo scientists sell to people who don't have a grasp of the basic concepts of QM. You're pretty much telling that other poster he's in the wrong based on your erroneous interpretation of the experiment.

Im sorry to break it to you, but the double slit experiment says nothing about human consciousness shaping reality. All the experiment does is offer proof of the dual nature of matter and electromagnetic radiation (from what I remember the experiment has also been done with a beam of material particles) and also of the probabilistic behaviour of nature at a quantum level.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 02:57 AM

originally posted by: Aphorism
Consciousness is a projection of the body, which has been proved through injury, narcotics, and countless other avenues through which consciousness can be distorted by manipulating the body's normal function.

i'm not so sure. Ever heard of John Lorber's work?

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 03:09 AM
Absolutely love this topic!!!

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 03:43 AM
Cool but still pseudo-science and misunderstanding of the subject.

If the body was truly an holographic projection of the consciousness, people who believe they are Napoleon or an animal would have their body look like such.

Also when consciousness leaves the body, the body would mysteriously disappear since the source of the projection is gone.

I know this theory is seducing for a place like here but unfortunately it's not really "scientific".

I do believe consciousness influences the bodily functions (which is already acknowledge by science), but in no way it means this body is an holographic projection and has no substance.

If that was true, the elements we are composed off, like the minerals, would not exist in a natural state without consciousness. And yet the world around us is still there.

Thought provoking but incorrect unfortunately.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: Aphorism

This thread is an example of believing people anything that is put in front of them as long as it suits their fancy. That's it. Every time someone passes off a Dr. Quantum video as evidence, a consciousness loses its wings. It looks like the balance is tipping in the favour of the ignorant.

you know the thing is: it is true what is being said in the of the OP (Mind has an effect on matter) . So it does not really matter that it comes in the clothing of pseudo science. Because if its true what is said there: it does not matter why you believe something to be true. It will still have an effect. And this effect is an empowering one.

So its more like: poor people that wait for bulletproof evidence that will come in a few years..why poor? Because they could have had the experience of the implication structure much earlier......

When I learned how powerful the mind is and which effects it has ....i worked with that very strongly. 6 months later i have 3 of the most powerful teachers i can think of..Just because i "believed that the universe would respond"... And it did. ..and the way it did is beyond my mind. Believe/Intent: is just and why? I dont know.

But it would be sad if i would have to wait for "Science" to give me allowance to believe in it when i really can do that much earlier.

I DONT NEED SCIENCE to know that this universe is a big multidimensional infinite BEING which responds through the language of frequency and vibration.

There will come a time where it will be logical that its more powerful to need "simple reminders" than to need "scientific bullet proof evidence"...... Why? Because its more independent.

So: A BIG YES to pseudo science as long as it gives me a good empowered feeling. The real science will have no choice but to "deepen" what the "pseudo science" already grasped.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: kauskau

nicely said!!

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: SpaceGoatFarts

If the body was truly an holographic projection of the consciousness, people who believe they are Napoleon or an animal would have their body look like such.

Not in your universe.
What we will one day understand: Each perspective. Each subject is a complete universe.

In his universe he maybe seeing napoleons body....while communicating and sharing with a being who thinks "he is crazy"...

I met a guy who could speak with stones and it shocked him to "go into them"...because he saw that in each stone there is whole universe with beings who are more intelligent than we are...Everyone just called him insane ...But his stories were fascinating and i believed at least that he EXPERIENCED what he was telling me about even when i did not..

We are sharing and agreeing on certain aspects of reality but everyone is a complete kit. There is no "objective ROOM" we live in.

YOU ARE the reality you perceived yourself to exist in.

THis is more complex than we can even begin to understand right now..

But be aware that your logic fails because it implies many paradigms who are just misconceptions (Illusions).

One is : "There is an objective world that is independent from me"

The reason why you don´t see what "crazy " people see is that it is not your vibration. You only can mirror them through your concepts. If you would "match their vibrations" would see Napoleon in front of you.

THats the thing.

Now and then, when your conscious guard is down you will allow yourself to perceive momentarily some of these other dimensions. But because of what you have been taught to think about what reality is supposed to be, sometimes those experiences cause great fear within you and you shut them off. Those that do not shut them off you label, "insane." But they are seeing realities just as real as the one you are seeing. It is simply that they are seeing realities that are not the mass agreed-upon reality. Sometimes you will notice they experience great difficulty in seeing these other realities and great difficulties in relating to your world. The difficulty they have within their own lives is not the product of being able to see other realities – the difficulty is created by not being allowed to communicate what they see back to your reality. Sometimes an individual will be clever enough to figure out how to communicate what they are perceiving back into the reality they are 1familiar with. When they allow a smooth transition of information from one reality to another reality, you do not call them crazy anymore, you call them geniuses. Or perhaps, from a more artistic perspective, you call them by the label that is what this interaction all about, visionaries. The main difference between, what you call, an "insane person" and a “visionary" is that the visionary person has figured out how to manifest at least a portion of what they perceive. As far as we are concerned, you are all capable of being visionaries. In a sense, you already are all visionaries because you use your imagination to create the realities you already get. But because many of you have not been taught how to t best. Allow me to take this opportunity to remind each and every one of you that there is no "right way" and no "wrong way” to do this meditation. The key to understanding is that your imagination is specifically keyed to the vibrational frequency of the being you are. Therefore, any variation in what I will suggest to you that is created by your imagination will be appropriate for the being that you are.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 05:11 AM

originally posted by: kauskau
a reply to: SpaceGoatFarts

Not in your universe.
What we will one day understand: Each perspective. Each subject is a complete universe.

In his universe he maybe seeing napoleons body....while communicating and sharing with a being who thinks "he is crazy"...

I met a guy who could speak with stones and it shocked him to "go into them"...because he saw that in each stone there is whole universe with beings who are more intelligent than we are...Everyone just called him insane ...But his stories were fascinating and i believed at least that he EXPERIENCED what he was telling me about even when i did not..

I had a psychotic break and schizophrenic hallucinations so I know exactly what it's like to experience a reality different from others.

It was very convincing but it was still a construct of my mind. Not something I could touch and give to someone else.

Sorry. I know what you try to explain and I accept to a certain degree that our world is based on our representation of it and thus ultimately our consciousness


it also has a material aspect of its own that you don't own and that can affect you. Saying your body is nothing but an holographic projection is reductive and incorrect.

The reason why you don´t see what "crazy " people see is that it is not your vibration.

Seems like you assume wrong about me. Maybe you assume wrong about other things too

Also I did try to influence things with my mind when I was "crazy" for scientific purpose, to check if all these things about magic and psychokinesis worked. And you know what? It did work.

But it worked only in my own consciousness. I could make someone trip over, but if I asked him if he did, he would say no.

So what use is there for a magic that can only change the world in my mind but not for others? All I was doing was fooling myself. I was playing with delusion.

Yes it was cool and fun, but it was also asocial and sterile.

You can explore the mysterious and dark corners of consciousness, but nothing beats sharing your world with others, and thus being open to THEIR world too instead of locking yourself in your own consciousness like "crazy" people do. The only positive use of the powers of consciousness is to deal with your own issues.

To act in this world and make a change you still need to confront your reality with those of others. There is no escaping it.
edit on 21-5-2014 by SpaceGoatFarts because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: wantstoknowmore

My question is, if we directly create our bodies with our intentions(etymological root intendere, i.e directed attention), belief patterns, and otherwise, does a tree create itself? Does earth create itself? Where does this field of creation end? Do we help create/solidify other people's bodies? Or help create/solidify/maintain reality as a whole through our intention/belief pattern? Does increasing the power/intensity of our focused attention have a stronger impact on reality?

An analogy or a euphemism in form of a story : one day humans will build a supercomputer..that is able to reflect conscious and create universes in itself with conscious beings in it. And at this moment we will understand that what we really build was not a substructure but a structure that is literally mirroring US and creation itself.... We are not creating it.. it was already t here. We just tapped into it and build a representation of it..We will know that everything exists simultaneously. All times..all spaces...and at that moment we will understand what Buddhists call "emptiness".
That NOTHING creates itself alone because it is dependent on the whole structure... But still everything has the choice to create what ever it wants because the structure is infinite...
You are not creating your existence because existence is what you are. But you are creating for your form. And trees don´t need to "focus" like we do. Because they experience time different than we do..And when you let go you will see that you dont have to do anything to be what you want to be..Thats the great mysterium. You dont have to focus, or to "try" to be what you want to be. You are it. Thats what synchronicity is.

And lastly, how do we tap into the focused creation of reality?

"It is time for you to forget about a lot of things, to give them up, to let them go, to just stop. And, in the way we are
now talking about, when you do this you will find automatically in this act which we will describe that
you will achieve what your Buddhists have called the idea of the cessation of thinking. You will find
that your actions and your beingness become aligned automatically and you will not have to do anything
really to have that happen. The idea of surrender and letting go, allows miracles to happen because of
the following thing—each and everyone of you, no matter how it is said, put you own interpreted spin
on it if you wish, it doesn’t matter but you understand the essence each and everyone of you is made in
the image of the Creator and that is why letting go works. Because when you stop trying, when you give
up, when you let go, when you surrender, in a sense, to the universe, when you just quite yourself, calm
yourself and tell yourself, it is alright to just stop trying, just let it go, what you call your hopes, your
dreams, your desires, your focuses, I must do this, I must make this, I want to be rich, I want to do that, I
want to have this , I want to have that. When you just let go and forget about them, and let it be alright to
forget about them, you will realize and truly experience in the realization that you are made in the
image of the Infinite and what that means is: you are yourself the essence of limitless possibilities. You
are all possible things, all possible events, all possible experiences. That is what you are, not what you
have, not what you have happed to you, it is what you are because All that Is, is all possible things, all
possible events, all possible experiences, all possible ideas, all possible miracles. It is unlimited in that
way, it is unconditional in that way.
So when you let go of what you think you are supposed to do and when you stop attempting to
manipulate your personality and just forget about it and just be who you are then you will understand
that who you are is unlimited possibility and when you allow yourself to simply be unlimited
possibilities the universe will reflect those unlimited possibilities back to you. That is why letting goworks because when you let go you are the true essence of how you were created in the image of the
Infinite. And your reflection in physical reality, thus then, will be as unlimited, as miraculous, as
synchronistic, as immediate, as spontaneous. All you have to do is forget about trying. All you have to
do is give up, in a sense, and relax, just be and feel who you are and know who you are is unlimited
possibility. Let the universe show you, let the universe, the Infinite, the Creator love you. Let it show
you who you were created to be by stopping trying to be who you think you ought to be, just stop, just
surrender. You are not losing control, you are becoming what you are, you are claiming you heritage,
you are claiming your birth right, you are claiming your essence, your nature by surrendering. That is
what the surrender is: is a statement of total self acceptance, total self acceptance. Knowing that the
self you are accepting, the total self you are accepting is unlimited possibility."
allow the gift of the unconditional love of the Creator to be given to you and that gift is to show you, to
show you through your life in all of its manifestations the unlimited possibilities, the miracle that you
edit on 21-5-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: SpaceGoatFarts

" it also has a material aspect of its own that you don't own and that can affect you. Saying your body is nothing but an holographic projection is reductive and incorrect. "


posted on May, 21 2014 @ 05:26 AM

originally posted by: kauskau
a reply to: SpaceGoatFarts

" it also has a material aspect of its own that you don't own and that can affect you. Saying your body is nothing but an holographic projection is reductive and incorrect. "


Picture it more like this. Like the potter will give shape to clay and turn it into a vase, Consciousness gives shape to Matter and turn it into a Living body.

Is the vase nothing but a projection of the will of the potter? No, it's an embodiment of this will.

Likewise, the Body is an embodiment of Consciousness into Matter. Not a non-material projection.

Like I said good ideas in the OP (but not new at all), yet too reductive.
edit on 21-5-2014 by SpaceGoatFarts because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: SpaceGoatFarts

who said that it was a non material projection ?

form is energy. Matter is Consciousness in a dense form.

You seem to think "holographic" means : "anti physical"

Each and every one of us is completely holographic means: containing the totality of all information in the universe that you we are reflecting to anyone. But our sensory apparatus, as we have constructed it within this reality, is selective, and we will only see it reflected as "matter".

Holographic nature means: every single part is the whole expressing itself as a part of the whole and being therefore "holographic" in its possibility to reflect back infinite perspectives...

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 05:52 AM
Regarding the story about the cancer remission. A doctor should never tell you that you have a terminal illness. I read a book about this very subject on terminal illnesses how the outcome can vary by what you are told. Author bernie segal, forget the title. Once you hear that, you will get sick and die.

Our thoughts control more than we realize. The key is in mastering it.

You are what you think

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: kauskau
a reply to: SpaceGoatFarts

who said that it was a non material projection ?

form is energy. Matter is Consciousness in a dense form.

You seem to think "holographic" means : "anti physical"

Holography does mean non-physical. It's an image, a representation of a reality from a higher dimension.

I know where you want to go and what you mean but you don't use the correct term, hence why it's pseudo-science. You have to use correct terminology if you want people to understand your ideas. You can't invent your own definition and expect people to understand you.

originally posted by: kauskau
a reply to: SpaceGoatFarts
Each and every one of us is completely holographic means: containing the totality of all information in the universe that you we are reflecting to anyone. But our sensory apparatus, as we have constructed it within this reality, is selective, and we will only see it reflected as "matter".

Our consciousness is as you said. But our body is something else.

Your body started to grow as soon as your papa's sperm met your mama's egg.

At that moment there wasn't yet any consciousness in you. It wasn't necessary. Everything need was encoded in your DNA. But that wouldn't be sufficient for the rise of consciousness and self-consciousness.

That started to happen later, very slowly and gradually.

Your body "invited" Consciousness to become a guest. It is a temple where the Infinite can dwell.

That part of you contains everything. The Consciousness. Your body is limited and bound by rules. Consciousness is boundless but for a time it can take form and become able to interact with matter.

Your body is a captor, an antenna, a costume. Not the entirety of the universe.

Self-consciousness is an holographic projection of infinite consciousness (lower dimension image of a higher dimension reality).

Your body is not that. Sorry. Your consciousness can affect your body but your body isn't your consciousness.

I know what you mean but your ideas are articulated incorrectly, a better understanding of the concepts behind them would help you.

Also when you said I couldn't understand what a crazy person would see, I explained how it was not true, how I went crazy myself and managed to "shape" reality with my consciousness.

So it's not even like I refute all you say. What I'm saying though, and that was first hand experience and I don't know if you can do the same, is that it WAS all an illusion, I could fool my brain and by extension my senses, but that was all. I could not give form to matter. I could only believe I did.

You said

many paradigms who are just misconceptions (Illusions).

One is : "There is an objective world that is independent from me"

I'm sorry but personal experimentation in both mysticism and magic showed me this to be actually the opposite.

We can easily influence and change how we view the world, and we often do, but it doesn't mean it actually changes the world.

There IS an objective world independent from our finite self-consciousness.

Maybe it's not independent from the consciousness of the universe, I can accept that, but YOU are NOT the entirety of the consciousness of the universe. You are only a small projection of it. Limited.

Imagine a statue, you stand in front of it and have an image of it. The statue is the universal consciousness, what you see is your self consciousness. A part of the whole. Someone else, standing behind it, will see something else, it will have a different part of the whole.

Both of you have a part of the whole but neither of you IS the whole.

Likewise, your self-consciousness is limited, and is not responsible for the universe. An objective reality DOES exist outside your self-consciousness. It's the reality experienced by the Infinite, not by you.

I know it sounds cool to say you have the infinite in you but this is hybris. You are just a reflection of it over a surface.

It's not different from those people who say "I am God" when they found a connection to the divine inside their heart.

No they are not God. WE together with all the creation are. YOU and ME as individuals are nothing like that. Only facets of a diamond.
edit on 21-5-2014 by SpaceGoatFarts because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: Aphorism

When we change the body, we also alter our consciousness, and this can be proven and verified in countless ways. Why? Consciousness and body are one and the same. No strange hologram, simulation, or magical forces required.

I don't think you quite understand? I have explained about personal identity and such.

Take camera as an example. You take pictures or video of something, not knowing that the camera is broken, and it ended up distorted of course. Does that means you yourself are affected? The brain and let's say the body is the link between the world and YOU.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: SpaceGoatFarts

no i dont use it wrong. You are only using it on what you know as a holographic Light image...

I use it like this:

"The holographic principle is a property of string theories and a supposed property of quantum gravity that states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a boundary to the region—preferably a light-like boundary like a gravitational horizon.

In a larger sense, the theory suggests that the entire universe can be seen as a two-dimensional information structure "painted" on the cosmological horizon, such that the three dimensions we observe are an effective description only at macroscopic scales and at low energies. Cosmological holography has not been made mathematically precise, partly because the cosmological horizon has a finite area and grows with time."

To the rest what you have said: no i have totally different perspective.

The Holographic nature or autonomy of my "system" is a reference to the idea that any one point in the universe contains the probable whole universe.

We are like the Indra’s net, which is simply a net of pearls.
Each pearl being round and reflective has the ability of reflecting every other pearl in the net.
Therefore, it can be said that each pearl contains the information of the total net. That is the way the
universe is built so to speak.
That is why advanced beings can travel without "moving through all of the distant points in between".

They do not think of spacecraft or physical objects as something that exists WITHIN space and time (as we do..with our concept of "Objective reality") , but they consider space/time to be properties of the object itself. So when they change the time and space vibrational signature property of an object -> they replace it with another vibration . The object must cease to exist at its
former location and take up residence at the second one.
When you see reality as "pearls of beingness with a certain vibration"..there is no "objective place in it"....
Thats a paradigm that will vanish one day..

Its a misconception "the earth is flat"..

edit on 21-5-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 07:21 AM
as it was a quantum leap when it was found out that mass and energy are equivalent ...

it will be a quantum leap when it will be clear that location is part of the energetic structure of a matrix..

Because with this knowing: it will be clear that SPACE is not an "objective thing"...its an energetic mass phenomenon.

And the next step will be: Unification Theory.... And you will be part of it.. YOU.
AND ME. And all subjective perspectives..
edit on 21-5-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: kauskau
a reply to: SpaceGoatFarts

no i dont use it wrong. You are only using it on what you know as a holographic Light image...

I use it like this:

"The holographic principle is a property of string theories and a supposed property of quantum gravity that states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a boundary to the region—preferably a light-like boundary like a gravitational horizon.

In a larger sense, the theory suggests that the entire universe can be seen as a two-dimensional information structure "painted" on the cosmological horizon, such that the three dimensions we observe are an effective description only at macroscopic scales and at low energies. Cosmological holography has not been made mathematically precise, partly because the cosmological horizon has a finite area and grows with time."

I knew you referred to that definition. You see the parts in bold? It's why this theory doesn't not say that matter is a holographic projection. You understand the theory behind it wrong. You just read it and adapt it to your belief.

You are bending YOUR reality to your will, but it still doesn't mean the same to us

Actually this theory even goes as far as saying as everything can be seen as nothing but information.

You can't go more "non physical" than that.

The holographic principle is a property of the string theory. A mathematical tool. What makes you believe it's a definition of what is this universe made of? It's nothing like that.

Not only the string theory is just one among many, but the holographic principle is merely a mathematical method. Like you could use algebrical properties to find a derived function. Are you sure you understand these concepts or you are just copy pasting some sensationalist claims from other sources without really getting them?

Holographic properties state nothing about the nature of matter, space or consciousness.

originally posted by: kauskau
a reply to: SpaceGoatFarts
Each pearl being round and reflective has the ability of reflecting every other pearl in the net.
Therefore, it can be said that each pearl contains the information of the total net.

That's a non sequitur and another point where you are wrong.

"Being able to reflect" and "containing" are wildly different concepts.

Each reflection can only be seen from a specific position. It's not inherent to the pearl.

The pearl does not "contain" every reflection.

Like wise, your consciousness doesn't contain the whole consciousness of the universe.

It's tempting to think so, and the concepts you use are fascinating, but if you want it to be more than a thought experiment you need to be more cautious and critical, and only use terms you really understand and master.

edit on 21-5-2014 by SpaceGoatFarts because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: AuranVector

I speak of karmic debt not in a sense that it is owed to some "God" for Buddha teaches the concept of "No God". As I said it is my understanding that karma is debt we owe to ourselves, not to "God". It seems you are attaching negative associations to the word debt, it would have been better for me to use the term accumulated karma.

We are in charge of our karma therefore it is nobody's responsibility but our own. I apologize for any misunderstanding that my choice of words may have caused. Great response Auran

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