posted on May, 17 2014 @ 06:10 AM
So I am on revision 2.0 +
The program reads a text file on the computer... I did it this way as future versions I can add presets on a website and the program can periodically
or manually be updated to get new presets. You''ll see below that I wrote a test of 3 presets,
Facebook, Twitter, and Abovetopsecret
The program also now can grab an image off the internet.... as long as its an image file, and manipulate the image that way, then you save it to the
local system.
Another aspect is the 'browse the web'. There's a second form, with a webbrowser inbuilt. It allows for browsing image websites, and as soon as
the program detects an image file extensions, it will allow to import to the program directly like the previous example.
Future Versions:
* To scan a web bage, then provide a miniture listview of ALL images. Selecting the image will allow it to be imported into the MAIN form. Handy for
those wallpaper websites.
* To have a combobox like the one you see, that can be updated for new picture websites. So the user does not have to travel far to search for
relevant funky images.
* Perhaps start my own wallpaper website - and have the program start off my website.
* Convert this program to ASP or PHP so it can all be done online
Still a little bug in it, sorting it out now