posted on May, 27 2003 @ 08:32 AM
Let's look at this realistically (Oh no! Byrd is getting logical again!!!)
We have 1237 active members, and we represent at least 10 different countries (casual count. Could be more.) I'd bet that we have active members in
at least 25 different states -- so you've got around... 10-20 people in each region.
Furthermore, many here do NOT live in the US and have about as much impact on US politics as a spitball has on an aircraft carrier.
There are 6,000,000,000 people on the planet, with different varieties and flavors of government.
We represent the entire spectrum of religious thinking, from extrememly conservative Christian through other religions and on into very liberal
atheism. Politically, we go from liberal feminists to right-wing extreme conservatives.
Which country are you trying to improve? What "corruption" are you trying to improve? How much do you know about your country's legal system,
political system, economic system (are you a supply side economist or a free trade economist -- and why?) How much do you know about who supplies
which services to you and your town? Are you trying to improve local or national government? Do you have an issue beyond "The government is gonna
How do you define corruption?
Which level do you intend to start cleanups at?
When you are confronted with a problem that needs a solution, the FIRST thing you do is study the problem first-hand. Find out where you think the
corruption is. Then go find out about that office -- find out what it does, talk to some former officeholders about how they got the job.
Don't rely on Internet websites; get your hands dirty and find out what's true. Find out who really holds the power and who are the movers and
Like the others, I work at the local level. I vote, I read issues, I talk to others, I even put up yard signs and do other things like that. I have
no interest in running for office or for political convention representative, but I could do that if I was so inclined. I do some community service
work. I attend the occasional rally or demonstration.
While people are out there shrieking about this issue or that issue, many of us old-timers are simply working on solving local issues; improving
things that improve the future. And we're doing it single-handedly.
Why are you sitting there looking for buddies to stand with you? What's stopping YOU from taking action right now?
[Edited on 27-5-2003 by Byrd]