posted on May, 27 2003 @ 05:33 PM
I dont know of any specific underground facilities in Tennessee, although I would not be surprised at all, considering that Oak Ridge TN is where the
first nuclear weapons production plant in the world is located.
It is my understanding that a there is likely at least one "Phase III" underground complex associated with most all major cities across the country.
I guess it would depend on where in TN you were talking about (Memphis?)
In terms of geology, the majority of TN is either igneous or metamorphic, which would certainly make underground construction feasible, assuming an
appropriate budget and site location.
If you are referring to far east TN (Memphis), again, the geology makes underground construction possible, however, due to the seismic setting,
adjacent to the New Madrid Seismic Zone, I dont know that it would be a wise decision... but then, many decisions are made without a great deal of