posted on May, 13 2014 @ 04:10 AM
I believe this is all in the name of "bad press". If a corporation has a leak about some kind of information, they can cry "old news",
"irrelevant information" or any other ambiguous terms to control the flow of popular opinion. If we're dumb enough to publicly embarrass or
incriminate ourselves, we deserve the scrutiny, especially in this information age we live in.
Regardless if we created a whole web page dedicated to a cult, that we've now since moved on from, we should be able to articulate our new view. By
our fruits we are judged, correct? Is it not eye opening to see the state of human society, as all the violent, pathetic, and incoherent messages from
social media come spurring out of our collective mouths?
At this point, any redaction of information, would only hurt those of us looking for those glints and shimmers of truth, hidden amongst the garbage
heap we call communication (more like regurgitation).