I decided a few years ago to try and become a little more self sufficient. I have always liked my plants and herbs so I decided to make a permaculture
garden. I do not have a lot of land and I am situated in a very inhospitable place for growing plants. The worst problem here is the wind and salt
I decided to use rocks where I could as they are free to get and readily available and laid myself out a rough pattern.
Because my home is on the moors we do not have soil. I had to make my own soil mainly out of crushed shell sand from the beach, sheep poop and peat
dust. This took a long time to do but was well worth it for the vegetables.
Washing seaweed to make soil.. Its also very good as a soil mulch.
My first years beds I made produced a bumper crop of Kale and Purple Sprouting Broccoli... It is one thing growing food and another eating it. Lots of
the food comes up at the same time and there is too much to eat. The first year a lot got wasted. I have since learned different methods of
preservation like making pickle, fermenting cabbage or wine
The garden is slowly coming to life and after a lot of effort it is beginning to pay off well with both food and entertainment.
This year I built some covered raised beds and cold frames too. These beds get really warm and they produce a lot of vegetables.
My food production has increased exponentially over the last three years. I now grow garlic, onions, kale, garlic, chives, caraway, dill, coriander,
parsley, broccoli, peas, strawberries, recurrent, gooseberry cabbages, spuds and others.
I plant things like marigold to help keep the pests away and I am constantly learning about new plants and herbs. The plant below is know as Rhodiola
rosea it grows wild on the cliffs here and has a stunning geometry. The plant is adaptogenic like ginseng. It has different effects on different
people and is a very powerful herb.
The herb Rhodiola rosea has been used traditionally in Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, and other European countries as a “tonic herb,” said
to fight fatigue, aid convalescence from illness, prevent infections, and enhance sexual function. In the twentieth century, Soviet physicians
classified rhodiola as an adaptogen . This invented term refers to a hypothetical treatment described as follows: An adaptogen helps the body adapt to
stresses of various kinds, whether heat, cold, exertion, trauma, sleep deprivation, toxic exposure, radiation, infection, or psychological stress.
Furthermore, an adaptogen supposedly causes no side effects, treats a wide variety of illnesses, and helps return an organism toward balance no matter
what may have gone wrong.
The work continues at a methodical pace. I am hoping next year to put a green house in..
Of importance is the garden is a place to meet and play where things grow and life has time to explore itself. I do not really consider myself a
gardener. I am still learning.
edit on 11-5-2014 by purplemer because: (no reason given)