posted on May, 11 2014 @ 07:29 AM
Tomorrow Never Comes (poem)
Tomorrow, I will do many things.
I have it all planned in my head,
My list to do before I'm dead.
I think about it every single day,
And I will do them, come what may.
Someday, I will write a book.
Called Why Humans Procrastinate.
Why we all just sit and wait,
For somedays and tomorrows,
And our dreams we do not follow.
Eventually, I want to see the world.
I can't afford to do it now,
But I'll get it done somehow.
Maybe when I hit retirement age,
Or when I make more than minimum wage.
Today, though, I have to go to work.
But I'm sure tomorrow there'll be time,
To live all these dreams of mine.
Tomorrow, someday, eventually,
I'll do what I want, and live life for me.