posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:39 PM
I read the work of Gavin Menzies and I am not impressed. First the guy can neither read or speak Chinese that should be a warning flag right there.
His work is filled with subjective claims and no hard evidence.He also loves to ignore the hard evidence we have that goes aginst his claims.The seven
voyages of the Ming Dynasty treasure fleets, 1402 - 1433 AD, are well documented in the historical literature.They kept a log and records even back
then in great detail However, in that record, there seems to be no mention of places that Menizes claims they traveled.
He makes these amazing leaps in his theories with no evidence to back them up. Scholars from the China,US and Europe have debunked his work and made
him look like a novice.
China did alot of amazing things in its history but Menzies's claims are not part of them.
[edit on 30-11-2004 by ShadowXIX]