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posted on May, 9 2014 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: introspectionist

The vision of my elderliness without anyone that cares about me scares me.

Why, because you might get cold feet about your choice in life when you get old and then it's too late to change your mind?

Tsk tsk, whatever happened to the days when people had the courage of their convictions?

You think you'd like to be a gnostic initiate...but you're not sure if you should just shag a load of women instead?

I think the phrase rhymes with clucking bell...

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 11:02 PM
Nothing wrong with sex its normal and good for the health .. marriage on the other hand is a bloody nightmare got 13 ex wives scattered around the world .. point is
Sex = good .. marriage = bad ..

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: introspectionist
Introspectionist - I am a practicing Gnostic in the Samael Aun Weor tradition. The purpose of "transmuting sexual energy" is essentially twofold: 1.) build the permanent solar bodies and 2.) create the energy necessary to destroy one's egos which liberates the trapped divine essence. When you fornicate you lose all of the sexual energy necessary to evolve in the human form. This has been known for thousands of years but only taught via Master to disciple under strict secrecy. Samael Aun Weor was the first to openly publish this secret of Alchemy.

If you do not have a partner you can do a pranayama exercise combined with celibacy that will transmute the sexual energy. However, this will only take you through the minor mysteries. To embark on the 5 major mysteries of fire one must have a partner and practice sexual maithuna (sexual alchemy). This in essence is the sexual act between a man and a woman but without the orgasm. The universe is composed of 3 types of energy: Positive, Negative and Neutral. This can also be stated as Giving, Receiving and Reconciling. It is also seen in the divine trinity of most religions: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva or Osirus, Isis, Horus or Father, Holy Spirit (Mary), Son. With sexual alchemy it is man, woman and the reconciliation of the sexual act.

All serious initiates on the Path will eventually face a choice: 1.) Take the direct path (Razor's Edge) which involves Death, Birth and Sacrifice or 2.) Continue to feed the egos that we build lifetime to lifetime and stay on the Bhavachakra (Wheel of Samsara). Most will choose #2. Very few are willing to do the hard work necessary to kill the accumulated egos, free the trapped divine essence, build the solar bodies (permanent astral, permanent mental, etc.) and reunite with the spiritual hierarchy as an ascended Master.

I studied magic and alchemy for over 35 years and commanded no elementals, performed no miracles and basically had no understanding of what I studied. Then I was given the oral keys to this spiritual science. I now have the opportunity to awaken my consciousness on all planes of existence.

Listen to some of the lectures on the website that you cited. This is some of the most mind blowing esoteric elucidation that I have ever encountered. There are over 300 lectures at this point and they continue to add to their library. Master Samael Aun Weor wrote over 50 books (he gave the copyrights to all of humanity for free).

I have been with this group for over 2 years now. I attend their lectures in person and know the people who deliver these lectures. One of them was a disciple of Master Aun Weor. If you have questions, I can try to answer them.
edit on 9-5-2014 by Klipothian because: Typo and further explanation of sexual alchemy

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:30 AM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: sarra1833
and not once was it mind blowing or amazing or wonderful. I just did it because 'it's what people do'. I hate that aspect of me

Psychological barrier issue. You should get it looked into. There is a reason your brain is refusing to interpret the sensations coming from your nerve endings in proper context.
a healthy libido is a good thing for a person to have overall. keeps ya young at heart and interested in the world. Imagine if everyone felt like you did...the civilization would be doomed.

Not saying you must want to breed...but its just like..if you heard someone say all food tastes like cardboard to them and they don't understand why people enjoy would feel compelled to try and find out the root of this it a psychological thing, or some physical issue going on...either way, they seem to be missing out on something that cannot be truly described can taste to begin with.

Good lord do I agree with all you said. I have a 19 yo son I"m blessed with
And yeah, it's definitely physical as I was never molested or anything like that in my entire life. I'm just 100% numb, sex is like.... how to put it.... rubbing my arm or leg. Feel the friction inside but that's it, haha. Been that way since I lost my v card in 02. Of course 86% of women do not feel anything inside, they are outside stimulated if I can put it that way. I'm all kinds of healthy on the outside (believe me you, since 02, I am my best lover
) but with the inner feelings, I get zero. Zilch. Hate it. Makes it boring and dull. Every partner I've slept with from 92 to 02 (and sadly there were a lot; when I broke up with my longest relationship of 4.5 years, I did a 'So many gals say how amazing this is, I must be broken, the right person will fix me' mode of being and slept with about 10 different guys ranging from 20 to 37. I was in my 20's at the time. Didn't feel squat with any of em. Got into a few serious long term ships later on, felt squat. Had a fiance I was madly in love with, gave me the butterflies, he was drop dead gorgeous, amazing, tender, caring, brilliant, selfless..... felt squat in the bedroom. I got tired of a lot of things come 02 (he wasn't it, we were long broken up by that point) and figured I wasn't going to keep sleeping with people or getting into ships when they expect sex and I just am a right dud. All it ever did was make me dislike myself more and more, and so on. I must have had about 15 to 20 partners from 19 to 30. Ashamed of that, yes. That is a disgusting amount of guys to sleep with. Ashamed that I let my feelings of being 'broken' and making that put me on a mission like THAT dictate my life. I was very very very lucky I have never once in my life got any std or anything horrific from that time of 'fixing myself'. Which I was never fixed from. I'm not broken. Asexuals do exist, we are just a wee percent of the population. I'm not a full ace. I am a gray-demi I suppose.

Here is a good page to explain a little better.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:51 AM

originally posted by: sarra1833
I'm all kinds of healthy on the outside (believe me you, since 02, I am my best lover
Asexuals do exist, we are just a wee percent of the population. I'm not a full ace. I am a gray-demi I suppose.

Your not broken, nor abnormal...nor asexual (else the first bit wouldn't be true) your fine, and yes, most women..erm...I don't feel like discussing this too much in open, but ultimately, your fine, and what needs to happen is a bit of training. easy stuff really, but since you said the first bit there, your not hopeless. lol.
...association is required here...but yeah, erm...hmm...check out some local..sensation..communities.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to: Klipothian

What luck that you would read this.

Why does wikipedia say Gnostic initiates practiced total abstinence from sex?

I'm still suspicious of all this and somewhat sad that it might be true, because for example a lot of people in the world will probably never get a sexual partner.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 06:13 AM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: sarra1833
I'm all kinds of healthy on the outside (believe me you, since 02, I am my best lover
Asexuals do exist, we are just a wee percent of the population. I'm not a full ace. I am a gray-demi I suppose.

Your not broken, nor abnormal...nor asexual (else the first bit wouldn't be true) your fine, and yes, most women..erm...I don't feel like discussing this too much in open, but ultimately, your fine, and what needs to happen is a bit of training. easy stuff really, but since you said the first bit there, your not hopeless. lol.
...association is required here...but yeah, erm...hmm...check out some local..sensation..communities.

I would have to agree here most likely an association issue. It is the same reason that seemingly healthy young men in growing numbers are having erectile issues with their female partners. Caused by exposure to vast amounts of an increasing variety of streaming porn and self stimulation. Basically what your brain is expecting and your body is feeling are a bit different than reality.

I had a similar problem after my husband and I split for an extended period of time. Despite having had years of toe curling sex before we split. The answer for us was that we didn't have penetrative sex for two months. He watched what I was doing for myself and then did that until I associated the sensation with him again. But there are also a wide variety factors that go into female stimulation from emotional factors to simply changing position (even a small adjustment can make all the difference).

As to the OP first stop telling people you have Asperger's, you do not have an actual diagnosis just your own subjective belief.

Personally no I do not feel marriage is a necessity, at this point in my life I see it primarily as giving someone else legal permission to screw you over. At least as far as the legal and religious aspects of it go. I also don't view sex as a shameful or spiritually diminishing act either, in fact I find it to be quite spiritually uplifting. The advice I give the young people in my life is that Sex is good, but that it is far better when contained to long term emotionally satisfying relationships.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: introspectionist

Introspectionist - First you must remember that the spiritual science of Alchemy / sexual transmutation was passed down from Master to initiate in secret. In many of these temples if the secret was divulged then the initiate was killed. The Mayans for instance would remove the initiate's heart for such a transgression. Secondly, the majority of Wikipedia authors are academics who approach spiritual subjects from a skeptical academic viewpoint.

If you look under Gnosticism in Wikipedia they have a chapter on aestheticism but quote fragments of second hand works. If you look at the entry for Samael Aun Weor they mention the publication of his first book The Perfect Matrimony and mention that he taught sexual transmutation or white tantra. However, the article defines neither of these. If you want to understand the modern gnostic teachings that Samael Aun Weor taught you must read his books, listen to the lectures at the or join a gnostic group near you. I must warn you though that like all groups created throughout time the benefit that you will derive from any one teacher depends on the level of development of that teacher and what egos he or she still has in play. This is why as gnostics we are taught to listen to our inner divine being through meditation and to not blindly follow any teacher. Gnosis literally means knowledge through experience. Everything that is taught in gnosis can be directly experienced by the disciple if he or she saves enough energy and uses willpower and imagination.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: introspectionist

I just reread your last post and see I missed your last point about being sad that sexual alchemy is required on the direct path because "a lot of people in the world will probably never get a sexual partner".

If someone who is actively striving on this Path does not get a tantric partner in this lifetime then that is his or her karma. They will get another opportunity to do this Work if their karma merits it. There are people on this Path that are married but their spouse does not want to transmute but insists on fornication (in gnosticism fornication is any spilling of the seed / orgasm during the sexual act including masturbation). For those people they can still practice sexual alchemy but it is very difficult to overcome lustful egos when your partner is actively working against you. Also, you don't get the extra boost of energy from your partner.

This is not an easy path. If it were then all who entered would become gods. The Work is accomplished over many lifetimes through our own willpower. Blavatsky in her Secret Doctrine (written in 1888) gives hints in many places about sexual alchemy (see the sections on the Sons of Will and Yoga or her discussions on the phallic practices of the ancients) but the Masters that guided her (Koot Houmy and Master Moria) did not allow her to divulge this secret at that time. With the advent of the Age of Aquarius, Master Samael Aun Weor was allowed to give this secret out to all who seek without requiring an oath of silence. What is remarkable is that very few really want to know this secret. Most "spiritual / religious" people will profess that they are seeking to evolve spiritually or to reach Nirvana but the vast majority want to do no work in order to gain this. They are looking for a pill, a wafer, a ceremony, absolution from a priest, a belief, a baptism, a group to belong to, etc. They do not want to kill their egos, give up the orgasm or sacrifice for humanity.

We are in the Kali Yuga as the Tibetan Buddhists tell us. Kali means black and Yuga is age. There are 4 ages to every root race (Golden, Silver, Bronze and Black). The Black Age is the most materialistic and the most difficult to walk the Path in because almost everything is against the initiate. Everyone's egos are on full display in our world today. We worship the celebrity, the successful businessman, the politician, etc. all those who have fed their egos and used black magic to become successful. Even our doctors tell us that in order to be psychologically healthy we must have sex (spill the seed / orgasm). To be a gnostic in this day and age is to go against the predominate paradigm and culture.

And before I get all of the howls of protest about my use of "black magic" I will define for you what this term truly means. Black magic is any use of an individual's or Nature's powers for the benefit of our own egos rather than in harmony with the Spirit that inhabits all things in the universe. Though I strive to walk the Path I still have many egos. These egos are my own personal "black magicians" that I have to fight. Yes, there are some people who have awakened negatively and practice what most people think of as "black magic" and these people can be very dangerous not just with command of elementals, etc. but through manipulation of people (media, psyops, falsifying data, etc.), wars, economic oppression (monopolies, debt slavery, etc.), drugs, genetic manipulation, etc. However, the vast majority of black magic is done unconsciously by ordinary people who think they are on the right path. When I manipulate someone into a deal that is good for my ego of greed but is not beneficial to the other party then I commit black magic. The karma that is associated with any act of black magic is in proportion to the crime and is also dependent on whether we were "aware" that we were doing the harmful act. Once you start walking the Path and understand the true nature of things and what your inner being requires then to betray your inner being has greater consequences than when we were ignorant.

posted on May, 12 2014 @ 03:54 PM
To answer your questions,

Do you fornicate?

Of course.

Do you believe it is spiritually unhealthy?

No, in fact I think it is spiritually and physically necessary. It's programmed into our behavioral DNA.

Do you believe marriage only is a piece of paper or is there more to it?

Of course there is more to it. It's a commitment to honor and love one person above all others, to have their back, and grow old with them. Paper or not, a marriage is much more than just confirmation of it.

As for Jesus, haven't you heard? For starters, it is said he was a Rabbi, which means he would have had to be married at the time. In addition, a recently unearthed papyrus bolsters that idea.

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 02:31 AM
Umm, well more people having kids without morals = the more need for increased security due to them being 'troubled children' which then leads to more martial law / police state

Simply until control is had.

My thoughts on it though.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: introspectionist

Well, tough subject you posted! I have read that book, and know what you mean.

I do believe sex is something best within the confines of marriage. One, that is what my beliefs teach, but that isn't the only reason I think that way. I am not a perfect person, and there was a time in my life when I didn't stick to that rule. I can tell you this, though; there is a difference, a spiritual difference, between sex within marriage, and sex outside of marriage. I can't explain it clearly, but there is a bonding in marriage you don't get otherwise, even if you care about the other person. That, I know form personal experience.

What should you do, though? Get out and be social as much as you can, and if the right person comes along, great. If not, don't worry about it. Marriage isn't necessarily for everyone. What you you think about the topic yourself? Or think you think?

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: introspectionist
What you you think about the topic yourself? Or think you think?

I really don't know.
edit on 50531Thu, 22 May 2014 11:50:07 -0500201407pAmerica/Chicago2014-05-22T11:50:07-05:0031 by introspectionist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Apparently Samael Aun Weor doesn't mean what we usually think of as marriage when he says marriage:

"Remember, true marriage has nothing to do with the social or religious formulas of this barbaric humanity. The authentic marriage is performed when a couple unites in spirit, soul, and sex; the true marriage must be pure like a lotus flower."
Samael Aun Weor, The Major Mysteries

So that's interesting.

posted on May, 25 2014 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: introspectionist

Well, I am not familiar with that person at all, but that is interesting. Indeed, marriage does have a spiritual element, which is important. Truth is indeed universal!

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