a reply to:
Oh for the love of God.
No wonder this country is going all to hell. I think it is fitting that this survey be taken here, and the results are understandable. After all,
Britain was home of the swinging sixties, the Beatles, and so many dodgy innuendo ridden movies which prodded at the edges of decency, that it is
hardly a surprise to hear that my fellow Britons would gladly jump into bed and bump uglies in binary. It is yet another expression of the open
mindedness of some members of our society.
However, as totally unsurprising as it might be, it IS disappointing. I remember when everyone started talking about Rampant Rabbits (those who know
what I am talking about... fine. Those who do not, either you do not want to know, or you are too young to think about this stuff and should go to
another thread), and thinking to myself "Well thats is then. The species is doomed!".
The reason I felt like that, even when the issue was not one of people getting jiggy with a humanoid robot, is that human life on planet Earth,
relies on our ability to retain enough of our animal instinct, enough of our biological response to stimuli, to ensure that people will still make
love, that people will still have children, and bring them up with some sort of healthy frame work to ensure the optimum condition of those children
physically, spiritually and mentally. To do these things in a fashion which will be effective, it is paramount that raw, deep, terrifying, powerful,
angry, blissful LOVE be present, between mother and father, and love of a different, yet equally powerful kind spread amongst the offspring.
They are quite literally the future of our species, and to do anything less sets them up to fail, and their failure is the ruin of mankind. The
invention of sexual aids is not a new one. Hell, the Victorians had some deeply convoluted, and in some cases horrific looking machines for relieving
the tension of both male and female alike. However, if men can be replaced in the eyes of a woman, by six inches of latex covered, low grade robotics,
then that means that there is now an alternative to living the natural way (which, I am sorry to say, involves a fair bit of disturbingly biological
activity, some sound effects which would make a zombie movie director vomit, and, if it is being done right, a fair amount of vocalisation).
Given the state of psychological health at the moment therefore, it is easy to see why both men and women might choose a robotic partner over one of
flesh and blood. All the benefits of a "dresser drawer companion" for either male, or female users, as well as the pillow talk afterward? HANDS?? A
full immersion simulation machine!? Are you kidding? I know people who have been so messed up by the opposite sex that they may well ONLY be able to
appreciate this sort of thing, rather than the real thing, if the hypothetical ever becomes reality.
The really disappointing thing about that however, is that for every person who begins to enjoy the film Bicentennial Man for all the wrong reasons,
there will be one flesh and blood person who never gets to meet their soul mate, one person whose life will NOT, no matter what replacement is
offered, be complete. There will be people who will feel alone their whole lives, as if they have been abandoned by their own species.
Personally speaking, I am on hiatus from relationships at the moment, but an android lover as a concept does not interest me in the least. If all
that was required to make a man happy, was a gap to fill and an hour to kill, Polyfilla would sell much faster than it does, and all the DIY would be
done, everywhere. I need to be needed, loved, cherished, missed, held, to have a heartbeat begin to synch with my own, to feel an eyelash move against
my face, and having been exclusively attached to women who only pretended to give a damn long enough to tear my heart in two, I ALREADY know what it
is like to be around someone who can only ever imitate love, rather than feel it themselves.
Frankly, the possibility that non-biological sexual partnerships will become normal does not fill me with disgust. It just makes me sad, and erodes
my hope for the future, my own, and that of the species.