posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 02:49 PM
Would you like to visit the airfield at Camp Mackall? I went there earlier today for the first time actually. Here is how to get there with no
problem from anyone, and without breaking any kind of security protocols. It's basically open to anyone, and its teeming with civilians anyway.
From US 1, the entrance across from the sand pit is "Closed to Thru Traffic". Don't go in there.
Go north on US 1 until you get to Addor Road. Follow Addor Road until it comes to a T intersection at Ashemont road. Follow Ashemont road to the
main entrance of Camp Mackall. You will see a sign that says "Thru Traffic Prohibited". You are not "Thru Traffic", this is your destination.
The road comes to a Y shaped entrance with a helicopter on display. Swing to the right and follow the signs to "Mackall Airfield". You may come up
on some soldiers doing PT exercises and running, just wait until they get out of your way. Just follow the road until you cross a little bridge over
a swampy lake, and take your first left. Follow this till you get to the main part of the airfield where it says "unauthorized entry prohibited".
Make your unauthorized entry (i'm serious, nobody will say anything to you).
From here, go to the fire station and talk to the people there, or go to the base of the control tower and answer the phone (they will call you when
they see you on the camera). Tell them you're a civilian just visiting, and would like to come up and see the tower. They will be more than happy
to let you up in to hang out with them.
They will also direct you to a fellow named "Lowell" that will give you about a two hour rundown about everything you could ever want to know about
Camp Mackall. Check the place out, it's worth it!